Nine Heavens

Chapter 1793

Chapter 1793

"It's really shameless, I did the thing of deceiving my master and destroying my ancestors, but now I'm putting on airs again.

It's fine for you to be disrespectful to me, but in the face of a little junior sister who treats you so sincerely, you are still talking nonsense, disturbing the audiovisual, you don't need me to kill you, if you still have a little conscience, you should do it yourself Destruction is! "

Du Demon Sword Ancestor's expression changed suddenly when he heard Zhong Sheng's obsession with Thunderbolt Mysterious Demon, but he returned to his original state after a while, and said to Peixian who was in deep pain with his eyes rainbow.

"Nonsense? Are you talking about yourself? I'm afraid you were the one who killed your mentor back then, and then blamed me.

The reason why Xian'er married you must be because you have done some tricks to let your mentor follow your way, and then let your mentor believe in some rumors about the devil destroying the universe.

You are behind all of this, you not only deceived your mentor, Xian'er, but also Jiufang Universe, right or wrong! "

The words of Du Mojian Zu made the angry and roaring Zhong Shen Nian Thunderbolt Xuanmo even more indignant, and let out a roar of the universe.

"Enough! Second senior brother, we will understand you for your mistakes back then, after all, we owed you first.

But a big mistake was made. For countless years, you have no regrets, and now you still slander the elder brother with sweet potatoes, which really disappoints Peixian!

Don't you hate us? Well, Peixian will destroy his own spiritual life, so you should be satisfied now! "

Peixian sees that Du Mo has no intention of giving in, and Zhong Sheng's obsession with Thunderbolt Xuanmo suddenly denies his past crimes.

When there was no hope, the pulse of Peixian's Thunder Light Excalibur flashed in an instant, tearing apart her whole body.

"Xian'er stop! Good! I promise you to let this devil go this time, let's go!"

Seeing Peixian's gloomy expression and his determination to die, Dumojian Zu finally gave in, roared, waved his sleeves, and shook Peixian's Lightning Excalibur away with the Lightning Excalibur, taking advantage of the situation to freeze her figure. Seconds flew over, picked up Peixian's body, and jumped into the vast depths of the chaotic universe.

"Ha ha……"

"It turns out that Xian'er likes me in her heart, it turns out that Xian'er has always liked me..."

In the back, Zhong Sheng obsessed with Thunderbolt Xuan Mo and stared at Du Mo Jianzu with his beloved woman in his arms and disappeared from sight. He didn't chase after him, nor was he angry, but laughed from the bottom of his heart.

Laughter runs through the chaotic universe and lasts forever.

"Zhong Sheng is obsessed with Thunderbolt Xuanmo! This time, I will let you go for the last time for Xian'er's sake. I know that you will soon return to the evil god of heaven.

That's fine, let's complete the contest that we didn't complete in the past in the heaven! "

From the depths of the chaotic universe came the grand and ethereal voice of the Demon Sword Ancestor.

"Ha ha……"

"Okay, Ben Zhong is here to accompany you at any time! I want to see how long you, a hypocrite, can keep pretending!

Don't think that all Yuntian gods are fools, you can deceive 6821 billion years, but you cannot deceive eternity.

You have been deceiving Empress Nuwa all this time, and the five No. 1 people in the world who you supported, the Four Spirit Boys of Langyuanmen and the Lord Jianzhan, seem not to be ignorant people. I am afraid that you will soon discover your sinister intentions! "

Zhong Sheng obsessed with Thunderbolt Mysterious Demon, who seemed to have no fear of the chaotic sound transmission in the depths of the chaos, and still laughed and refuted.

"In the past, there were no immortals or no gods in the Nine Directions universe. They didn't know that you, Zhong Shi, were the number one evil god in the heavens. The same will be true in the new universe in the future. Do you want to be a righteous fairy god?

Don't you understand in your heart that you will never have a chance, you can only be an evil god and demon, under the Nine Heavens Execution Demon Sword, the evil spirits of the three realms bow their heads!

Whether in front of my Demon Sword Ancestor or under their swords, you are doomed to die!

If I were you, I wouldn't have time to giggle here, so hurry up and go back to the Heavenly Evil Palace to practice, so as not to die a better life in the future! "

When Peixian left, he had already been stunned by the Dumo Sword Ancestor, so he had unscrupulous conversations with Zhong Sheng's obsession with Thunderbolt Mysterious Demon, scolding and mocking each other without showing mercy.

"Thank you for your kindness, big brother, I finally understand the celestial identities of Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen among the five of them.

If the prediction is correct, the two of them are two of the three secret disciples of your Demon Sword Ancestor! Liu Qianlang should be your first disciple Jiu Tian! And Song Zhen is Zhan Xuanzi, right? "

Zhong Sheng was obsessed with Thunderbolt Xuanmo in a good mood, so he called Du Mojian Zu a big brother, and then spoke out to test his guess that he had been unable to verify.

"That's right, it's good to know! Not only are they the powerful arms of this God of War, but the other two boys are actually the result of this God of War's advice to Empress Nuwa to enlighten her.

Back then, as the number one god of war in the heavens, I observed the two worlds of sky and cloud, and discovered that there would be a change in the gods in the Xiling River of the heavens, and a new batch of inexplicable immortals would be born!

Then, the God of War spent 900 million years occupying the universe, and discovered that the small Xiling River will give birth to the new owner of the future universe!

As a fairy god, how can I not be shocked, the birth of a new master of the universe means that the nine-party universe will inevitably die, and the order of the heavens will also fall into a long-term chaotic situation!

In the years before the birth of the new universe in the future, the situation in the myriad worlds and domains will be turbulent, with various mysteries and evolutions.

This process is long and full of infinite variables, and it is really difficult to control the future outcome.

If you want to continue to dominate the world in the future, and even become the new lord of the heavens, this is obviously a wonderful magic opportunity. As the number one god of war in the heavens, I know this deeply.

At that time, I secretly rejoiced that I was the number one god of war in the heavens and the number one divination god in the heavens, so only I could divination the magic of Tianlinghe.

I was so ecstatic at that time that I didn't tell Tianjun or anyone else about it, and then I started my infinitely great plan to dominate the nine-party universe and the sky, ten thousand realms and ten thousand domains.

I was originally the number one god of war in the heavens, and all the gods in the heavens, including Empress Nuwa, who never participated in the government affairs of the heavens, would give me opportunities and face, so all the plans went very smoothly.

Including that I deliberately let Empress Nuwa discover some abnormalities in the Xiling River of the Heaven Realm, and then told her that the good and evil in the Heaven Realm are divided into immortals and virtues, the melee between good and evil is constantly going on, and other unbearable situations. Then I took multiple methods to let the two lands descend into the realm, and nine of them entered the small waves with their souls.

Let Jian Zhan Shenjun follow the lower realm and protect him. As for the other three boys, I had already figured out that Xiaolanghua was born with kindness, so it was impossible for her to swallow Nuwa Empress's seven-color fate soul alone.

So there must be them and many Tianlinghe spirits who love him to the lower realm, and then return to the heaven sooner or later for my use! "

"You finally admitted that you are the biggest devil in the heavens. The devil that your teacher said back then was actually you, but he never dreamed that he would help you at the cost of sacrificing the future of my junior sister and me!

Poor teacher, who has worked so hard for the peace of the heavens, I hate your evil plot! "

Zhong Sheng was obsessed with the Thunderbolt Mysterious Demon, stared at him, and after laughing wildly, he was full of anger and sighed.

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