Nine Heavens

Chapter 1801 New Universe Girl

Chapter 1801 New Universe Girl

"Hehe, I didn't expect thirteen of the twenty-eight rays of dawn in the new universe to be reflected on the seniors of Shisanyu."

Liu Qianlang withdrew his Yang-pointing hand, performed the fairy salute on his chest, and said with a loud smile:

"Junior Liu Qianlang and the former immortal friend Lingpeng have met the old man of Shisanyu! Please bestow the dawn of the new universe!"

"See the old man of Shisanyu!"

After Liu Qianlang said, all the people in the Black Jade Skull Profound Realm, except for the wonderful land of the Holy Mother of Linhe River, followed Liu Qianlang's movements to salute to the sky, bowing to people they were not familiar with.

"Liu Qianlang, this is the third time we have met. The first time, I practiced your so-called Nine Heavens Immortal Sword for you.

The second time, it was in the Hell Outer Prison, and we will reprimand you for deceiving your master and exterminating your ancestors.

The third time is today.

Having said that, in fact, the second time we met, it was not Tianyuan that I waited for, but Master Bingpo and Master Fufeng, your Xuanlingmen master, asked me to go together.

Back then, your high-ranking celestial sects were worried about you being in such a dangerous situation in the nether hell, and they were distracted to take revenge because of their death, so they scolded you for betraying the sect and dying, and then let us scold you!

Frankly speaking, nearly seven trillion years have passed since this matter, and I should explain it to you. One is to make you feel at ease, and the other is to understand the painstaking efforts and expectations of your old celestial beings!

Everything is in the past, regardless of whether it is Canghong, or all thoughts and thoughts will stop, but the dust and smoke are gone, so there is no more to say, how can Xinzhou Xinyang lose some of our old colors of Shisanyu!

However, what Ben Yu wants to explain is that we are waiting for the thirteen dawns of the new universe, and the divine rainbow is ours, but the vitality contained in the dawns also includes the spiritual thoughts of all of you former mountain gate dignitaries! "

The boss of Shisanyu changed his tone of joking and joking before, and said this sentence in a sad and emotional voice.

Although he didn't talk much, Liu Qianlang heard it in his ears and felt hurt in his heart, tears welled up in his eyes.

"The head of the ice soul, master..."

Liu Qianlang silently called the names of countless seniors in his heart, knelt down on his knees, raised his head, and stretched out his hands, as if embracing Xinzhou Xinyang.

Then shout to all the fairy friends in Juxian Mountain:

"Worship to the old man of Thirteen Valleys, and the countless undead souls who died for the birth of the new universe in the Jiufang universe! I worship the new sun of the new universe!"

After Liu Qianlang finished speaking, he took the lead in bowing down, raised his head after nine bows, and after nine nine eighty-one bows, he kept embracing and stared at Shenyang.

Liu Qianlang is like this, and so is the entire Juxian Mountain, and even everyone in Yuntai Palace.

Just as he was devoutly worshiping Xinzhou Xinyang in the Moyu Skull Profound Realm, the thirteen valley elders had already shot at the thirteen magnificent divine rainbows above Xinzhou Xinyang, and then retreated silently.

The twenty-eight rays of dawn in Xinzhou Xinyang finally gathered together, and the flames flew around Xinzhou Xinyang.



"Huh? What is this place, how did I appear here, who am I, what is my name..."

After Liu Qianlang led the Langyuan Spiritual Clan and spirit friends to bow down, he got up, with countless pairs of infinitely reverent eyes, looking up at the Qimengyang sky.

Everyone's heart was ups and downs, recalling the stories of the previous universe and their infinite longing for the future.

At this moment, there was no sound inside or outside the Moyu Skeleton Xuan, and everything was quiet.

Yet this quietness is infinitely mysterious and full of excitement.

