Nine Heavens

Chapter 1812 Blending of the Five Essences

Chapter 1812 Blending of Five Essences

Di Zhoudijun Liu Qianlang finished speaking, closed his eyes, and said with a slightly cheerful expression.

"Hehe, third brother, why are you doing this, I have already improved my eyesight to the limit, and I still can't see everything around me clearly, why did you close your eyes.

Wouldn't it be even more confusing to be like this, if we are all like this, if there is no two-day cloud bird to lead the way, I am afraid that we will be trapped in this boundary between the earth and the cloud, and we will never be able to leave! "

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen saw his brother's sudden actions, and felt a little funny, said.

"The limit of vision is limited, but the mind is boundless, fourth brother, we have now broken through the control of the divine power of the earth and the universe, we can open the fairy eyes, our spiritual eyesight is not good now, but the fairy eyes have sprouted.

We can use the fairy eyes of soul thoughts to travel the universe, and we can go everywhere. If you don't believe me, close your eyes and activate the ancient spiritual thoughts that our Lady of Linhe gave us. Just try it and you will know. "

However, Emperor Di Zhou didn't smile, standing on top of the white clouds and birds, his expression was peaceful, as if looking around, admiring the surrounding scenery.

"Oh! Fairy Eyes? Haha..."

Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen couldn't help laughing, twisted his black and white eyebrows, and asked again after a long time:

"This is another magical skill that the third brother has successfully cultivated. You have fairy eyes, but the fourth brother doesn't."

"There are people from the Wave Fate Sect, in the past and the future, but after the ancient spirit of Our Lady of Linhe was able to enter the body, we all opened our eyes.

At present, we can sense the existence of the fairy eyes when we close our eyes and press the power. Once the fairy eyes are opened, you can enjoy the wonders of the universe in the fairy world. In the future, as our celestial skills and spiritual skills improve and our soul power strengthens, the celestial eyes and spiritual eyes will naturally become one. "

"Fourth brother, I have heard about the fairy eyes, but I only thought it was a rumor in the fairy world before, but I didn't expect that there are fairy eyes!

Then I will give it a try. If I have the help of this magical fairy eye, my sword divination technique may restore the power of the universe. It will be of great benefit to us Yunzhou and the future battle of the universe. I don’t know. Where is the fairy eye in the spiritual body? "

Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, the God of Jianzhan, was naturally very happy when he learned that he could also open the fairy eyes, and asked with a smile.

"Hey! Dad Qianlang, Uncle Song Shenjun, wait for me, why don't you take me when you go to Yunzhou to meet Lord Yun?"

Before Liu Qianlang, the emperor of the universe, had time to answer the question of Song Zhen, the son of Zhanxuan, the god of Jianzhan, suddenly a black rainbow shot over, and then a black bird with red eyes and red claws appeared on Liu Qianlang's shoulder.

The mysterious bird was obviously very angry, tilting its head and staring at Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen and said.

"Hehe, Qiqi. It's not that Papa Lang'er doesn't take you with you. Don't you also know that Lord Yun's decree says that only Papa Lang'er and you Uncle Song are allowed to go to the appointment? We must not break our promise!

Qiqi should go back, you are currently the third God of Immortal Eyes in the Langyuanmen, and the gate needs your vigilance and protection! "

In fact, when Liu Qianlang came here, he really wanted Qiqi to follow him, so that he could return to Earth and report something in case of accidents.

But then I thought about it, even if something happened, there was nothing I could do to tell the earth, Zhou Lang Yuanmen, it would be better not to tell.

Therefore, he gave up the idea of ​​letting Qiqi follow, and deliberately arranged a task for Qiqi when he was seeing him off, fearing that he would ask to follow.

But some plans still fell through, which is not surprising.

"Cut! Shut your human mouths, don't you understand, I'm a bird, not a human!"

Qiqi was obviously not convinced by Liu Qianlang's explanation, so he beeped a few times and flapped his wings.

"Well, since Qiqi insists on going, the third brother will help Qiqi, we have more than one partner, and we have a lot to care about!"

Song Zhen, son of Zhanxuan, the god of Jianzhan, saw Qiqi's angry look, but he liked it very much, and said.

"It's better Uncle Song, for the sake of speaking for me, Qiqi will tell you how to find the fairy eyes.

The fairy eye is actually the spiritual eye, which exists in the body of Dacheng Lingxian, but it is invisible and has no time and space. It can only sense its existence, but it can never see it.

If you want to sense and open the fairy eyes, you need the fusion of the soul, primordial spirit and obsession with the five essences of heart and wisdom, and then you can sense it by wandering the power of the ancient spirit's supernatural power within the celestial veins.

With Uncle Song's current strength, it only took a moment to find Xianyan. "

Qiqi deliberately turned his tail to the emperor of Zhou, Liu Qianlang, and talked with Song Zhen, son of Zhanxuan, the emperor of Jianzhan, in a pleasant way.

"Hehe, thank you Kiki!"

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen looked at his brother Liu Qianlang with an embarrassed expression and smiled.

"Hehe, that's good too. With Kiki by my side, we are not alone, and Kiki can also help us keep an eye on everything around us.

Alright, Qiqi, let's go to Yunzhou together! "

Di Zhoudijun Liu Qianlang saw that it was impossible to drive Qiqi away, so he said.

"Hey! Thank you, Dad Lang'er!"

As soon as Qiqi heard that the most important person agreed, his heart was full of joy, he laughed straight, and rubbed his small head against Liu Qianlang's cheek.

"However, Qiqi, where did you know about the method of opening the fairy eyes you mentioned just now, why haven't I heard you mention it.

Moreover, since you know the second method, why didn't you tell all the disciples of the Langyuan Sect earlier? "

Liu Qianlang secretly tried the method of blending the five essences that Qiqi had just taught his brother Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen in his body, and it was true.

Can't help but feel very surprised, looked sideways at Qiqi who is acting like a baby and asked.

"Xiaomei, Lin'er and Little Demon Turtle taught them, and they were taught by Our Lady of Linhe not long ago.

Before I came here, all of us in Langyuanmen have already opened the fairy eyes with the help of the three of them. snort! Now the three of them have become great contributors to the Langyuanmen, even Shui'er and the others are vying to invite the three of them to eat delicious food and give them fun, I am so mad!

There is also little red dot, little red dot, don't mention it, I used to follow me and couldn't get rid of it, but now it's good, Sister Zhangzui, Sister Lin'er, Brother Little Demon Turtle, that's the one that can be called dear ! "

The more Qiqi talked, the angrier he became, and his two little red paws kicked the face of Di Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang.

"Ha ha……"

As soon as Qiqi complained, Emperor Di Zhou Liu Qianlang and Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen couldn't help laughing. I knew in my heart that the black bird of emotion was lost in the universe, so I came here to play tricks.

At the same time, the two of them felt more relieved when they learned that all the disciples of the Di Zhou Lang Yuan Sect had opened their fairy eyes.

When the fairy eyes of the two of them interacted with each other again, they were once again grateful for the gift of Our Lady of Linhe.

"What is the view of the boundary between the earth and the cloud and the two universes in the fairy eyes of the fourth brother?"

Di Zhoudijun Liu Qianlang was briefly sentimental and grateful, in order to ease his brother's mood, he reluctantly asked with a smile.

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