Nine Heavens

Chapter 1806 Cloud Calligraphy Purpose

Chapter 1806 Cloud Calligraphy Purpose

"Third brother, why don't you take this opportunity to take a tour of Yunzhou, and you will know whether Jun Yun is the third brother's respected teacher at a glance. If there is a problem, we are still traveling through the shuttle, and we should be safe to ensure safety!"

Song Zhen, the God of Sword Occupation, transmitted his calm thoughts to his brother Liu Qianlang.

"That's right, Brother Zhen's words are true. I've also heard about your master Jietong. This person is extremely mysterious. Regardless of whether it's true or not, and what his purpose is, we should take the risk!"

Liu Juan highly sensed the words of Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, and agreed.

"Well! Should go!"

Cheng Yuanfang, the Heavenly Wolf Master of the Heavenly Wolf Sect, also looked at Liu Qianlang and nodded slightly, thinking of sound transmission.

Although Cheng Shifeng didn't speak, when his eyes met, Liu Qianlang naturally understood that his sister also had the same point of view.

Liu Qianlang thought about it, that's okay, so he saluted Gao Kong and said with a smile:

"Please don't be angry, envoy Qingyun, it's all a junior's fault, and this is the decree of Lord Jieyun Zhouyun!"

"Yeah, haha... Ruzi can be taught! Qingyun declares the decree."

When Bai Yunyun's transmission envoy heard Liu Qianlang agreed, the smiling face on his face was even more peach blossomed at this moment, and he smiled happily.

On Qingyun's dark face, with drooping eyebrows and raised eyebrows, revealing two mung bean eyes, he stretched out his hand to hold the cloud calligraphy letter floating in front of him, and said in a strange voice:

Yunjun Yunjun has a grand view of the destruction and rebirth of countless universes. He is very satisfied with the spiritualization of this place. He specially summons the king of this place to go to the Yangyun Palace at the center of Yunzhou to meet with Yunjun Tongyun in the universe. Here, Take orders!

Then Qing Yunshi loosened his indifferent hands, and with a cyan whisk, the cloud calligraphy with blue characters on a white background fluttered down towards Liu Qianlang below.

"Hehe, Emperor Zhou of Yunzhou Yunjun's cloud calligraphy has already been picked up, so please follow us!

However, Jun Yun dictated the decree beforehand, only Di Zhoudi Jun and Jian Zhan Shen Jun entered Yun Zhou to see Yun Jun, and Yun Jun did not summon others. "

Seeing Yun's calligraphic purpose floating in front of Liu Qianlang, Bai Yunyun's calligrapher staggered and smiled kindly.

"My junior, thank you Yunjun Yun and the two holy envoys for your kindness! However, I still have some business to deal with, so I need to go to Yunzhou to meet Mr. Yun later.

I also hope that the two saints, Haihan, will tell me and Jianzhan Shenjun to go to Yunzhou Shenmen, and we will go soon. "

Liu Qianlang heard the words, for the sake of safety, he did not immediately agree to the other party, but refused to go immediately.

Hearing Liu Qianlang's refusal to go immediately, the two envoys of Yunzhou Qingyun looked at each other, as if they had exchanged something in their minds, Liu Qianlang's mind-reading skills could not understand the meaning of his words.

"I really don't know how to flatter you, since this is the case, we will give you two Yunxiang birds for two days, and you can take them to set off in one day, and you can reach them in one day's journey.

Remember, the lifespan of the two-day Yunxiang bird is only two days, if you don’t travel after one day, you can’t do it even a moment later, otherwise the bird will die! "

Qingyun's face was unhappy, his eyebrows drooped to cover his mung bean eyes, his teeth were buckled, and he said coldly.

Then the two turned around, one was stiff, the other was shaking, one was tall and thin, and the other was short and fat, flying high in the clouds in an extremely uncoordinated manner.

"Will! Will!"

