Nine Heavens

Chapter 1811 Spiritual Vision

Chapter 1811: Spiritual Vision

On the second day, when the twenty-eight dawns of the new universe came out, the new sun of the new universe rose slowly. The emperor of the universe, Liu Qianlang, and the emperor of Jianzhan, Zhanxuan, Song Zhen, each stepped on a two-day cloud. The birds took to the sky.

The high-ranking Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang, Cheng Qifeng, the nine wives of Liu Qianlang, the wife of Song Zhen, the seven sisters of Tianling, the spirit generals of the Nine Nine and Eighty-one Road, etc. all watched off to see him off.

The matter that should be explained, Emperor Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuan son Song Zhen have already explained. At this moment, the two have not yet come out of the sadness and helplessness of the ancient spirit of the Holy Mother of Linhe, so this time they bid farewell to the four-color star The atmosphere in the palace was silent.

"Will! Will!"

There are only two two-day cloud birds in the sky who are very happy, because they know that they are going back to Yunzhou.

Di Zhoudijun Liu Qianlang and Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen first faced all the disciples floating above the four-color star palace, and flew upside down to the sky. Not long after, he suddenly turned around and accelerated his speed, and suddenly rose into the sky of hundreds of millions of miles.

"There used to be a long way to life and death, but now we are determined to go against each other. If the cloud demon takes the king's life, don't you feel lonely and have a wife by your side!"

When the figure of Liu Qianlang, the emperor of the universe, was about to disappear from the sight of the four-color star palace, Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives suddenly floated to the front of the farewell party, all of them were teary-eyed, and Miaoyan said in a voice .

"Yan'er, don't worry, although you have not changed your sincerity in response to Yunzhou Yunjun's decree this time, you cannot be placed in the Moyu Skeleton.

However, flying all the way for my husband, traveling through all the paths, will bring Buling to contact my sister, the shuttle of distance and poetic style and Yaya's time boat.

If there is any difficulty, my fourth brother and I will immediately return or lead you to our side in an instant. Then let everyone enter the Light and Dark Hunyuan Mountain gifted by Our Lady of Linhe River!

Before we come back or summon you, remember that no matter what happens, you must stay in the four-color star palace, don't come out, and activate the four-color star palace unity god if necessary.

In short, I want you all to wait for news from us in peace! "

When Liu Qianlang heard the words of your beloved wives worrying about him and his fourth brother, his heart felt sore and warm, and he reminded again.

Then, Liu Qianlang, the emperor of the universe, and Song Zhen, the son of Zhanxuan, the emperor of Jianzhan, no longer hesitated, and they rode on the clouds for two days, flying miraculously.


The flying route of the two-day cloud bird became more and more strange. At the beginning, Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen could see the trajectory and the surrounding things clearly with their strong eyesight, but gradually, the two found that their eyesight could no longer keep up with the two-day cloud. Birds fly faster.

Not only can't see clearly what is going on around the two-day cloud bird, but even the shape of the two-day cloud bird has changed strangely.

In the universe, the two-day cloud bird obviously looks like a bird in the earth universe, but at this moment, the two-day bird under the two people's feet can no longer tell what shape it is.

It gave the two people the feeling that there was a cloud swirling under their feet that was constantly changing in shape, not fixed for a moment.

"Third Brother, you!?"

Di Zhou Dijun Liu Qianlang and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen galloped side by side, attracted by the changes around them, and sighed.

Suddenly, Song Zhen, son of Zhanxuan, the God of Jianzhan, looked sideways, and found that his third brother Liu Qianlang was also undergoing strange changes.

The heads with flying white hair turned into three, five, seven, nine... constantly changing alternately. At the same time, all kinds of strange changes are taking place in the limbs and body.

Seeing this, Song Zhen, son of Zhanxuan, the god of Jianzhan, twitched his black and white eyebrows, and shouted in astonishment.

"Fourth brother, don't be surprised. I am the same, and you are the same. I think this is one of the reasons why the Holy Mother of Linhe had to choose the ancient spirit to sacrifice to the universe.

If we don't have the ancient spirits and gods of Our Lady of Linhe's collapsed body to help us, even if we have the shuttle of time travel and the boat of time to help us, we still won't be able to enter the chaotic region of the universe and the universe of the earth and the universe of clouds and earth to twist the latitude!

We have left the universe, and now we are in the border area between the universe and the universe.

Our changes and the changes around us are all the result of the collision of powerful and terrifying terrestrial and cloud gods here. There are no fixed latitudes here, and everything our eyes see is the result of the rapid changes in us and the things around us.

In fact, we have not changed, but our eyes see the illusion of constant change. It's like when you see a square object spinning rapidly, it feels like the rotating square has become a circle, but in fact the original shape of the square has not changed.

The reason why we see a circle is because the speed of our own field of vision cannot keep up with the speed of the high-speed rotating things.

In other words, it is how fast our eyes respond that we can see clearly what we respond to otherwise we see things that are never the way they are. This is called spiritual vision. "

Di Zhou Dijun Liu Qianlang responded calmly to the surprise of Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen, the God of Sword Zhan, his psychic eyesight had been improved to the level of nearly 100 million breaths, and he looked around for a moment and said.

"Spiritual horizon? The third brother said that the things in the universe that beings in the universe can see are limited. Doesn't that mean that even in the universe, what we see is limited, and there are many things that we can't see? I have seen or simply misread the existence!"

Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen said.

"We spirit immortals are nothing, in the universe, with our current strength, we should not exist anymore.

But this was indeed the case for the five human beings in the previous nine-party universe era. The vision of the spiritual life will expand as the strength continues to grow, and things will be clearly determined to see the original appearance of the things.

Just like us, as our strength continues to grow, we find that everything we see in the universe is getting farther and farther away, and it is becoming more and more real, and we are constantly changing everything we have seen in the mortal realm.

In the final analysis, it is not that the universe has undergone greater changes, or that they have not changed much at all. They are what they are, but we see them clearly at a very slow pace! "

Di Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang briefly explained.

"What is called the fairy road, maybe it is the process of the spiritual life of the universe becoming stronger and stronger to recognize the real existence of the universe. But this process is really not easy.

The fourth brother has never heard the third brother mention the theory of spiritual vision before. I don't know how the third brother realized it? "

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen has always admired Liu Qianlang's miraculous and erudite, and asked.

"Hehe, where did the third brother realize that the limit of spiritual life in the universe has long been discussed by the ancient gods who reach the sky in the chaotic book of the heavens. I read some of them in a book called "Gan Zhou Mi Lu". Just a few words.

"Gan Zhou Yu Lu" mentions the real side of various universes, which is called the real universe; at the same time, it mentions the virtual side of various universes, which is called the virtual universe.

The former refers to the original real appearance and operation of the universe, while the latter refers to the unreal understanding of the appearance and operation of each universe by the souls of the earth and the universe. "

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