Nine Heavens

Chapter 1786 Dividing Souls into Shadows

The first thousand seven hundred eighty-six chapters soul into shadow

"Senior Linhe Holy Mother, the remnant map of the ancient spirit universe has been destroyed! Does that mean that when the Nine Spirits are turned upside down and the new universe is created again, it will never be destroyed again?"

Liu Qianlang saw the complex expression of the Lady of Linhe, and felt that the Lady of Linhe seemed to have something to say, but it was not easy to ask clearly, so she tried it out.

"This? Maybe..."

Our Lady of Linhe hesitated to speak.

Seeing the abnormal expression of Our Lady of Linhe, Liu Qianlang and the others looked at each other seemingly unintentionally.

"Senior Linhe, can you guess where the two mysterious people who helped the five people came from?"

Liu Qianlang always had a feeling in his heart that the Holy Mother of Linhe must know the origins of the two mysterious people, so he avoided the previous question and asked this question again.

"Hehe, them? My Holy Mother would like to ask you. I said earlier that because of the desalination of the ancient spirit's water vapor, I only know something about the evolution of the billions of years outside the Hunyuan Mountain of Light and Darkness. thing.

As for the two mysterious people mentioned by Yaya and Yun'er, I really don't know where they come from, but I can be sure of one thing, he is definitely not from the Nine Universes, or his strength has reached the level of breaking away from the Nine Universes. of the spirit world. "

The Holy Mother of Linhe looked down at Liu Qianlang and the other five people, and found that they were suspicious of her. She first smiled to let Yaya and Liu Yun go at ease, and then said with a smile.

"Senior Linhe, please don't be surprised. In the former Nine Directions Universe, if we talk about the most powerful person, there is only Senior Linhe. That's why the juniors have these questions to ask the seniors."

Seeing the strange smile of Our Lady of Linhe, Liu Qianlang felt that the question was a bit too much, so she quickly stood up and saluted to explain.

"Master Liu just sat down, you must think that the Holy Mother knew those two mysterious people, and expressed doubts about whether the remnant map of the ancient spirit universe was really destroyed.

The former, the Holy Mother did not know, but regarding the latter, the Holy Mother did not tell the truth just now. It's not that I didn't tell you on purpose, I was really afraid that you would worry!

In fact, apart from the two mysterious and kind people mentioned by Yaya and Yun'er, there is also a very evil person. And this evil person is secretly manipulating the remnants of the ancient spirit universe map.

That is to say, all your past experiences outside the Ming and Dark Hunyuan Mountains are under its prying eyes, and they even intentionally let you go to the final step of the reversal of the Nine Spirits Universe.

His purpose is obviously to take advantage of the cost of the destruction of the nine-party universe to put you to death.

This person is really too weird, his strength is obviously no lower than those two mysterious people, and it seems that they are deadly enemies to each other.

The evil man is trying his best to kill you, but the two mysterious and benevolent people are secretly helping you.

Now you have escaped the Nine Spirits Universe Reversal Disaster, and they don't know what to do! "

The Holy Mother of Linhe frowned slightly, and said what she didn't intend to say in her heart, and then looked at Liu Qianlang and the other five with surprised expressions.

"It's Zhong Sheng, that big villain must be Zhong Sheng's obsession!"

Liu Qianlang pondered for a moment, then said firmly.

"Zhong Sheng's obsession! Why is the third brother so sure? In the spiritual place of Yuanling, we saw with our own eyes that Zhong Sheng's whole soul turned into Ouyang Langlong's appearance and fled. Could it be that his obsession hadn't returned to his body at that time? "

Hearing this, Zhan Xuanzi twitched his black and white eyebrows while speaking, activated the Star Sword, and started the technique of star sword divination.

"Because we entered the Nether Spirit Realm, and later broke into the Bright Spirit Realm, our spiritual powers are already at the peak of Dengfeng.

