Nine Heavens

Chapter 1784 Delicate space

Chapter One Thousand Seventy-Four

"Yaya, Yun'er, do you still remember how you entered Daddy's Moyu Skeleton Profound Realm? It stands to reason that we are extremely far apart, so how did you enter it? Even if you entered, I should know!

But why did you clearly enter the Black Jade Skeleton Profound Spirit, no matter before or after entering, I didn't know it at all, and the Black Jade Skeleton never had any abnormal reactions? "

Liu Qianlang really couldn't understand such a phenomenon, looked around her sister Liu Juan and others, and asked in surprise.

"After the appearance of countless spiritual beings, the Zulinhe Sacred Palace Devil Fish, the seven-color flower lotus soon appeared, and then all of us entered the infinitely huge seven-color flower lotus without knowing how to do it.

Next, we felt that the seven-color lotus quickly flew in front of a huge skull mountain, and then the seven-color lotus turned into seven lotus petals, carrying some people into the seven orifices of the huge skull mountain.

At that time, the biggest function of the hundreds of millions of demon fish was to spit out countless fish bubbles of various colors to form a miraculous bubble bridge for us to fly from the petals of the colorful lotus into the huge mountain of skeletons.

When we entered the giant skull mountain one after another, the seven petals of the huge seven-color lotus also floated in, and soon the seven-petal lotus petals synthesized the seven-color lotus and flew into the huge skull mountain again. Lead us quickly to Linhe Yao Palace.

But we never knew that what we had entered was the black jade skull profound realm of the master. We have never thought about it this way, we still think that the master and all the uncles and aunts are far away from us.

Whenever Yaya thinks of you, she will play the Mitian conch, but she has never heard the master respond.

Yaya also can't understand, even if Yaya came in, the master of the Moyu Skeleton Profound Realm didn't know, the master should have sensed the divine voice of the sky snail that the master had sensed, and then he knew the relationship between Yaya and Brother Yun. whereabouts.

However, it wasn't until the master entered the Black Jade Skeleton Profound Realm that Yaya sensed the messages from the master and her father, uncles, and aunts.

We have spent such a long time, but we are just inside and outside the Moyu Skeleton Xuan, why on earth do we not know each other? "

Yaya recalled her past experience again, but she couldn't explain clearly the question asked by her master Liu Qianlang.

"Don't ask Yaya and Yun'er anymore, your words reminded me. It stands to reason that even if you don't know each other, there is no reason for the Holy Mother to be as confused as you, but it is true.

Even the Holy Mother has always been very puzzled, the Hunyuan Mountain of Light and Darkness is hanging on your chest, and you are in charge, how can you not feel the slightest thing about five human beings and all spirits entering such a big event, it is obvious impossible.

After thinking about it, the Holy Mother has only the only explanation, that is, the nine pieces of spiritual life-like primordial spirit jade that flowed back then, and the body and spirit of each piece of divine jade were separated to form independent universes.

The Shenyu object forms the physical space where our physical body exists, and the Shenyu spirit forms the Jingkong where our soul and primordial spirit reside.

If the two have not merged into one, they exist in parallel in the timeless and spaceless universe, and even if they meet, they will not overlap with each other.

It wasn't until the combination of essence and matter under certain conditions that a complete spiritual universe was truly formed. If this is the case, it just shows that what Yaya, Yun'er and the five human beings and spirits entered before was actually the Universe, and what you have always had is actually the Essence Universe.

As for now, the Moyu Skeleton Profound Realm Essence completed the fusion at a certain magical time point without our knowledge.

In this way, everything experienced by the physical universe and everything experienced by the fine universe overlapped, and we appeared together strangely, and many inexplicable things appeared in our divine sense, but in fact there was nothing at all. "

The Holy Mother of Linhe suddenly remembered the multiple fantasy universes of the ancient universe that happened in the ancient universe, so she explained it this way.

What is multiple fantasy universes? One day in the time and space you live in, a second, third, or even more identical ones suddenly appear, and they can exist together in parallel without any current events, and I can overlap.

If it's the latter, if you live in one of the space-time regions of the universe, you may encounter a second you, a third you, or even more.

And these yourself, all experiences and length of time can be different.

The Holy Mother of Linhe once experienced such a thing. It was in the era of the ancient Ling Zhoutu. Once she baptized a spiritual water spirit of her own family, but she completed the baptism not long ago.

One day she suddenly saw a scene in the sky, she was baptizing that clansman, and the sky himself said the same thing as she once said.

The Holy Mother of Linhe experienced the same scene several times later, and then one day, she watched eight people push open the palace door and walked into her body with smiles.

Then she had a lot of inexplicable memories and divine powers. It was only after that that she knew that besides the ancient spirit universe she lived in, there were other ancient spirit human spirit universes and other spiritual beings. The situation exists.


"There is still such a thing. Senior Linhe's implication is that my Black Jade Skull Profound Realm is actually just the spirit of Hunyuan Mountain of Light and Darkness? Then where are his objects, and how did they merge into one later?" Woolen cloth?"

Liu Qianlang sighed, a little unbelievable after hearing the words of Our Lady of Linhe.

"I don't know if Master Liu has ever met someone from his previous life or met someone who looks exactly like him in a certain realm?"

The Holy Mother of Linhe did not answer Liu Qianlang directly, but asked.


Liu Qianlang answered simply.

"That's right, the person who looks the same as you, or yourself, exists in two kinds of time and space, one is the horizontal parallel universe, and the other is the universe of reincarnation.

In the former, you and your aliens have exactly the same appearance and experience are almost the same, except that one is the universe and the other is the universe.

The latter, your past life or even your future life is the continuation of your spiritual universe, and the experience of each universe is different.

I guess the self you met is somewhere in between. He may be the Hunyuan Mountain of Light and Darkness himself, just to let you be the master in the end and become your life.

If you guessed right, you must have died when you met you in that life. Only in this way, your spiritual power will always follow you in the future, until it merges with your light and dark Hunyuan Mountain.

It's just that the extremely complicated process, the Holy Mother can't explain it clearly. However, the ancient spirit god enlightened lotus flower spirit witch once said that as long as any spiritual being has the ability, if he rushes to the top of the void and timeless universe and looks back at his spiritual universe, he can see all the cosmic processes he has experienced.

Or if you want to see any space-time stage of any bounded universe, you can find it. "

The Holy Mother of Linhe pondered for a while, and then said leisurely, the deep blue eyes were full of extremely mysterious taste.

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