Nine Heavens

Chapter 1796 Gongtian Laughing Banquet

Chapter 1796 Gongtian Laughing Banquet

"Hehe, Lian'er, what's your idea, what's the matter, why don't you go to your sisters and friends for help, I think of us today, and besides, we can help the magic skill who is almost the number one in Langyuan sect. Lian Er?"

Seeing Lian'er's miraculous expression, Shui'er smiled in surprise.

"Uh, heck. Only you ladies can help with this job!"

Lian'er pouted and said with a smile.

"You child, tell me quickly, if there is something nonsense, don't blame your mother for calling you!"

Emperor Shuangtian floated up to his daughter, pretending to be stern, and said angrily.

"Mother, don't be angry. I only have one small request. If Daddy really creates a human, can you give him to me as a spiritual pet? I promise to treat him as well as Xiaoliu."

Lian'er hurriedly threw herself into the arms of Niang Shuangtian, looked up at her deliberately serious face, and said.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

Xiaoliu, the little golden monkey, yelled wildly and rolled over to support Lian'er.

"Hehe, I said Lian'er, you're really confused this time, your father didn't really create someone, he discovered that the new universe outside the Moyu Skeleton Profound Realm has been formed for hundreds of millions of years, and he wants to lead everyone Before leaving Moyu Skull, one last laugh and feast at Juxian Mountain.

Your dad, it's getting more and more outrageous, now he dares to make any jokes, and even spread the real news to the whole family, and your Uncle Song has 10,000 approvals.

Listen to your mother, just play happily with your sisters, go to Juxian Mountain to have fun, don't worry about what your father is doing! "

Princess Jinling was still on the verge of talking quickly, she stepped forward and knelt down, holding Lian Er's small face, and said with a smile.

"What you said is true, so what should I do? I told my sisters and the little devil turtle that soon I will have a spiritual pet that they have never seen before.

Daddy is the head of our Langyuan Sect, how can he lie to others, and Uncle Song is the God of Jianzhan, so let him say that Daddy will really create the first new human this time.

I have observed them secretly. When they said this, they looked very serious, and they didn't seem to be lying at all! "

Lian'er didn't believe it, she tilted her head and recalled the scene when she turned into spirit dewdrops and landed on her father's shoulder, and eavesdropped on the conversation between her father Liu Qianlang and Uncle Song Zhen, and said confidently.

"Hehe, believe it or not, isn't he just a villain, you can go and play at ease, if your father really creates a new human race, Pa'erniang will help you to send you off."

Seeing Lian'er's serious face, Pa'er couldn't help but smiled and bent over, thinking, "So what if I promised her, anyway, it's just a nonsense, and she has no reason to be angry at that time, so she looked at the picture on the floating star and cracked cloud fan. A pure white pear flower said.

"Wow! Mother Pa'er is so nice, boo!"

Lian'er was overjoyed when she heard the words, and immediately turned around and flew into Pa'er's arms, stepping on the colorful rainbow to lift her arms around Pa'er's neck, with a slam on her cheek.

"You have to keep your word and don't go back on your word!"

This fierce kiss was like a meteor flashing like a moon, Pa'er couldn't help but staggered, and before Pa'er could scold him, Lian'er immediately reminded her.

In the next second, Lian'er had already flown out of Miaoyan's palace on the colorful silk and the little golden monkey Xiaoliu.


Pa'er was left behind with an embarrassed look on her face, which made the other sisters burst into laughter.

"What a good thing, why are you so happy?"

When Miao Yan and the others were smiling coquettishly, a figure came flying from outside the hall, in that figure, the leader stepped on a brilliant blue incense burner, and asked with a smile from a distance.

"You guys are so dawdling. You came so late. We thought your fairyland spirits were so beautiful that we didn't bother to come."

Miao Yan replied, pretending to be angry.

"Sister Yan'er, ladies and gentlemen, please, we dare not delay, we have already set off here, but on the way, Lian'er arranged a cloud pavilion full of fairy tea fruit, greeted by Yang'er and Yue'er , we must sit down for a while.

It was said that Lian Er let it go, I asked naturally to appreciate it, so I was delayed for a while, and then we continued on the road, and we just arrived.

We met Lian'er just now, she was so happy, she was so sweet to us. She greeted us one by one, almost everyone let her kiss her, I still have her saliva on my face. "

The group of visitors floated into the hall quickly, and the leader, Pearl, was talking.

"I set up a cloud pavilion halfway, thanks to her thinking, she put so much effort into it for a non-existent spiritual pet!"

Miao Yan and the others laughed for a long time after hearing what the visitor said.

"You guys are still giggling. It seems that Lian'er is having some fun again. But it's better to tell the story and let us laugh too."

Among the people who came, a man with emerald green long hair and radiant colors smiled.

"That's right, what Sister Juan said is true, but don't worry, let's have a banquet in the palace, eat, drink, laugh and watch Juxianshan before it's too late.

Sister Juan, Sister-in-law Siying, Sister Yuelan, Sister Luhong Fengshou, Shuang'er, Xiang'er, and Feng'er come to the banquet with us. "

"Giggle... yeah."

Miao Yan smiled, and the eight sisters behind her agreed.

"That's fine, you can do whatever you want, just don't let me drink too much fairy wine this time. I got drunk a few days ago, and now I'm still a little dizzy."

Liu Juan nodded slightly, remembering that every time this sister got together, these sisters would take turns drinking spirits, and she was often very drunk, so she hurried to remind her.

"Hee hee! Don't worry, our sister Queen Qixiang! With us, at worst, we'll just carry you back."

As soon as Liu Juan finished talking, Ye Xiang, Song Zhen's wife, immediately said with a smirk behind her.

"You, you dead girl, why are you turning your elbows out? We are guests, but we help them bully my sister!"

Liu Juan looked back at Ye Xiang and cursed with a smile.


Immediately, a group of women looked up and smiled coquettishly, and then surrounded Liu Juan and flew towards Miaoyan Palace.

After teacup kung fu, a group of women floated on top of a hundred thousand huge white clouds.

In the middle of the pure white clouds, a huge circle-shaped light blue beautiful jade ring table like a round rainbow has already been arranged.

The round table is full of dazzling flowers and fruits, delicious fairy vegetables, fine nectar and jade wine.

Judging from the posture, it was obvious that Liu Juan had not only invited a dozen or so people. In addition to the beautiful jade banquet table under the blue sky, there are many tricks arranged on the top and the center of the beautiful jade ring table to add to the fun.


"How about it, I don't know if Sister Juan and all the sisters are satisfied with our ostentation, they gather in Xianshan Xiandao party, and we have a feast in the palace.

They are happy with theirs, we laugh at ours, and we can see their jokes by the way. "

Miao Yan said something in her words.

"It's not as simple as gathering and joking, you are really challenging the power of men like Qianlang and the others, giggling... have they offended you, and you actually summoned all the female disciples tomorrow to come to the banquet and provoke them?"

Liu Juan saw that there seemed to be another reason for the gathering, so she couldn't help asking.

"Sister Juan has good eyesight, we just don't believe that the sect master will create human beings, so we bet them that if they can really create a new human race, all of us girls will practice in seclusion for 30,000 years.

If they fail, the soul power of all our girls must be raised by the head to reach the Yunxian Soul Realm! "

Miao Yan glanced sideways at the sisters, then said.

"Hehe, that's the thing, it's fine if you win, but if you lose, the ten of you have hurt us."

When Liu Juan heard this, she felt that the brothers and sisters in front of her were all trillions of years old, and it became more and more funny, so she couldn't help laughing.

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