Nine Heavens

Chapter 1802 The First Spirit

Chapter 1802 The First Spirit

"Third brother, don't underestimate this little girl. She is the future mother of the new universe. I have already deduced her future, but it is very strange that I can't deduce her past."

Jianzhan Shenjun looked at the mischievous first spirit man of the new universe lying on Yaya's back from afar, with a dazed expression, and said.

"Hehe, the Nine Directions Universe has been turbulent and chaotic for tens of billions of years, and after the quiet rebirth, all things are indistinguishable from each other, all of which are the result of the gathering of spiritual energy from the new universe.

This is her past, it is obvious, does Jianzhan Shenjun have other views on this No. 1 person in the new universe? "

Seeing that Zhanxuanzi looked a little wrong, Emperor Jilong laughed.

"That's right. It stands to reason that when the first person in the new universe was born, his body should only have the breath of the new universe. In addition to this little girl's body, there is also the ancient spirit universe breath similar to the Linhe Virgin."

Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen nodded, then looked at the surrounding people and said.

"Jianzhan Shenjun means that this first person in the new universe is not a spiritual life born from the collection of complete new universe spiritual energy. It is the result of the combination of old and new universes?"

The head of the green rainbow phoenix, with its feet on the feathers of the divine phoenix, floated, and asked with a frown.

"It should be like this, but let's get to the bottom of it. In any case, she is also the first person in the new universe. After she was born, this infinitely lonely new universe. All things and spirits will soon be born one after another, a great unity full of new vitality The universe began to appear!

Everyone just be happy, today is the day when the sun rises on the first day of the new universe, we will be floating in the light of Qimengyang, this is the Zhouwu celebration of new birth, let's wait for the moonlight with wine! "

Liu Qianlang patted his brother Jian Zhan Shenjun Song Zhen, whose black and white eyebrows were twitching, and waved his sleeves to the sky. In an instant, the sky was filled with white wine and clouds, and billions of divine jades were shining in the blue. As well as the bold and unrestrained people, they all poured wine on the altar with Liu Qianlang, laughed and drank wildly.

"Hehe, what kind of place is this? Why are there so many flying things that can move like me!"

The little girl lying on Yaya's head snatched the celestial snail from Yaya's hand, and unexpectedly taught herself without a teacher. She blew the horn of the first person in the new universe, and asked Yaya with a smile.

"This is called Qiqi Mengzhou, where you were born. They are not things, just like you and me, they are called people."

"Oh! What are people?"

"People are as smart as you, kind and innocent, and they are one of the greatest spiritual beings, nothing."

"Hee hee, your back is so warm, why did you appear here? Just now I was chasing a skull with double lights. It was so cold and scary. Something that glows, beautiful and warm."

"That skull is a magical treasure. Because of it, all of us have survived until now. It is also because of it that we have waited for the birth of Xinzhou Xinyang and you.

The high place is called the sky, and the luminous thing is called Qimengyang. From now on, Qimengzhou will be the magical treasure that illuminates and provides warmth for you. "

"Well, I see, what's your name, and what's my name?"

"Hehe, we don't call things, we should all have a name, my name is Yaya, you can call me sister Yaya, and you, just..."

"Just call her Mengmeng, I've already thought of a name for her!"

At this time, Lian'er had been watching Mengmeng for a long time with wide-eyed eyes, before Yaya could say her name, Lian'er shouted first.

"Hee hee, Mengmeng, it sounds good, I like this thing, so I'll call it Mengmeng.

Then my name is Mengmeng, what are you? "

Mengmeng asked Lianer back.


When Lian Er heard that her youngest daughter liked the name she had chosen, and also took the initiative to talk to herself, she was so happy from ear to ear, she said after a long time:

"My name is Lian Er, you can call me Sister Lian Er!"

"I understand. You all call this elder sister and that elder sister. Hello, sister Lian'er, what is that thing in your hand? Why is it so fragrant and beautiful?"

Mengmeng's spiritual eyes sparkled, and she seemed to understand a lot of truths. Turning her eyes, her eyes fell on the nine-colored lotus held by Lian'er.

"This is called the Nine Colors Divine Lotus and it is my treasure. Do you like it? I like it. You can play with me in the future!"

"Okay, shall we go play now?"

"Great! Let's go!"

When Lian'er heard it, she fell in love with it, now it's all right, she won't have to ask her father and mother for it, and she has tricked her into getting her precious pet!

So she hastily agreed, having a new love and forgetting the old love, and no longer paying attention to Xiaoliu who has become a golden-robed boy. With a gesture of raising her hand, Mengmeng and herself stepped on the colorful silk, flying into the blue sky, white clouds and Qi Mengyang's jewels are shining.


"Ha ha……"

Lian'er is only about seven or eight years old, leading Mengmeng, who is dressed similarly to her, to travel in a misty boat in space, so happy.

The people below Liu Qianlang Lang Yuanyuan, the former nine-dimensional cosmic spirits, looked at them like two rainbow butterflies flying in the sky, each full of praise, discussions boiling, dancing freely, toasting and sharing, happy endless .

"Shuang'er, why are you so blessed, Lian'er is envious of us, and now there is another treasure!"

Most of the people in Yuntai Palace in the Moyu Skull were still nearby. Miaoyan saw the two children happy. Not long after, she saw Tianling, her sisters, and other partners also joined Lianer. The team, envious of Emperor Shuangtian, said.

"If Sister Yan'er likes it, I'll give it to you, I'm afraid every day's hard work will ruin you.

A lotus is enough to make no sense, and with such an inefficient lamp, I guess I won't even be able to sleep. "

Emperor Shuangtian loved Lian'er so much that he was so angry, the mother hadn't grasped the child's rules of doing things until now, and every time she wanted to find her, she didn't know how many places she had to miss.

This kind of wry smile is really indescribable, that's why Emperor Shuangtian said this to Miaoyan.

"You're talking nonsense, you don't care much about Lian'er, she's not at Shui'er's house every day, she's at Ying'er, Danrou, Liusha, or some dragon and phoenix girl, I think you're very quiet.

What he does on weekdays is nothing more than listening to everyone praise how smart Lianer is. "

When Miao Yan heard this, she immediately smiled.

"Sister Yan'er is right. It's a pity that I am a mother. I doubt if Lian'er is my own daughter. On the tenth day, Jiusiri was with you, or went to the place of the gods. She is at ease. But I am miserable, watching you accompany my daughter, I became a spectator."

Emperor Shuangtian said helplessly.

"Okay, we sisters are of one heart and one mind, and we won't lose the child no matter what. Everyone really likes her, and we hope to have her for a while wherever we go."

Hearing this, Miao Yan expressed her understanding and persuasion, and then the two of them turned their attention to the two children again.

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