Immediately behind them, two cloud-shaped flying birds suddenly appeared, one with a blue body and the other with a white body, flying towards Liu Qianlang and Jianzhan Shenjun with emerald singing.

"Ha ha……"


As soon as Yun Zhou and Yun Zhou's envoys left, the members of Lang Yuan Sect couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Big sister Yaya, you said they are Yunzhou fairy gods, why do they look so ugly, one is like a ball, and the other is like a tree trunk!"

The seven sisters of Tianling and almost all the major generals of the Langyuan Sect surrounded Yaya. Tianling spread his wings and flew to Yaya, asking with a smile.

"Hee hee! Who said that all gods are good-looking, I heard that Nuwa Empress also had the body of a snake in the beginning, they at least look like humans!"

Yaya had a new interest, and forgot to be in pain with Xiaoliai. She first admired the two cloud birds, Qingbai, for a while, and then came to join in the fun.

"As long as you know everything, Mengmeng, you won't lose her, will you?"

Tianling saw Lian'er flying over with a smile on the colorful silk, and said angrily.


"Sister Tianling, I'm here. Sister Lian'er's sleeves are so soft and comfortable. I haven't slept enough, I still want to sleep!"

Before Tian Ling finished speaking, an innocent little face protruded from Lian'er's cuff, her eyes flashed, and she held her chin with her hands, and said in a coquettish voice.

"Hey, then you can go to sleep."

When the Tianling Seventh Sisters and Yaya saw each other, they all laughed and said jokingly.

"Hey! I'm the little devil turtle, wait for you to wake up and play with me, I have a lot of fun and delicious food!"

Mengmeng is so cute, everyone likes it, the little devil turtle can't help but look at Mengmeng and ask.

"Oh! That's great, I'm not sleepy anymore, sister Little Demon Turtle, I'll play with you now, bring out your delicious and fun things!"

As soon as the little devil tortoise spoke, Mengmeng, who was going to retract into Lian'er's cuffs, became energetic in an instant, jumped onto the little devil's shoulder with a whoosh, grabbed Kai Huizhu on his head and said.


Her words once again caused the people around them to burst into laughter.

"I'm not my sister, I'm Brother Little Demon Turtle!"

The little devil turtle explained with a blushing face.

"No, Sister Lian'er said that if you meet someone, you should call me Sister. Aren't you human?"

Mengmeng asked in surprise.

"I, I, here, these spirit fruits are delicious!"

When the little devil turtle heard it, it squeaked, and couldn't explain it, so it quickly took out a few fairy fruits from the sea of ​​sleeves and gave them to Mengmeng, for fear that she would call her sister again.

"Thank you, Little Devil Turtle Sister, hehe, it's delicious!"

Afterwards, Mengmeng did not let the little devil "disappointed" one sister at a time, screaming sweetly to the bone marrow, and the little devil had to face the surrounding laughter with a bitter face.

"Huh? What is that, it's fun!"

Mengmeng suddenly saw two blue and white cloud birds spreading their wings in front of Liu Qianlang and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, cotton-like, very playful, and immediately stepped on everyone's shoulders and flew towards them.

Not long after, Mengmeng stood on one of the cloud birds, drove the two birds to fly in the sky, and jumped up and down on the two cloud birds from time to time, having a great time.

"Unexpectedly, the spiritual life of the human race born in the new universe is born with such supernatural powers, and Yunzhou Yunqi can also control it!"

Mengmeng's move surprised even Gao Zun of Langyuan Sect, there was no need to talk about it, Liu Qianlang also sighed very much.

"This Xinzhou Lingming human race is really not simple. Next, I will deduce her soul-removing divine ability in more detail. Now let's concentrate on discussing this Yunzhou Dharma."

Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, the God of Jianzhan, twisted his black and white eyebrows, nodded and said.

Liu Qianlang naturally agreed, so Liu Qianlang asked Yaya to take good care of the two two-day cloud birds, and then returned to the Emperor's Palace to discuss matters with the high-level officials holding the cloud calligraphy decree.

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