Nine Heavens

Chapter 1779 No Empty No Time

Chapter 1779 No Empty No Time

Linhe Holy Palace, a feast for the Immortal Palace.

During the banquet, after the guests and hosts drank a few cups of fairy wine, before Liu Qianlang and others asked questions in their hearts, the Holy Mother of Linhe took the lead and said:

"Now that you have successfully prevented the final demise of the Nine Spirits universe, and you have not died under the ancient spirit universe map, you should also let you know the story of the ancient spirit space-time universe described by this ancient spirit universe map.

The ancient spirit universe was huge and boundless at the beginning, without time and space. After the appearance of the ancient spirit, it was the spirit of the ancient spirit that bestowed the theory of time and space. "

The Holy Mother of Linhe, sitting ten thousand miles high in the holy palace, looked down at Liu Qianlang, Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang, Song Zhen and Cheng Shifeng on the high seats of the Lingtai on both sides of His Highness, and said in a tone of relief.

"The time and space of the ancient spirit?"

When Liu Qianlang and others heard this, they were all amazed.

The Holy Mother of Linhe nodded slightly, and then said: "In the inexplicably distant ancient times, there were many universes in the boundless, timeless and timeless universe. Classification marks are generally classified into two categories.

One is the classification of spiritual sensory perception. We call the world of the bright spirit that we can see, the world of the dark spirit that we cannot see, and the world of chaos between them.

However, because the spiritual vision ability and latitude of the spiritual human race and other types are different, such as the Lyra earth beast, the depth and brightness of the Jiuling universe seen by the two are different.

Therefore, the division standard of the light and dark universe for the human soul and the human soul, and the classification standards for other spiritual beings each have their own spiritual life types. Even if it is a human spirit, the stages of spiritual life in different realms are different.

Take you as an example, when you were in the five human worlds, your field of vision was only as small as the mortal realm of the human world. Everything else that cannot be seen by the eyes can be regarded as the existence of the dark spirit universe.

But in fact, at that time, most of the dark spirits that were invisible to you were actually extremely clear to high-level human spirits.

It's just that you couldn't see it because of your limited abilities at the time.

When you arrive at the Earth Immortal Realm, you step into the fairy road, the soul gate and heart gate are impacted by the aura of heaven and earth, and your brain, soul, heart and wisdom are opened again. Both your vision and your ability to feel the heaven and earth have been greatly improved.

So at this time, many times and spaces that you could not see or see clearly before your development appeared, and you suddenly felt that the living space became larger. In the same way, the Dark Spirit Dimension appears deeper, and it will also surprise you.

In addition to the strong improvement of sensory abilities, the scale of your movement in time and space is also getting larger and faster.

In the five worlds, you think it is inconceivable for a daughter to ride the waves and ride the wind, flow flowers and grass, and travel thousands of miles a day.

In the five worlds, the one-dimensional length is often measured by rulers, but in the world of immortals, it is not suitable for sports and some occasions.

Now that you have entered the world of true spirits and spirits, you have completely escaped from the limited abilities of the mortal world, and your vision has reached an unprecedented ability. Your vision can travel through thousands of mountains and rivers, and the sky, clouds, mist and stars have long been casual things. .

It's time travel again, even if you don't use the time-traveling shuttle, the star sword and other gods, you can fly tens of thousands of miles in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, you will find that the space-time of the bright spirit and the space-time of the dark spirit in your eyes has expanded and changed again, especially the expansion of the space-time of the bright spirit to the extent that you cannot believe it. Relatively speaking, the expansion of the space-time of the dark spirit is limited.

Then you will ascend to the world of clouds and immortals, the world of immortals and gods. At that time, according to legend, at the end, the dark spirit space-time has disappeared, and only the bright spirit space-time remains.

Specifically, I don’t know the Holy Mother, but I do know one thing. No matter how powerful you are in the future, if you are always limited to the limitations of human spirits and gods, you will not be able to understand the entire ancient spirit universe. There must be blind spots in time and space.

However, if you can break through yourselves, possessing both the human spirit vision and any other spiritual vision, or create an original cosmic eye that can sense the entire ancient spirit universe, you will be able to enlighten the entire ancient spirit universe. Naturally, at that time Your magical powers have reached the level of manipulating the time and space of the universe.

The above is based on the visual perception of human spirits and other spiritual beings to divide the ancient spirit universe into light and dark universes.

There is also a method of dividing the time and space of the ancient spirit universe, which is generally divided into the spiritual universe and the non-spiritual universe.

As the name suggests, the spiritual universe refers to the space-time of the universe where human beings and other spiritual beings are born.

The spiritual universe is further divided into the human soul universe and other spiritual universes. Then the human spirit universe is divided into various galaxies and human races, and other spiritual beings are also divided into more galaxies. There is no need to elaborate on these, you will experience them gradually.

The non-spiritual universe is more mysterious and complicated, such as the Vulcan Universe, the Vast Diamond Universe, the Azure Ocean Universe, the Vast Space-Time Water Flow Ice Universe, the Final Star Dou Vortex Wind Universe, and so on.

Most of them are single-element energy stars or stars of state matter. Although they cannot breed life, they are more splendid and infinite. Provide beauty and divine power for the spiritual universe, time and space.

At that time, the countless universes and time-spaces were infinitely quiet and harmonious. Flying at the extremely high altitudes of countless universes, time-spaces, looking down from a distance, or looking up to any direction, there is an infinitely beautiful state everywhere.

The time and space of the universe I am talking about are all in the state of ancient times. Because they are far away from the present, they are called the ancient spirit universe.

However, the ancient spirit universe no longer exists, and everything stems from the growth of the ancient spirit human race in one of the human spirit universes in the time and space of the spiritual universe, which has changed! "

When the Holy Mother of Linhe said this, she paused for a while, staring at the glass of deep blue spiritual wine in her hand, her eyes also looked infinitely deep, and then she became confused and fell into a short memory.

Liu Qianlang and the others were silent and exchanged their thoughts with each other. Taking advantage of the time when Our Lady of Linhe was recalling, they all sighed very much, and at the same time felt that the road ahead seemed more mysterious and uncertain.

It stands to reason that the more you know, the less you don't know, but in fact, it's just the opposite. Looking at the mysterious Our Lady of Linhe and listening to her mysterious words, the five people's thoughts seem to be trapped in a fog, and the more they want to see clearly what lies ahead. The road is getting more and more confused.

"The time and space of the ancient spirit universe, is it the time and space that the predecessors lived in, or is it the ancient time and space where the spiritual life of the Jiufang universe is located?"

After a long time, Liu Qianlang asked softly when he saw the bewildered eyes of Our Lady of Linhe became clear again.

"Yes, at that time, our spiritual universe was the first and only human-soul universe, and all people gathered the most harmonious beauty in the universe. From the beginning to the growth, everyone was at ease. Live happily.

There is no high or low, no differences in ideas, no conquests against each other, and the human spirits and universes that are born one after another get along with each other, even with those non-human spirits. status.

Without the growth of great kindness and virtue, it is self-destruction! Because human spirits are the first to be born in our spiritual universe, they are also the most beautiful and heroic, and their divine power is also the most powerful, so all factors of destruction also start to breed from our human spirit universe and time and space! "

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