Nine Heavens

Chapter 1783 Colorful Heavenly Book

Chapter 1783 Colorful Heavenly Book

"Does the vault of heaven exist naturally, or was it created by those two mysterious people?"

During the dinner, Cheng Yuanfang, who had been thinking silently, asked Liu Yun and Yaya.

"Back to Uncle Yuanfang, it was created by those two mysterious people, because whenever they leave, the firmament cave will disappear, but when they appear, the firmament cave will also disappear.

Therefore, Yaya and I speculated that the vault of the sky must have been created by those two mysterious people. "

Liu Yun replied confidently.

"Where did they come from, and finally did you find out where they came from?"

Cheng Yuanfang continued to ask.

"It's a pity that until they left in the end, we didn't find out where they came from and where they went. When they helped the fifth evolution of the five human beings and all spirits to escape the chaos and the upheaval of the three universes, they disappeared. , and never appeared again.

However, before they disappeared, they left a spiritual cave in the sky for Yaya and me, guiding us to find the five living beings and spirits who have evolved five times. "

Liu Yun looked intently, recalling the past, and said in a long tone.

"To be more specific, how did you and Yaya find five living beings and spirits?"

Cheng Shifeng was very interested and reminded Liu Yun.

"Next, let me talk."

Yaya saw her husband's face was a bit embarrassed, and she didn't want to continue, so she said.

Liu Yun glanced sideways at Yaya gratefully, then nodded slightly.

Liu Qianlang and the other five didn't know why, but they didn't care too much, they just nodded first.

Yaya went on to say:

"Back then, in order to track down the whereabouts of the five mortal beings and all spirits, Brother Yun and I hurriedly informed Die Yuan's five eight human beings and Le Shanzun that we had left, and then Brother Yun and I resolutely manipulated time. Zhizhou shot to the sky cave.

After we entered the sky cave, we felt a flash before our eyes, and we appeared in an inexplicably vast and empty virtual realm, where the other six sky caves were floating in it.

The seven vaults of the sky are all transparent, as if there is nothing there, like seven hundred thousand huge thin cloud buckets, which seem to be very slow and weird, constantly exchanging long and short azimuth angles.

The six spiritual caves in the sky are changing strangely in sight, but all the five human beings and spirits inside are drifting and living freely, and seem to be more comfortable than the five human time and space.

Everyone and all other spiritual beings are in an extremely relaxed state, and there are sun, moon and stars in the space of the vault of heaven.

Whenever the bright moon is in the sky, they will all face the sky and the bright moon in unison, practicing cross-legged. Countless cross-legged figures, colorful flowers flow around their bodies, like a sky full of stars, not static, but drifting freely, which is amazing!

They are like this, we stand on the boat of time in the cave of the sky, and we also feel that our spiritual power is also growing uncontrollably.

With the strengthening of our spiritual power, we gradually discovered that the sky and moon in the sky cave where we are located is actually a source of supreme abundance and spiritual energy.

Practicing on it, our strength can instantly break through our own limit, allowing our strength to enter a brand-new realm that we can't even imagine.

Brother Yun and I were overjoyed, so we also started to cultivate towards the moon crazily. This practice is probably thousands to billions of years. Then one day, because of Brother Yun and I's crazy absorption, our firmament cave suddenly collapsed!

Then we also heard the sound of the other six vaults of the sky collapsing.

At that time, all of us in the seven vaults of the sky were instantly scattered in the boundless time and space, and we didn't know where we were going. We just floated like that for tens of billions of years.

Suddenly one day, countless demon fish with human heads and fish bodies came from all directions around us. Most of them looked like children under ten years old, laughing and laughing all over the sky.

At that time, Brother Yun thought they were all bad guys, and out of the protection of the five mortal beings, he instantly unleashed a move of the Twelve Shocking Heavenly Secrets, the most powerful Xuanling sect in the world.

Because of thousands of years of cultivation, and absorbing the aura of Shenyue from the Infinite Vault of Heaven, even though it was just a single move, it was extremely powerful, killing hundreds of millions of miraculous fishes in an instant.


