Nine Heavens

Chapter 1797 Fairy Gathering

Chapter 1801 Fairy Gathering

"Hehe, how could we let Sister Juan join the unsure game.

Our purpose of this Langyuan sisters feast is to make all the sisters have a good time, so as not to be underestimated by their men! "

Just when Miaoyan was about to reply, Princess Jinling couldn't help it anymore. A few sisters were separated, first she burst into a series of crisp smiles, and then said.

"Hey! Sisters-in-law, Brother Qianlang, Brother Zhen, Brother Yuanfang, did they agree to bet with you? Are you really sure that you will win?"

On Liu Juan's side, Cheng Shifeng shook his head and asked helplessly.

"Cut! How dare they bet with us? When we asked them to bet, guess what the leader said, he just smiled and said, let us do it.

Look at their rampant appearance, don't worry, we know very well whether the master will create humans, and now he has just discovered how to unite the spiritual world and the material energy world of the human race, which is far from creating a new human race. People are early.

At this time, they suddenly said that they would create the first new human race person in Juxian Mountain. Didn't they just use this party to have fun and have fun?

We finally found such an opportunity to beat them, how could we let it go!

Hello! You girl, who are you with? According to what you mean, it seems that you want your three brothers to win. "

Princess Jinling said confidently. At the end of the sentence, her eyes flashed, and she looked at Cheng Shifeng with a strange expression.

"Sister-in-law Jinling, don't get me wrong, I'm just worried, I saw the three brothers are so calm, it doesn't seem like a joke, that's why I asked the question like I did just now.

Of course, the style of poetry is always towards the sisters-in-law, hee hee! What's more, you have prepared such a sumptuous Yuntai palace banquet. If I guessed correctly, today is also the day when your Yuntai Xiaogong will be completed. Watching the excitement is also a day of celebration. "

Cheng Qifeng smiled, with long blue hair fluttering, looked at the top of Juxian Mountain thousands of miles away and said with a smile.

"Well, you girl is really smart. That's right. In order to make it easier for the sisters to have fun and get together, our nine sisters personally built this Yuntai Palace. It was officially completed today. When all the sisters gather together, it will be the time when the Yuntai Palace will be blooming in the clouds." .”

Miao Yan finished her sentence and nodded.

"Wow, sisters-in-law, please show me some face, Feng'er is the master of the spirit demon world, you are all screaming at each other, let my disciples see you, so you will lose your share.

You see, the sisters all over the sky are here. "

Cheng Shifeng raised his head and looked around, reminding with a blushing face.

"Hee hee, Master, it's okay, we're all used to it!"

As soon as Cheng Shifeng finished speaking, three beautiful young girls fell behind him.

A fluttering blue dress, a dancing yellow dress, and a flashing purple dress, the three girls hugged Cheng Shifeng's arms happily and said.

"Hehe, look at you, you are not big or small, this is not in your own house in Cui Se Xinggong, don't be presumptuous. It's good to see you elders!"

Cheng Qifeng heard the voice, looked left and right, immediately embraced the three pretty girls in his arms, scolded, and then reminded.

"Well, yes! Master!"

The three girls responded mischievously, and then saluted in order of seniority.

"Hehe, sister Feng, you three spirit butterfly disciples are really envious of others. They are cute, smart and sensible. Now that you are all on par with your master, you shouldn't consider changing your master. For example, follow my Earth Immortal Alliance Leader?"

Seeing Cheng Shifeng's three apprentices, everyone praised them, and Pa'er took the opportunity to make fun of them.

"That can't be done, if you want to teach them skills, just teach them, and let them worship you as teachers, don't even think about it!

Don’t you have Tianling and their seven sisters? Recently, sister Yuelan’s two princes were snatched away by you, even the Yang’er and Yue’er of Fairy Nine Swords and Fairy Zixia, you are too greedy! "

When Cheng Shifeng heard the words, he hugged the three disciples tighter and said seriously.


Cheng Shifeng's appearance made Liu Juan beside him laugh, and then said:

"Your sisters-in-law are just teasing you. See how frightened you are when you mention your apprentices. Your three apprentices say you are good everywhere, and no one can snatch them away.

By the way, Yan'er, Shui'er, sisters, it's such a good thing today, why didn't the Seven Tianling sisters, and Xiaomei girls come? "

After Liu Juan laughed, she looked around and asked where Miaoyan was.

"Hey, Sister Juan, don't worry, it's no wonder they are missing for such a good thing, I heard them muttering, I will go to Juxian Mountain for some entertainment before coming here.

They said that no one will be offended by this kind of two-sided support, and they can take advantage of everything.

Sister Juan, Sister Shuang'er, Sister-in-law Yexiang, and Sister Yuelan, please tell me, they are so tactful. "

These words were said by Fang Tianyingfang, the owner of Love Flower Palace.

"Oh! What about Yaya, why didn't you see him?"

Liu Juan asked again.

"Aunt Juan, Yaya is here, just wait for everyone to arrive, so that I can announce the completion ceremony of Yuntai Palace and watch the Juxian Mountain Man-making Conference begin!"

As soon as Liu Juan finished speaking, a beautiful figure of Yaya suddenly appeared on a cloud of willows above her head, holding a snail in her hand and answered loudly.


Yaya heard these words in the ears of the women from the Langyuan Sect below, and they immediately uttered a question.

"It was the master who just transmitted the sound to the little master, and the little master said to me again that the two sides started together. Let me beep the snail three times, and the auspicious event will begin!"

Hearing the questioning voice below, Yaya replied.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes immediately turned to Yun Qianmeng.

Where did Yun Qianmeng hear that her husband asked her to say this, it was clearly said by naughty Yaya on purpose, she couldn't help but look embarrassed, facing everyone's eyes, her face turned red.

"I understand. Seeing Sister Meng's serious face, it turns out that her ability to please her husband is first-rate."

Princess Jinling spoke without restraint and without taboo, her beautiful eyes turned around, and she continued to speak with a look of sudden realization.


Yun Qianmeng didn't know how to explain, she was angry and happy at the same time, looking at Gao Kong's smirking Yaya, she could only shout like this.

"Hehe, stop making trouble, look, everyone, big and small, is here, and you don't know how to be shy! I think it's almost time to come, Yaya, get ready, listen to your teacher Pa'er's orders, and start at any time! "

It's better for Liu Juan to calm down this joke.

Juxian Mountain.

Liu Qianlang, Cheng Yuanfang, Song Zhen, Emperor Xun'an, Emperor Jilong, and Lvhong Fengshou stood steadily on the top of the mountain, each with high spirits and fluttering clothes, facing the sky around Juxian Mountain. Hundreds of millions of immortals.

Liu Qianlang's face was calm, calm, quietly staring at the location of the Yuntai Palace, which was recently completed by the nine wives, and waited for the sound of his disciple Yaya's Mitian snail to sound three times, and he would lead the Langyuan Gate to the A new journey.

Liu Qianlang was very excited and excited, full of expectations and confidence for the future, so his expression was as steady as a mountain!

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