Nine Heavens

Chapter 1799 Colorful Yuanyang

Chapter 1799 Colorful Yuanyang

Fifteen divine rainbows, coming from fifteen directions, are constantly becoming stronger and more shocking. The condensed giant sun is full of rays of light, attracting Shuojuxian Mountain and all the people in Yuntai Palace.


Yaya's third sound of Xinzhou Mingyin came as scheduled.

Yuntai Palace, with Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives as hosts, started the Yuntai Palace banquet, and those who released the giant rainbow were already seated happily.

There are two days in the sky, above the original blue sky and white clouds in the Black Jade Skull Profound Realm, two suns are facing each other, which is really strange.

Those who shot the rainbow from Juxian Mountain also received their magical skills one after another, and then stared at the scene of the gorgeous Xinyang flames boiling.

The New Eternal Red Sun is even more beautiful than the spiritual sun in the Black Jade Skull Profound Realm, with fifteen colorful flames spewing out from around it, flying like clouds, creating a brilliant and mysterious ring.

When everyone saw this new universe and new sun condensed by fifteen giant rainbows, although they looked at it suddenly, they were all shocked in their hearts.

"Dawn of the fifteenth new universe, this seems to be wrong with what we deduced, and the person I sensed, the three new universe call sounds spread throughout the universe, why she hasn't sprouted yet, even her first breath makes me feel Haven't heard it yet?"

According to Liu Qianlang's speculation, at this moment, the calling sound of the new universe has passed, the new sun of the new universe has ascended to the sky, and fifteen dawns have appeared. The person he promised to create should have reacted.

However, Lang always pays attention to the new universe outside the Moyu Skull Profound Realm. There is no grandeur and tranquility, only the sound of nature, only darkness.

Everything was quiet, and no spiritual life appeared.

This was somewhat beyond Liu Qianlang's expectations. Liu Qianlang's middle index finger had already pointed to the huge newborn red sun, condensing the seven-color fate souls in his body, endowing the red sun with vitality.

Unable to see the expected person, Liu Qianlang thought of Zhan Xuanzi, the brother of the sound transmission.

"Third brother, be safe and don't be impatient. I realized just now that Xinyang Xinyang is not the dawn of the fifteenth new universe swallowing the night, but the twenty-eight dawns. There are still thirteen dawns that have not yet appeared."

From the corner of Liu Qianlang's white and deep eyes, he saw his brother Zhanxuanzi's calm face, and felt a little at ease, so he stopped talking and continued to concentrate on injecting colorful fate soul power into Xinsheng Juri.

Yuntai Palace.

Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives greeted Liu Juan, Cheng Shifeng, Yue Lan and other friends from Langyuanmen, Tianwu Kingdom, Five Colors, Seven Colors and Nine Colors Universe, while paying attention to the movement of Juxian Mountain.

Seeing my husband standing steadily on the top of Juxian Mountain, with white hair fluttering, wearing a sky brocade silk robe, golden light swallowing a round cloak and flowing rainbow, he looks like a mighty king, pointing to the sky with one hand.

"Husband is so majestic, compared to when we first met, he is more calm and powerful!"

No matter how Princess Jinling thought her husband was pleasing to her eyes, she couldn't help breaking the calm and praising her.

"That's natural. Elder brother is still the elder brother of the past. His heart is always great and kind, his ambition is the same as his original intention, and his love will last forever!"

Shui'er also agreed.

"Yeah, Lang has never let us down. I hope he will succeed this time!"


Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives originally wanted to watch Liu Qianlang's jokes, but at the critical moment, they forgot that there was still a bet, and they also forgot that there were countless pairs of eyes watching them, and they kept talking about the intimate terms between husband and wife .


"Nine sisters-in-law, are you surrendering, and you are talking about betting, how can you bet with the hope that the other party will win.

Let me say it first, if you lose, I will be punished, and you sister-in-laws will share it. "

When Cheng Shifeng heard the words of the nine sisters-in-law, they were all full of concern for Brother Qianlang, and he was very happy in his heart, but he joked loudly.


As soon as Cheng Shifeng's words came out, Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives immediately realized their position.

Similar to Cheng Shifeng, although her heart belongs to her husband, she doesn't give up on some savage princesses.

Princess Jinling immediately laughed and said:

"Didn't you see that the headmaster has been pointing to the colorful red sun for a long time, and he has not seen the person he created. We are sure to win."

Princess Jinling said so in her mouth, but she said in her heart: "Husband, come on, you will succeed, isn't it just 30,000 years of cultivation, small meaning, as long as your husband is happy, we will be happy!"

"That's right, what Lingmei said is right, they can't make humans, and each of them will move the fairy wine jar later, it is true that the mountain is full of white wine clouds.

Come! Dear sisters, let us hold up the fairy wine and drink a toast to the red sun that is about to ascend into the new universe! "

Miao Yan suggested that she raised the fairy wine cup first, and then all the people behind the huge table, not tens of billions of people, started to drink in response.

"This red sun is colorful and colorful, and the red is vivid. It is not only beautiful, but also has a spiritual heart. Why don't we give it a nice name and respect it?"

The wine glass has been lifted, and the lips of the wine, Pa'er, the leader of the Earth Immortal Alliance, suddenly flashed his eyes and smiled.

"Hehe, you girl, if you just say it, I'm afraid you already have a care in your heart.

Say it, if it doesn't sound good, don't blame everyone for making fun of you, and fine you a thousand glasses of wine! "

Liu Juan knew in her heart that her younger brother Liu Qianlang would call someone out in a while, so she didn't care about chatting and laughing with a group of girls.

"Hey, sister Juan, if I don't disappoint you, can you give me your twenty-one spirit gods!"

Pa'er likes Liujuan's twenty-one elves very much, and she always thinks of ways to ask for them. Now Liujuan has a phoenix that can cover the sky transformed into a butterfly king of the three realms, as well as Longyun Sixiang, Xiaoli, etc. The guard force envies others, so he asks for Taoism.

"Hehe, I said that you are so diligent as a newcomer, you always run to my Emerald Star Palace for nothing, and you seem to be in harmony with the twenty-one spirit gods, so you have already planned to ask me for it.

Forget it, they were originally given to me by your husband, and now they are destined to be happy with you. If everyone is satisfied with your Xinyang name, it will satisfy your heart! "

Liu Juan loves her large group of younger siblings, no matter which one belongs to them.

Therefore, although he was reluctant to let the twenty-one spirit gods leave him, he still agreed with a smile.

"Hehe, thank you sister Juan!"

Pa'er immediately laughed like a flower, and sweetly called her sister.

"Let's talk, if you have the ability to ask for it, then we have to hear your name."

Liu Juan reminded with a smile.

"Let's call it Colorful Yuanyang. In the past, the chaotic three universes and five human worlds are history. Now that the new universe and Xinyang appear, the spiritual heart is actually the same as our soul, which is the colorful fate soul and flower soul.

All of this coincides with our miraculous chance encounters. Yanghao is condensed by our Linghong, and the seven-color fate soul heart is saved by the master.

Although the nine directions of the universe are no longer, and the whole universe is one, the five colors have become the seven colors of the same universe, so the new yang is called the colorful Yuanyang, can it be good? "

Pa'er told Xin Zhou Xin Yang's name and explained the reason.

"Hmm! This name is wonderful. Sister-in-law Pa'er deserves to be the first leader of the fairy world in the world, and she is so particular about her name."

When Cheng Shifeng heard the words, he agreed very much, and even praised Pa'er fiercely.

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