Nine Heavens

Chapter 1792 The First Hero

Chapter 1792 The First Hero

"Haha... Du Mo, you hypocrite! You see, right? Xian'er likes me in her heart, and she is pleading for me!

You still lose in the end, you have exhausted all your tricks, even if you kill me, so what, your woman does not have you in her heart, only me will die

Xian'er, you don't need to be like this, it is enough for me to have your heart. It seems that I, Zhong Zhan, will definitely die today! Rather than dying under this hypocrite's thunderbolt and lightning sword, it is better to die under Xian'er's thunder and light sword, let Xian'er do it!

Your second senior brother and anyone can lie, but I won’t lie to you. I won’t fight back. Zhong Zhan can die under the sword of his beloved, even if he dies, he will have no regrets! "

Zhong Sheng obsessed with Thunderbolt Xuanmo raised his eyebrows and laughed, and then looked at Peixian, the former junior sister who swung a sword high in the sky and threatened Dumojianzu.

"Xian'er, what she said is true. For countless years, the person you really like in your heart is him!?"

Du Mo Jian Zu really didn't expect that because of Zhong Sheng's obsession with Thunderbolt Xuan Mo, and his whole-hearted beloved wife Pei Xian would threaten him with his life, this made him really unacceptable, and asked angrily.

After asking, he also stared at Peixian, looking up at Peixian, his eyes full of expectation to hear what he wanted to hear.

"Senior Brother Dumo, Xian'er will always remember your kindness to Xian'er! However, Xian'er has no reason and shouldn't lie to you again. The second senior brother is actually right. Since the day we were born together, Xian'er Er'er only loves the second senior brother, and for the elder brother, Xian'er only has respect in her heart!"

Peixian's blood soaked into the Thunder Light Excalibur, thunder and lightning flashed, and the sky was full of swords and rainbow veins flickering. The scene was horrifying, his face was pale, and he said apologetically.

"No! You don't want to talk nonsense. You have always liked me, senior brother. Otherwise, when your mentor asked me in front of you and me, why did you choose me willingly instead of Zhong Shi when you wanted to choose me or Zhong Shi?" Death!?"

Sword Ancestor Du Mojian really didn't expect Peixian to say such a thing, so he asked in astonishment.

"That's because before asking you, the master has begged me hard, in order not to let the second senior brother know that I will marry you, he specially sent the second senior brother to Lidu Demon Sword Mountain to go to Newman Mountain to practice killing demons.

After the second senior brother came back, we had married him behind our backs, and then he left Dumojian Mountain in a fit of anger and joined the Heavenly Evil Palace.

Later, the second senior brother killed his benevolent teacher, bloodbathed the Demon Sword Mountain, and completely broke with us! Although the second senior brother committed a heinous crime, we were responsible for him first. If it is said that we are all responsible for the crime, the second senior brother should not be the only one to resist all these evil consequences! "

Pei Xian's words were astonishing, and Du Mo and Zhong Sheng were shocked when they heard such words.

"What did you say, when my mentor asked you whether you like me or Zhong Shi, did my mentor look for you first?

Then why do you like this devil in your heart, and you promised your mentor that you like me and marry me. Why did the teacher do that? "

Du Mojianzu asked immediately after being astonished.

"No! Don't ask, I don't know, and I don't think my teacher knows either.

Back then, my mentor only said that if I don't agree, the entire fairy world will be in catastrophe, but if I agree, I can lock up a devil's heart for 6021 billion years!

Back then when my mentor mentioned that demon, his face was terrified, and he knelt down in front of me, weeping bitterly and begging bitterly. As a disciple, how could I not object!

So, the next day, my mentor specially called the two of us to him and asked me about who I liked. At that time, I was in so much pain, but I pretended to laugh and said that I would not marry you.

Let your benefactor quickly get married for us! "

Pei Xian was forced to question by Du Mo, obviously in great pain, the light of the sword pierced the slender hand holding the sword between the thunder and light, dripping blood and drifting away, reflecting the tears.

"But what does that demon have to do with me? Could it be that if you marry me, you can seal the demon's heart, and live to say that you suspect that I am that demon!?"

Du Mo's complexion was gloomy, his expression was distorted, and he questioned Peixian viciously.

"No, I also asked your question at the time. My mentor only said that I am the spirit of the demon, and only after he finds me will he become powerful, capable of doing all kinds of evil, and endangering the Three Realms, so Sooner or later he will come to me!

I am destined to be taken away by this demon, but there is a way to escape the catastrophe, and that is to find a person who is extremely peaceful at the gate of the soul. I will marry him and destroy my spirit body.

Then not only can I escape the catastrophe, but the demon will finally find me after an infinite delay because his spirit body has been broken and his spiritual breath has faded.

After countless deductions, the mentor discovered that such a person who is extremely peaceful in the spiritual gate is in the Yuanjun Sword Mountain we called at that time.

At that time, besides the teacher, there were only three of us, brothers and sisters, who were on the Yuanjun Sword Mountain. Naturally it won't be me and my mentor, then only you and the second senior brother will be left.

You and the second senior brother's personalities can be seen by anyone at a glance. Senior senior brother, you are calm and stable, but second senior brother is lively and active by nature, so my mentor categorically believes that senior senior brother is the one I should marry.

Then there was the thing that my teacher begged me hard, no matter how unwilling I was, I had no choice but to agree to my teacher. Now it seems that the demon has not yet appeared, and more than 6021 billion years have passed.

Our goal has been achieved, so if I meet the second senior brother again today, it's time for me to tell the truth about what happened back then.

First, to untie the knot that the second senior brother misunderstood my Peixian for so many years, and secondly, Peixian doesn't want to deceive the senior brother anymore! Today, if the senior brother spares the second senior brother, this kindness will never be forgotten by Peixian!

If the senior brother insists on not agreeing, and Peixian is willing to accompany the second senior brother to die, then he should be Peixian and apologize to the two senior brothers! "

When Peixian said this, he didn't shed blood and shed tears, he said all the words in his heart, he felt infinitely relaxed, and when he stared at the bright red blood dripping from the gap between his fingers, he felt a kind of relieved joy in his heart.

"Xian'er, who told you that I, Zhong Xing, killed my mentor back then, and who said that I washed Yuanjun Sword Mountain with blood!?"

When Peixian stopped talking, Zhong Sheng obsessed with Thunderbolt Xuanmo and asked angrily.

"The evil things you have done yourself can't be done by yourself! Of course I saw it with my own eyes.

Back then, you led the evil spirits of the heavens and the evil palace to kill hundreds of millions of disciples in our Yuanjun Sword Mountain.

Later, I heard that Brother Du Mo said that he saw you kill your mentor with his own eyes!

After you killed your master and slaughtered the mountain gate, my senior brother and I were heartbroken and decided to change Yuanjun Sword Mountain to Dumojian Mountain. We will never accept apprentices again, and we will wait for the soul of our mentor forever from now on! "

Peixian shook his head in pain when he heard Zhong Sheng's obsession with Thunderbolt Mysterious Demon, and had to mention the painful things back then.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"I really admire you. To save demons is to save demons. After doing all kinds of evil things, you can still make the Three Realms treat you as a righteous man, commanding the God of War in the Three Realms, and claiming to be the number one righteous hero in the heavens!"

Zhong Sheng obsessed with Thunderbolt Mysterious Demon and laughed dumbly. After a long time, the ice and strange smoke filled his body, and Cang laughed mockingly.

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