Nine Heavens

Chapter 1805 Immortals from Heaven

Chapter 1805

"You are?"

Outside the Lingguo Palace of Qimeng Dayi, the people in the sky spoke a few words that subverted everyone's imagination, and shook the sky for a while, shocking everyone, Liu Qianlang asked.

"We are the central position of the four directions of the cloud world, the central position Yunting Yunshu Qingyun and Baiyun pass the two envoys, today we are dedicated to Jietong Yunjun, who is your former teacher Jie Tong It is the destiny of the real person to come and summon the new Junjun Jun of the new universe and the spiritual world to gather in Yunting.

At the same time, Jietong Yunjun invited Zhanxuanzi, the god of Jianzhan, to go with him. Yunjun said that there are many secrets to tell you! "

The fairy from outside the sky replied.


"Mr. Jie Tongyun invited me, it's really the luck of the younger generation!"

Jianzhan Shenjun Song Zhen heard the words, his black and white eyebrows twitched, thinking about the words outside the palace, because Yunjie Qingyun and Baiyun messenger mentioned the relationship between Yunjun and his brother Liu Qianlang, and invited him to go to Yunting by name, so he said .

"Hehe, Lord Jianzhan is being polite!"

The voices of the two envoys Qingyun and Baiyun were already near the high altitude of Linghong. Liu Qianlang led the people in the palace to fly out of the Linggong in an instant, and in the next second, the group floated in the sky. superior person.

Qing Baiyun sent two envoys, one in a green fairy robe and the other in a white fairy robe. The two of them each held a whisk in their hands, and they were both blue and white.

Floating in front of them was a decree of Lord Yun, a blue book on a white background, on which the words of the Immortal of the Cloud Realm could be seen through the clouds.

"Dare to ask the two immortal envoys, are you from outside the new universe? How are you connected with our current new universe?"

Liu Qianlang stepped on the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Spiritual Sword, with flying white hair and silver clothes, standing in front of General Lang Yuan's army, and asked salutingly.

"Hehe, the new king of the bright spiritual world, you have just been promoted from the low universe to the spiritual world, and many things about the immortal universe are unknown.

But you should know the three universes of heaven, earth and man. Simply put, the fairy universe is divided into three levels from low to high, namely, the human universe, the earth universe and the universe.

From the moment you are inspired by the physical body and start to absorb the breath of the spirit, you start the journey of the human universe and the immortal, and the physical energy in your body gradually transforms into spiritual and divine energy.

When you have the ability to enter the Netherworld and the Bright Spiritual World, you will start your celestial journey again. Now that you have won the battle against the spiritual world and achieved the rebirth and unification of the bright spiritual world, you are about to start your journey to the universe.

Heaven, earth and man are three universes, independent of each other and interrelated.

The three universes did not exist before your spiritual life was born, but once your spiritual life is born, you will immediately face these three basic universes.

There are three universes of heaven, earth and man, the human universe is the beginning, the earth universe is the cradle of your progress, and the universe is the beginning of your real entry into the fairy universe.

The human universe is the existence of the spiritual realm, the most complex and mysterious, as long as you are immortal, it will always be with you, and it will continue to become stronger as your divine power and mana progress.

The so-called human universe has four basic elements, which are what you often call soul, soul, soul, and obsession. These four elements can form independent universes in the fairyland.

The soul becomes the soul universe, the soul becomes the soul universe, the primordial spirit becomes the god universe, and obsession becomes the obsession universe.

In the fairyland, you need these extremely powerful elemental universes to synthesize your human universe and strengthen them continuously so that you can exist and cannot be split in the fairyland.

However, you will find that even the immortal gods in the cloud and sky world can differentiate into many real clones in the lower realm, and you can at most differentiate into some phantoms, not real real clones. This is mainly because the basic requirement for being able to differentiate into clones is your soul soul obsession, and each strand of it must reach the time when it can become an independent universe.

Until now, your soul soul obsession has not been able to reach this level, so now you cannot be a clone.

However, it was possible in the time of the heavens in your ancient times. At that time, many of you were gods and gods in the heavens, and naturally your soul, primordial spirit, and obsessions were all independent into the universe.

It's just that after you split your soul into the lower realm, the independent universe is destroyed. If you want to do things like the lower realm of the clone, you have to enter the universe to practice again.

What the Lord of the Bright Spiritual World asked was right and wrong. The Celestial Universe is indeed outside the Earth Universe, but the Human Universe is relatively speaking, wherever you are, the Universe will surround you wherever you are.

For example, you are in the universe, whether it is the ancient ancient spirit universe, or the later medieval Jiufang universe, or the current new universe.

No matter how the universe evolves, you are all in it, unless you break through the universe and enter other universes.

And if you want to break through other universes, the universe is your first step, and the universe is roughly divided into the cloud universe and the universe.

When you have the ability to enter the universe and the universe, then you will be surrounded by the universe and participate in all the evolutions here.

These evolutions include yourself, and your future will either gradually become stronger, or because of the evolution of the universe, your god can be swallowed and die.

If you are lucky enough, you can also enter the inexplicable universe beyond the heavens. At that time, you will have broken through the three universes of heaven, earth and man.

You in the human universe are called human beings, you in the earth realm are called spirits, and you in the heavenly realm are called immortal gods, so no one knows what you are called in the three universes beyond heaven, earth and man, at least in our universe.

Hehe, I don’t know what this emissary said, do you understand? "

The person who spoke was Baiyun Yunshu, the transmission envoy of the Qingbai two envoys. He was white and fat, with thin skin and tender flesh. He had big ears, big eyes and big mouth, big arms and round waist, and he was born with a smiling face.

When talking, it likes to keep moving around, just like a tumbler, very funny.

"Senior explained in such detail, how could this junior not understand, but this junior really doesn't understand, how could Master Jietong belong to Lord Yunzhou Yun? Could it be that my master taught me the magical skills in the lower realms and planned today..."

Liu Qianlang asked a lot of questions in a series.

"The new emperor of Dizhou is impatient, and Yunzhou Yunjun will naturally give you satisfactory answers to these questions. What you have to do now is whether to accept the edict of Yunjun or not!

We, Qingbai Second Envoy, are not the king of the universe where you are going to pass the decree, and we have no time to spend cloud and light with you! "

Before Liu Qianlang could finish asking, Baiyun passed on his side, tall and thin, like a telegraph pole.

With a long face, drooping eyebrows, and dark complexion, Qing Yun, with mung bean eyes shining, said indifferently without opening his mouth or moving his body.

There are two messengers, one is fat and the other is thin, one is tall and the other is short, one is white and the other is black, one is kind and the other is indifferent, one is stiff and the other cannot stop.

These two are together, people see it, it can make people laugh to death. The people behind Liu Qianlang laughed secretly, but due to the situation, they tried their best to suppress it.


Liu Qianlang hesitated, thought for a while, and wanted to find a reason to refuse temporarily, because although the other party said that Mr. Yun was a mentor, but the mentor never gave him any information, he was afraid that there would be fraud, so he planned to do so for the time being.

Then I will look for an opportunity to confess to my teacher.

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