Nine Heavens

Chapter 1800 The Voice from Outer Universe

Chapter One Thousand and Eight Hundred

"This name is meaningful and meaningful, but it's not easy to pronounce, why not call it Qimengyang?

Realizing the dream of light and dark has always been our greatest wish in the Jiufang Universe. However, we did not realize it until the Jiufang Universe was destroyed, which became our greatest regret.

Now that a new universe is formed, most of the spiritual beings of the Nine Directions Universe are about to enter the new universe, everything will be a new beginning, let the past regrets come true in the new universe.

What does Pa'er think of calling Xinyang like that? "

Liu Juan looked up at the colorful red sun in the sky and said.

"Okay, okay, but my twenty-one spirit gods?"

Pa'er held the star-cracking cloud fan in one hand, and held the wine in the other. After tasting it, she had to admit that the name was more meaningful, so she said.

"Hehe, don't worry, your name Xinzhou Xinyang is also appropriate, who said that Tongyang can't have two names!

Everyone here can choose a name in their hearts, and let me bless this hard-won Xinzhou Xinyang forever.

As for the twenty-one spirit gods! "

Liu Juan intentionally hesitated for a while, looked at Pa'er, whose face was slightly reddish, and then smiled and said:

"Of course you win!"

"Sister Juan is so nice!"

When Pa'er heard this, she was very happy and shouted crisply.

"Sister Juan is so nice!"


Her cry immediately ignited the eruption of the audience, hundreds of millions of immortals all shouted, one after another, and then laughed and drank, who said that her daughter is not a man, because Xintao has not yet arrived!

"Haha, Boss, after all the talk, I still have to convince you. I used to laugh at that kid Yunye for choosing the wrong heir, and he killed the leader of the Xuanling Sect!

Little did they know that there seemed to be a divine mechanism of death, but when the Xuanling Sect was revived again, they actually led five mortal spirits into the realm of fairy spirits!

well! This is really beyond our imagination. It seems that Buddhism and Taoism say: Life is death, death is life, and there is no new life without death. These tongue twisters are not without reason. "

"Thirteen, do you think that your eldest brother, the boss of Shisanyu, is self-proclaimed. When the Jiufang universe was born in the past, this boss was the first big mountain. As for you, I was the one who looked at the wonderful piece of land. The fairyland is so cute, I pulled you out one by one!

You said, how could this boss be a simple character? The reason why my boss enlightened Yunye's teacher Guangshun and accepted him as his apprentice was mainly because Yunye had a predestined relationship with Siling Boy the day after tomorrow!

Now you can see, they not only went to the bright spiritual world, but also realized the growth of all beings and the transformation of all spirits into immortals.

And leading all living beings to escape the last disaster of the universe's reversal of the universe, and finally about to enter the newborn Daheng universe, smart boss! Wisdom, I'm still the boss, so admire me to death! Ha ha……"

"Boss, what you said this time is true, are we really the spirit mountain gods you pulled out from the ancient Nine Directions universe spirit land?"

"Why fourth, don't you believe my boss' words?"

"Of course I can't believe it. Hundreds of millions of years ago you said that we were formed from a few stones that fell from your body, but now you say that you pulled us out.

I remember before you said that we are the ownerless and soulless wandering elves you picked up in the inexplicable sky, you gave us the stone soul spirit body, and...

Which one of these is true, or are they all false? "

"Of course it's all true. On weekdays, you are always told not to play with spiritual pets, not to brew any fairy wine, not to grow any spiritual flowers, to play the piano and paint, but to meditate more.

But you guys just don't listen, and you do these foolish things all day long, so that I can't concentrate on enlightenment, I keep eating your food, and I have to lose weight!

Hey, where did I just say that? "

"Speaking of not letting us be playful, we must realize the Tao, boss, can you have a theme for your talk?"

"Oh! What the third brother reminded is right. As long as you calm down and realize it carefully, you will find out. How did I stay with you and become your boss again? It doesn't really matter how you were born, the important thing is You are born.

It is enough to know that, however he came to be, I have also inquired where I came from, and found out that I can't figure it out!

I was the one who taught you your supernatural powers, but I don’t know where I learned them myself. Your boss is a bull, who knows everything, and is born with it. "

"Boss, what are you talking about? I can't understand it. Why are your words similar to those of the monks in Xifotian.

Is the boss a stone monk at first, and later became a wandering stone priest in heaven after all precepts were broken? Later, somehow, I met us one after another, and then became a foodie. "

"Cut! Twelve, this is your fault. Who made me your boss? If I don't eat the good food you make, don't watch you dance, don't listen to your fairy music, then who else appreciates you? Is there any motivation to continue creating play?"

"That's really the case. The boss is the boss, and what he said makes sense. Boss, aren't we planning to go back to the cloud world? Why did we call everyone to this dark new universe?

My old nine can say it first, if you are willing to stay in this black hole new universe, I will not accompany you, I plan to go back to the cloud world to have fun! "

"You ungrateful guys, let me ask you if you have stayed in the Nine Directions Universe before?"


"Has the Nine Directions Universe perished?"


"Then you plan to leave like this. When the Jiufang Universe is here, you are free and happy. Now that the Jiufang Universe is destroyed, you just slap your ass and leave!?"

"Otherwise, so what?"

"Of course it helps the new universe to sprout a more beautiful beauty of the spiritual sky. Didn't you see that kid Liu Qianlang is creating the new universe and new sun?"

"I see, but what does it have to do with us? Didn't the boss say something that has nothing to do with us, just watch the fun and don't care about it!"

"You can hear what I just said with your nose. Why is it none of our business? If the new universe is born, it will be wonderful. What bragging, really no vision at all.

Really, I don't know how to mess with the boss with so many ups and downs in the universe, and I haven't learned any cleverness. "

"Oh! That's right, the boss is still powerful, so let's talk about it, what should we do?"

"It's very simple. Those who raise rabbits let the rabbits run around, those who dance can just dance, those who play the piano sit down and play the piano, those who refine wine can only refine wine, and those who make delicious food just cook..."

"Boss, is it that simple?"

"It's that simple."

"Then what are you doing, boss?"

"My boss should eat delicious food, drink fine wine, listen to fairy music, and amuse my soul! I forgot to tell you, this is my magic skill, and your task is also your magic skill.

When we are joking, we will achieve the magic of Xinzhou Xinyang, haha...start! "

At this moment, the people inside the Black Jade Skull Profound Realm heard a burst of frenzied chatter and laughter from outside the New Universe outside the Black Jade Skeleton Profound Realm.

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