Nine Heavens

Chapter 1807 The Secret of the Dragon

Chapter 1807 The Secret of the Dragon

After a few hours in the Earth Universe Calendar, the Earth Emperor Emperor Liu Qianlang and Qun Lingxian in the Earth Universe Emperor's Palace had the results of their political discussions.

First, fulfill the purpose of Yunzhou Yunjunyun's calligraphy as promised.

Second, during the time when Liu Qianlang and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen left, Yaya and Liu Yun were in charge of the affairs of the White Star Palace of the Earth Universe Wave Yuan Sect.

Of course, Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang, and Cheng Shifeng are in charge of the other three celestial affairs, while the three spirit masters are assisting Yaya's Liu Yun.

Third, with Jiuying and Tianling Seven Sisters as the main force, they are responsible for the safety of all fairyland areas in the universe.

Ninety-nine and eighty-one magical generals deploy their defenses in all directions of the heavenly realm of the ten directions of the universe, waiting for the return of the emperor of the universe, Liu Qianlang, and the emperor of the sword, Zhanxuan, Song Zhen, or to deal with accidents, such as the universe taking the opportunity Tianjun's lower realm violation, etc.

As for the other forces, Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives, Cheng Yuanfang's four wives Four Shadow Phantom Fox, Lan Shuang and Ye Xiang form a mobile force to support any party in any direction at any time.

After arranging all the things that needed to be arranged, chatter and laughter came from the Emperor's Palace.

"Dijun, it seems that this Lord Jietongyun lived on the Qingtian River on the bank of Qingtian River in the east of our hometown Qingshi Villa, it seems that it is not accidental, it should be intentional.

His purpose, it seems obvious now, is to determine the identity of the so-called Four Spirit Boys, especially the identity of the emperor's Bai Ling Zhengling Boy.

I don't know what he said to you at that time, after the contact with Yunzhou Yunjun's soul body in the lower realm, except for the words he said after the three of you went together, what did you say at other times, let me tell you for reference.

Maybe we can figure out his real intention of looking for our Four Spirit Boy back then. "

Liu Juan's voice was clear and dignified, and could be heard very clearly even in the distant space outside the Dizhou Emperor's Palace.

"Actually, the time I spend with my mentor is pitifully small, and the total amount of time before and after is only a few hours..."

Liu Qianlang taught the cliff, and later his mentor and Zhong Sheng obsessed with the part about the battle between the thunderbolt and the mysterious demon.

"Why are they doing this? One wants to kill Brother Dijun, and the other wants to protect Brother Dijun!"

Cheng Shifeng thought about it all over, but I couldn't figure it out.

"I always have a feeling that we seem to be tools manipulated by the forces of the Yuntian gods. They hope that after we become immortals, we can achieve some of their goals."

Cheng Yuan said to Hong Zhong, which resounded thousands of miles.

As soon as these words came out, the Emperor's Palace became quiet.

After a long time, Emperor Zhou Liu Qianlang said: "Sirius Lord said, in fact, this emperor also has this thought in his heart. However, this emperor really does not want to believe that we are being used by Empress Nuwa or Master Tongyun.

I don't know, if this is the case, what is the purpose of the teacher, is it good or evil? well! "

Liu Qianlang sighed at the end of his words, his complexion was very bad, and an ominous feeling faintly rose in his heart.

"It's really not possible, so why don't you go to the boss, the two worlds of Yuntian, except for the former Xun Tianjun, all the hypocrisy and anomalies, there is nothing good.

If they really designed to frame the boss and Jianzhan Shenjun, wouldn't we be in a trap right now? "

His Highness Ninety-Nine Eighty-One Shenlong sat on one side, and the first Huanfeng Shenlong stood up and clasped his fists and said forcefully.


But just after Huanfeng Shenlong finished speaking, his beloved wife Princess Yinling held the dragon ball in her hand, and reminded Huanfeng Shenlong with a blushing face. It means that Huanfeng Shenlong said that the gods and gods of the two realms of Yuntian are all hypocrites. Wouldn't it even scold the mentor of the emperor Liu Qianlang? This is not very good.

But Huanfeng Shenlong misunderstood, thinking that his wife was overwhelmed by his Longwei charm, not only did not feel inappropriate but said:

"I think there seems to be a problem with the mentor of the emperor. He is a majestic Yunjun in the cloud world. His strength must be terrifying. If you want to deal with the forces of gods and gods, you can do it yourself. Why cultivate the power of us who are reborn from the lower world!

Wouldn't it be a bit ridiculous to have such a long way to return to heaven and cultivate immortality.

Besides, when we were in the lower realm of Tianling River, there was a mysterious person masked by fairy mist who drove us down.

That mysterious person, I have never been able to figure out who he is before, but after experiencing a lot, I suspect that the mysterious person is the emperor's mentor Yunjie Yunjun!

His original intention was to let us get together, use the Shenlong Tiandial Shenlong to summon the soul, and let the boss return to heaven quickly.

I don't want the boss to be benevolent in nature, and let go of the great opportunity to die, just for the sake of human relations, family affection, moral friendship. Various complicated processes followed.

During this process, he kept helping us secretly, hoping that we would ascend to the Yunzhou Immortal Realm as soon as possible, and then complete the ulterior secrets for it!

He is so cruel. After Shenlong Tiandial failed to summon the whole soul of the emperor, we were attacked by Shenlong Tiandial when the dragon was still summoning.

The reason why we were backlashed and injured back then was that he had already sealed his hands and feet in the Shenlong Tiandial, and when the Shenlong Soul Summoning Formation was activated, we would die if we succeeded, and we would die if we failed.

We were beaten into the realm back then, and that was the only use value we had! "

"Oh! Huanfeng Longsheng, when you went down to the lower realm, didn't you and Cuiqian Longsheng both say that you went down to the lower realm on your own initiative to find the soul of Xuntian Xianjun? Why did you suddenly say that you were sent to the lower realm?"

Cheng Shifeng asked curiously.

"I also ask Zhenjun Lingyao to believe that what Huanfeng Longsheng said is absolutely correct, and what we said is not contradictory.

Back then, there was indeed a mysterious immortal who summoned our ninety-nine and eighty-one dragons from the Tianling River, and told our master Xuntian Xianjun that his wandering soul was suffering in the chaotic world. .

We have been in love with our master for countless years, and we have a deep friendship, so we are naturally willing.

However, although we are divine dragons in the heavens and possess supreme mana power, we are still restricted by the laws of heaven and cannot descend to the lower realms.

At this time, the mysterious man said that he could help us, as long as each of us Shenlong swallowed an elixir refined by him, we would have the ability to conceal ourselves from the sky, pass through the control of the sky, and descend to the human world without anyone noticing.

But let us promise him, and steal the heavenly dragon Tiandial to the human world by the way.

One day, he needs us to help him summon the soul of the dragon, and then we will be free!

We were very willing when we heard it at the time, so we agreed, and then swallowed the elixir he gave one after another.

Unexpectedly, the elixir contains the poison of scattered spirits, and we lost most of the divine power in the heavens in an instant, and we had no time to question it. It has already sealed the memory of the heavens and laid down the world. Everything we experienced afterwards should be due to its manipulation and design down.

The reason why we say that we are looking for the old master Xuntian Xianjun is because we don’t want to mention the humiliation of the past, and secondly, after we descended to the realm, we are indeed looking for the soul of the old master by instinct, especially after being rescued by the emperor to restore the memory of the heavens. . "

Cuigan Shenlong also sighed sadly, and took Cheng Shifeng's words for Shenlong.

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