Especially Liu Qianlang, the God of Sword Zhanxuan, Song Zhen, Cheng Yuanfang, Emperor Jilong, Lvhong Fengshou, Emperor Xunyan, Liu Juan from Yuntai Palace, Cheng Shifeng, Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives, Lan Shuang, Ye Xiang, Tian Ling Seven Sisters, Jiu Ying and other extremely powerful people, they felt a new spiritual heart suddenly start beating in their hearts.

Then came the sound of her breathing, and then the sound of her talking to herself in infinite amazement.

Hearing such a voice, Liu Qianlang looked around at Cheng Yuanfang and the others, and at the same time thought about Yuntai Palace.




Yaya heard the order, played the Mitian conch three times in a row, and shouted: "All immortal friends, fly to Fengyang, send to the sky of the new universe, fly!

Lian'er, the Nine-Colored Divine Lotus is leading the way! All the spirits in the Moyu Skeleton Profound Realm entered the freshman universe and dream universe! "

"Hee hee! Great, my new pet is born!"

Lian'er was innocent and innocent, she stepped on the colorful damask and held the nine-color lotus in her hand to shoot towards the passage of the magical method outside the Moyu Skull Xuan.

Qimengyang, who was flying in the flames of the twenty-eight dawns of the new universe, immediately followed Lianer.

The people behind instantly floated up into the sky, surrounding Xinzhou Xinyang Chao Moyu Skeleton Profound Realm, miraculously fluttering around.

But after a while, everyone was already in the new time and space inside and outside the Moyu Skull.

The new universe, Xinyang, Qimengyang slowly lifted into the sky, the infinitely dark and empty universe, the light devoured the darkness, and the big chunks became bright and began to have colors.

Because the person who Guangming Liu Qianlang heard in Moyu's skull, the first spiritual voice in the new universe, is also in everyone's field of vision.

She was a little girl, about three or four years old, with big, black and shining eyes.

Wearing the innate colorful spiritual shirt outside the body, it is sparkling, like sparks, like Lingbo, and the feet can fly out of the void, which is unexpectedly pleasant.

This little girl is very sensitive to the light and the sound of the Mitian snail. Seeing the sky is red and the sun is growing, she immediately flies to Lian'er and laughs around Xinzhou Xinyang Qimengyang.

Then she saw countless fairy shadows flying in the air, and she actually used the big living people as toys, flew into the group of immortals, pulled this hair, pulled that beard, got under some fairy skirt to hide and seek, and lay on someone's back, Take a free ride...

In the end, the big eyes flickered, and the small hands covered the ears to find the sound of the Mitian snail, and then flew to the back of Yaya's Blue Demon Bull King, lying on it, with his chin resting on his hands, listening to Yaya playing the Mitian snail.


"Is this Xinzhou's first spiritual life? It's still a little girl, she looks a lot like Lian'er, and she's also naughty.

It just so happens that I feel a little lonely. If she is willing, why not leave it to me to take care of her. "

Later, the people of Yuntai Palace gradually understood that the creation of human beings mentioned by the head master was actually just counting the birth of the first life in the new universe, not creating human beings by themselves.

Then they naturally became the supporters of Juxian Mountain. At this moment, they were all infinitely curious as the Xinzhou Xinqi Mengyang continued to rise, flying immortals all over the sky.

Looking at this new life, Miao Yan liked it more and more, and smiled.

"That can't be done. You all have children. She should follow me. I have everything she wants. No one is arguing with her!"

Princess Jinling couldn't help talking again, looking at the cute little girl, she almost wanted to pounce on her.



"Haha... Fourth brother, Yuanfang, Emperor Jilong, Luhong Fengshou, are you sure this is the number one person in the new universe that we are looking forward to day and night?"

Liu Qianlang imagined the appearance of the first person in Xinzhou many times in his mind, there are all kinds of versions, but he never thought that the first person in Xinzhou turned out to be a beautiful little girl with big eyes, after seeing it again and again, he laughed out loud Ask the person next to you.

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