Nine Heavens

Chapter 1785 The Spirit Ancestor Sighs

Chapter 1785 Human Spirit Ancestor Sigh

"In this way, it is indeed possible. To be honest, senior Linhe, the junior was lost when he first entered the seventy-seven forty-nine layers of hell. Maybe at that time the black jade skull and the fine body on my chest completed the fusion One, I just didn't know it at the time."

Liu Qianlang thought about it for a while, and felt that the words of the Holy Mother of Linhe were reasonable. She glanced left and right at Liu Juan and the others, nodded and said.

"No, from the point of view of this Holy Mother, the fusion of the light and dark Hunyuan Mountain object on your chest and the fine body just happened when the remnants of the ancient Lingzhou map were assembled, otherwise you would have already sensed the existence of Yaya and Yun'er up.

On the other hand, just because Yaya and Yun'er have entered the Hunyuan Mountain of Light and Darkness for trillions of years, you didn't even know it. This is the best proof.

It must be the aggregation of the remnants of the ancient spirit universe map. When the nine giant pillars of divine light appeared and the Nine Spirits Universe was reversed, you all experienced great changes, but your attention was focused on the aggregation of the nine giant pillars of the ancient spirit universe map. Column above, thus ignoring their own changes.

That is, at that moment, the light and dark Hunyuan Mountain objects and the essence finally achieved a perfect fusion, and finally waited for the reunion of your master, apprentice and relatives. "

After thinking about the conversation between Liu Qianlang and herself, the Holy Mother of Linhe further revised her guess.

"I think what Senior Linhe said is right. Although Brother Qianlang didn't pay much attention to himself when he was in danger, but when he was struggling in the vortex of the nine hurricanes, I did see the obvious changes in Brother Qianlang's body. Elder sister, elder brother Yuanfang, and elder brother Zhen have undergone different external changes.

At that time, I saw a black skull-headed dragon suddenly swooping down from the chaotic sky.

It shook its head and shook its head, baring its teeth and claws, but its giant black eyes were full of excitement. When it rushed to Brother Qianlang's head, it did not hurt Brother Qianlang.

On the contrary, it showed a very intimate appearance, circling a few times on the leading wave, and then turned into a ray of black streamer and directly drilled into the black jade skull profound realm.

Then I saw Brother Qianlang's black jade skull flashing all kinds of mysterious stars non-stop, which lasted for a long time, and then returned to its original state.

At that time, I thought that the black skeleton dragon was a spiritual pet raised by brother Qianlang, so I didn't care.

But now, after listening to Senior Linhe, I think that giant skeleton dragon must be the spirit of Hunyuan Mountain of Light and Darkness. "

Cheng Shifeng suddenly realized, looked sideways at Liu Qianlang and said.

"There is such a thing?"

Hearing Cheng Shifeng's words, Liu Qianlang looked around at the crowd, and immediately took out a magic sound shadow stone from his bosom and threw it on top of his head.

After a while, a large amount of pure white mist came out of the magic sound and shadow stone, and soon there was a mist around it.

Then the scenes before and after the remnants of the ancient spirit world map appeared in the magic fog. Liu Qianlang and others really saw what Cheng Shifeng said.

"Well, as expected, Senior Linhe's guess is really accurate, this junior really admires it!"

Liu Qianlang waved and took away the magic sound shadow stone, then got up and saluted.

"Sect Leader Liu is being polite. Sect Leader Liu was able to remain calm and calm in such a crisis, and urged the magic sound and shadow stone to record everything that happened at that time. It is really clever!"

The Holy Mother of Linhe motioned Liu Qianlang to sit down and praised.

"Hehe, Senior Linhe praised it absurdly. At that time, because the younger generation didn't know why the three pieces of the ancient spirit world map were suddenly gathered together, and why the nine ancient spirits were turned upside down, so they used the magic sound and shadow stone for the convenience of future research. Writing down everything that happened at that time unexpectedly solved many of our doubts.

I heard Senior Linhe mentioned just now that the map of the ancient spirit world was drawn by the senior, but why did he lose the control of the senior and refuse to listen to the call of the senior? "

Liu Qianlang saluted with a smile, and asked again.

