Nine Heavens

Chapter 1794 The Last Wish of the Dead Teacher

Chapter 1794 The Last Wish of the Dead Teacher

"Don't make it so ugly, I just did something according to the luck of the universe. If you have any complaints, you can only say that you are really stupid!

Do you know, if it weren't for the arrogance and frivolity you had when Zhong Sui was in the past, and if you didn't pay attention to the entire heavenly heavenly court and the heavenly evil palace, there wouldn't be me, Dumo, who could do everything smoothly and make every wish come true , and can be praised by all worlds.

I know that you, Zhong Shi, are actually the hero who aspires to be the hero of the Cangliao Myriad Realms, and you know that I am the real devil who is trying to dominate the Myriad Realms by myself.

But so what, you can't prove my evilness, but I can lead an army of gods and gods from all over the world to kill you, a great benevolent and crazy god!

Are you not convinced, accept your fate, even your beloved little junior sister threw herself into my arms, you lost in a complete mess! There is no chance to stand up again, so what if you return to the heaven, you are destined to continue to be the number one demon in your heavenly evil palace!

The ancient immortals and gods want to kill you, all the forces of the new universe in the future want to kill you, and the forces of the age of the Four Spirit Boys who are about to ascend to the nine heavens will not let you go. No matter how you resist, the end is still only a dead end! "

Du Mojian Zu is not afraid that Peixian who is in a coma will hear his words, and also because he looks at his "great achievements" in front of Zhong Sheng's obsessed Thunderbolt Xuanmo, so he gets carried away. smile.

"Bastard, how on earth did you kill your mentor and blame me? The mentor originally taught me the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art in secret, how did you know?"

Zhong Sheng's obsession with Thunderbolt Mystic Demon finally completely determined that the person who killed his mentor Yuan Jun was indeed the elder brother Dumo who appeared to be elegant, elegant and righteous on the surface.

The painful years of pretending to be crazy and acting stupid in the past are vividly vivid in my mind, and my heart is swept away for a moment, grief, hatred, love and hatred, bitterness, bitterness, sweetness, all gathered in my heart, so uncomfortable!

But Zhong Sheng obsessed with Thunderbolt Mysterious Demon and tried his best to suppress the pain and hatred, and forced him to ask.

"If you say you are stupid, you are stupid. What is it to put blame on you? You killed Master. Wasn't it the Nine Spirits Nectar and Nine Fragrance Tea that you gave Master that day? A little magic is used to fill the tea with a little Xihunsan.

I knew that the old guy had always been nice to me on the surface, but in fact he was always prejudiced against me. But I'm very relieved for you, so you don't need to poison him to death, is there a better way? "

"You are so vicious, how did you get your mentor to betroth Junior Sister Xian'er to you?"

"Ha ha……"

"That's even simpler, I just created a false omen, and then made him believe in the rumors that the devil will be born in the future, and then I created all kinds of illusions, so that he can follow my plan step by step.

Believe me, that old fool didn't discover my motives until he died, so he didn't have time to teach you the mental formula, so he had to seal the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Formula in your forehead when he was dying! "

Demon Sword Ancestor said with certainty.

"I finally understand why my mentor left me a soul read will, asking me not to leave the evil palace in the heavens, and asking me to do my best to become the master of the evil palace.

It turns out that when my mentor drank my poisonous tea back then, he had already expected that it was you who killed me, and then he was afraid that you would harm me, so he decided to plan, and loudly reprimanded me for deceiving the teacher and destroying the ancestors, and pretending to hold hatred and enter the evil palace!

Then let me continue to grow stronger and continue to fight against you. When my strength is strong enough, the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art in the forehead will be unsealed, and then I will kill you and eliminate harm for the world!

The teacher's actions should be said to be cruel and ruthless. At first, I didn't know the difficulties of the teacher. I only knew that the teacher left a wish in his soul, and then I desperately went to fulfill it.

I crazily slaughtered countless righteous spirits and gods. After sitting on the seat of the evil emperor in the evil palace of the heavens, I became even more insane. area.

During the non-stop fighting, I gradually felt that there was a huge resistance force in the dark, and it was attacking me strangely again and again, but it didn't go all out.

I once guessed that this dark force is controlled by you, but again and again I have determined myself. Because at that time I couldn't figure it out, if it was you, why would you kill me completely?

Later, when I was killed in the third duel in the Demon Arena, I suddenly understood why you did this.

Your goal is to be the lord of all worlds, so whether it is the demon gods of the evil palaces of the heavens, or the gods of the righteous heavens, we are all your threats.

And to eradicate these threats, the good and evil immortals and gods in the heavens need to fight non-stop, the more tragic the better.

And you, as the number one God of War in the Myriad Realms, apparently punish evil and punish evil, but in reality you just sit in the tent of the Heavenly War Army and watch the fun, watching the power of the good and evil gods decline day by day.

And you have secretly used the great kindness of Empress Nuwa to start cultivating the power of the age of the four spirit boys. As long as the nine directions of the universe are destroyed and a new universe is formed, you will be the master of the universe in the age of the four spirit boys!

What a cruel, shameful and infinitely perfect plan! Although I am obsessed with Thunderbolt Mysterious Demon, I hate you, but I have no choice but to admire you!

However, I have never understood that when my teacher taught me the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art, I didn’t sense it myself. How did you and Xian’er know that the Nine Heavens Slayer Demon Sword Art was in my forehead, and how did you use Xian’er? Duel with me, copying the Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Art!

Later, you shamelessly said that the Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Art was created by you, and you passed it on to the righteous boy Liu Qianlang by means of tricks! "

The mysterious thunderbolt demon standing in the chaos, his evil body is changing rapidly, his ferocious face is flickering strangely, and the evil smoke around him is also rapidly dissipating.

Not long after, the infinitely evil Zhong Shan obsessed with Pili turned into a handsome middle-aged man, wearing a blue robe, extremely mighty.

Looking at his current appearance, no one can connect him with the former Thunderbolt Xuanmo.

Zhong Sheng's obsession became more and more clear in his mind, and he figured out Du Mo's series of layout plans since ancient times, especially the process involving the death of his mentor Yuan Jun.

However, I still don't understand how Du Mo can use his junior sister Xian'er to copy the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art in his forehead, so he asked at the end of the sentence.

"You really want to know?"

Dumo's distant voice responded with a silly smile.

"Of course, I hope that when we compete again in the heavens, we will be more open and aboveboard!"

Zhong died said.

"I like to hear these words, they are open and upright, and almost all the gods in the heavens comment on this God of War.

You listen well, if you want to achieve your goals, you must learn to be your own opponent. The reason why I knew that the old man sealed the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art on your forehead was because I secretly watched you pour tea for the old man, and I guessed after I discovered his strange behavior.

Then I deliberately channeled you several times, and I was completely sure of my guess. The next thing is simple, I will take your appearance, pretend to go back to Dumojian Mountain to see Xian'er, and hint to her that there is the Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Art in your forehead, so that she will know.

Later, I invited you to a duel in the Heavenly Demon Arena, deliberately self-harmed and injured, and lured Xian'er to fight you again. Then, as I expected, she used her unsealed divine ability to copy the Nine Heavens Killing Demon Sword Art in the forehead to me .

After that, naturally there will be our third duel, and I will kill you with one sword. At that time, if Xian'er hadn't appeared suddenly, I would have killed you in body and spirit back then. "

Sword Ancestor Du Mojian spoke more and more complacently. After saying this, he laughed wildly, and gradually stopped talking.

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