Speaking of this, Yaya's face turned pale for a while, her eyes shed tears, and she even started to sob, unable to speak.

"Hey! I don't want to blame myself anymore. I don't blame you for what happened back then. It was all because of a misunderstanding.

Besides, a large number of injured demon fish have recovered. Those 9,999 wounded souls are in the Soul Calling Waterfall, and sooner or later they will absorb the spirits and their souls to give birth to their bodies. We just need some time to wait. "

Seeing Liu Yun and Yaya's remorseful expressions, Our Lady of Linhe sighed slightly to comfort them.

"The two children said that when the seven vaults of the sky exploded and collapsed, Senior Linhe knew about it, and then sent a large number of demon fish to rescue them, and there was an accident, but is that so?"

Liu Qianlang asked bluntly.

"Exactly, but it's not that I heard the seven sounds of the exploding sound of the spiritual cave in the sky before I knew that the five human beings and spirits existed in the inexplicable space.

Previously, one day, the Holy Mother suddenly appeared in the sky above my Linhe Holy Palace with a page of seven-color spiritual light scripture, on which was said: The scriptures turn into lotus days, when riding lotus to save people!

Because the Holy Mother only knows that Xiaomei, Lin'er and Gui'er are outside the Hunyuan Mountain of Light and Darkness, and they are with you, so I guess that the person who asked for rescue may be you as mentioned in the colorful book.

But the person who delivered the colorful heavenly book really puzzled me. The spiritual life level of the universe contained in the colorful heavenly book is absolutely not possessed by you, so who voted for it? The people in the Colorful Book of Heaven should be the two mysterious people who helped the five living beings in the world back then.

After I received the Seven-Colored Heavenly Book, I ordered people to guard it day and night and pay close attention to its changes.

In the first thousand to billion years, the Colorful Heavenly Book has not been the same at all. Flying in the sky, it is like a colorful cloud platform and a colorful flying rainbow, but it is beautiful. It attracts all the demon fish and other aquariums in Linhe Holy Palace to love it very much, and often flies up to play.

However, after thousands of billions of years, the colorful heavenly book began to change slowly. First, the shape gradually changed to the shape of a miraculous lotus flower, and then the divine fragrance was scattered inside, and the colorful starlight flashed outside. One day, the seven statements darkly mixed Yuanshan With a loud noise, the colorful heavenly book instantly turned into a perfect colorful lotus flower.

Hearing the loud noise, I immediately followed the words of asking for help in the thousand-and-billion-year-old colorful heavenly scriptures, and poured all the power of the aquarium demon fish in the Linhe Holy Palace to fly on the colorful lotus, and let it guide me to save people.

When hundreds of millions of demonic fish shot into the colorful lotus, the colorful lotus disappeared from my sight in an instant. After a short time, I saw that the sky of Linhe Holy Palace was already covered with the figures of five human beings.

Then I saw Yaya, Yun'er and hundreds of millions of demon fish falling in front of my Linhe Holy Palace, kneeling and pleading for sin. After hearing what happened from them, I knew what happened.

Linhe Sacred Palace Water Spirit God Realm is the root of my spiritual spirit and ancient spirit. These demonic fish and other aquatic spirits are all scattered spirits of my ancient spirit compatriots. How can I not feel distressed.

So we quickly tried our best to rescue the wounded, and let the souls of the dead 99,999 demon fish be planted in the soul-calling waterfall.

This is how Yaya, Yun'er and five human beings entered the Light and Dark Hunyuan Mountain.

The whole process was very mysterious. I asked in detail the leader of the demon fish who participated in the rescue, as well as the five people with all spirits in the world, as well as Yaya and Yun'er.

They didn't know why they found the target all of a sudden, and then returned to Linhe Holy Palace inexplicably.

After the divine lotus transformed from the seven-colored book brought them back to Linhe Holy Palace, it shattered and disappeared in the sky of Hunyuan Mountain in the light and dark like a bubble. "

The Holy Mother of Linhe mentioned this again, her expression was also very dazed.

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