If anyone else has the strength to deal with us, apart from the strength of Mingling Sanzhou Xinghe, then only the number one evil god in the heavens, Zhong Shi, is dead.

According to your description, it is obvious that most of the souls of the evil spirit of Zhongshan have gathered and turned into the appearance of Ouyang Langlong.

However, at that time, he was with the spiritual life like Yuan Lingxin, and you could observe our existence from a distance, but he didn't. This shows that his most evil hatred obsession has not yet returned to the body, but exists alone.

Otherwise, how could he easily let go of his fourth younger brother and the head of the sect, who are his thorns in the flesh!

And I can also be completely sure that Zhong Death's obsession is the first human being in the chaotic universe, the once three evil sects of the Dementor Cave Emperor Thunderbolt Mysterious Demon! "

Hearing the doubtful words of the fourth younger brother Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, Liu Qianlang explained his reasons.

"How can this be!?"

As soon as Liu Qianlang's words fell, Cheng Yuanfang thought of the humiliating experience of being turned into 30,000 mad wolves by the Thunderbolt Mysterious Demon. In the eyes of Chaos God, Yin Hong's eyes burst into the vast waves of the sea, bursting out the Taoist rainbow, suddenly furious, helpless He looked at Liu Qianlang with confidence.

"Impossible, this nasty old thing, when I annexed the Human Demon Sect, I have already destroyed its body and spirit!"

In anger, Cheng Yuanfang carefully recalled the process of killing the Thunderbolt Xuanmo, and said with certainty.

"Have you ever seen the miraculous skills of the master Jietong Daoist in the Nether Prison?"

Liu Qianlang did not immediately deny what his brother Cheng Yuanfang said, but asked.

"I've seen it before. When I was in the Nether Inner Prison, I once met Jietong Immortal Venerable with Immortal Ruyi Bailing. His magical power is so powerful that we can't even match it now!

However, Qianlang, what is the relationship between your mentor and the Thunderbolt Xuanmo? "

Cheng Yuanfang didn't understand Liu Qianlang's meaning and asked.

"Hehe," Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, instead of smiling, he continued to ask: "How do channelers in the mentor world compare with Ruyi Bailing Immortal?"

"Naturally, Immortal Ruyi Bailing is taller."

Cheng Yuanfang replied without thinking.

"Actually, Immortal Ruyi Bailing, his mentor, and those immortals back then are all himself.

It's just that I don't know the reason why my mentor split his soul into shadows like that back then.

As everyone knows, when I was young, after my mentor received merit for me on a cliff in the first world, the Thunderbolt Mysterious Demon suddenly appeared, and then started a battle between immortals and demons with my mentor!

In the end, they were injured and left, and they disappeared from then on until they saw their mentor again in the Nether Inner Prison Ruyi Bailing Sea.

Although I was still a child in the Mortal Realm at that time, I could tell that the strength of the Thunderbolt Xuanmo who claimed to be from his family was by no means inferior to that of his mentor. "

"I don't need to say anything more about Qianlang. I understand that with my strength back then, I couldn't kill him at all. What I killed was just a virtual ghost of him.

He did that because he knew that I was also one of the Four Heavenly Spirit Boys, and deliberately concealed the fact that he was the No. 1 evil god in the heavens, and followed us secretly.

Looking for every opportunity to slaughter us, but his conspiracy has long been understood by Venerable Jie Tong. So one secretly kills us, and the other secretly protects us. The appearance of the Ruyi Bailing Lotus Sea is one of the examples.

I think there may be two intentions for Master Jietong to divide the soul into multiple bodies.

The first intention seems to be hiding himself, not wanting us to know that he is helping us secretly.

The second one, the old man should be reminding us that the number one evil god in the heaven, Zhong Zhuan, is full of tricks, beware of his unstoppable state of soul and obsession, so that we can make a correct judgment! "

Cheng Yuanfang carefully tasted Liu Qianlang's words, suddenly figured it out, and said along the train of thought.

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