"Ah! You still know how to ask, rubbing the sore spot of the Virgin Mary every sentence.

The picture of the ancient spirit world is indeed drawn by the Holy Mother of Linhe River. However, in it, the Holy Mother cast the magic spell of gathering spirits, mainly to absorb the nine ancient spirits lost in the explosion of the spiritual life of the ancient spirit universe. .

Then alert the attention of the secondary ancient spirits of the Jiufang universe, so that the spirits of the Jiufang universe will be drawn by the three ancient spirit universes, and the ancient spirit world map will be gathered as soon as possible, and then be affected by the nine spiritual elements on it. The divine jade pattern prompts to find the nine spiritual jades.

I have achieved all these goals, but to my surprise, I neglected that I am the only surviving spiritual god of the ancient spirit race, and I cannot control the gathered nine strands of ancient spirit energy and soul energy with my own spiritual power alone. Gullingian map of .

In this way, the remnant map of the ancient spirit universe was completed, and the situation was out of control. Because I was unable to capture it, I had to let it exist in the nine directions universe.

The Jiufang universe was destroyed again and again, and reborn again and again, and thus the horror of cosmic reincarnation appeared.

Moreover, every cosmic reincarnation will greatly consume the ancient spirit source power remaining in the nine-party universe's spiritual life, spiritual heart, and primordial god's jade core.

What you have experienced is the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-ninth time, which is the most terrifying time, and it is also the time when the remnant nucleus of Yuanling, Mind, and Jade, the spiritual life of the Nine Directions Universe, finally withered away!

Fortunately, in this last reincarnation of the Nine Directions Universe, the Nine Directions Universe and the spiritual soul image Yuanshenyu remnant core were destroyed together, but you spiritual beings survived by luck!

This means that after the destruction of each other's nine-party universe, when another universe is reborn, you will be the first born in the new universe! "

The Holy Mother of Linhe was full of shame in her words, but said with a little relief.

"Actually, Senior Linhe has worked hard again and again to regain control of the ancient spirit map, right?"

Liu Juan understood the painstaking efforts of Our Lady of Linhe from the bottom of her heart, and said.

"Yes, you have seen that there are spirits of the ancient spirit water clan everywhere in my Linhe holy palace, especially the countless little devil fish. Their original intention of nurturing her is to let them discover three pieces of the ancient spirit world map one day. picture, and then destroy it.

But I have worked so hard countless times, and I have lost the lives of the elders of countless little devil fish, but we have never been able to destroy the remnant map of the ancient spirit universe.

And every time we fail in our actions, the remnants of the ancient spirit world map will become more powerful and gradually become demonized! Later, no matter how much I paid, I couldn't deal with them.

Since it was a meaningless sacrifice, how could the Holy Mother remain ignorant forever, so she simply gave up, knowing that the reincarnation of the Jiufang universe will continue, and that the Jiufang universe will be completely destroyed sooner or later, but there is no way.

I have no choice but to blame myself, stay in the Hunyuan Mountain of Light and Darkness, and devote myself to nurturing the ancient spirit water elves whose elders were all martyred, which can be regarded as repaying my guilt!

I have lived like that for hundreds of millions of years, and I have nurtured countless cute little devil fish and other aquarium elves. I am redeeming my sins, smiling, and waiting with regret for the final destruction of the Jiufang Universe and the day when we die together.

Knowing that I can't change the reality, I had no choice but to face the reality, suffering years of fear of death and waiting for death, and was disheartened. Apart from seeing the happy smiling faces of countless aquarium elves and laughing briefly, I was facing the darkness of inner death!

However, that time when you suddenly entered the Ming and Dark Hunyuan Mountains and came to the Linhe Holy Palace, it aroused my hope of destroying the remnants of the Ancient Lingzhou Map!

Everyone can guess what happened next. Head Liu didn't have to worry about the remnants of the ancient spirit world map anymore. Now that the remnants of the spiritual life image Yuanling Xinshenyu have collapsed, they will naturally be destroyed along with it. "

The Holy Mother of Linhe sighed, looking at the countless mischievous little devil fish figures outside the Linhe Holy Palace, the look in her eyes was extremely complicated.

Self-blame, gratified and full of expectations...

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