Nine Heavens

Chapter 1813: Clouds and universes fight each other

Chapter 1813: Clouds and universes fight each other

"Hehe, no wonder, when we are in the future of Xianyan, we see that everything here is blurred or changing rapidly. It turns out that it is exactly as the third brother said, we are speeding at high speed, and at the same time we are spinning at high speed with everything around us.

It is hard for the fourth brother to imagine how weird it would be if the mountains, rivers and stars hung upside down, pointing indefinitely, but everything here is like this. "

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen also imitated his brother Liu Qianlang, closing the five-color eyes, using the newly sprouted fairy eyes to see the scene of hundreds of millions of miles at the junction of the earth and clouds, and said infinitely shockingly.

"Am I still a lot of heads now?"

Earth Emperor Liu Qianlang asked with a smile.

"If the reaction speed of the fairy eyes is the same as the changing speed of the surrounding universe, then everything is as still as water, and there is no difference between the third brother and the universe value except that it is clearer, taller, and heroic.

On the contrary, everything here, including the third brother, can change infinitely in the blink of an eye. It is impossible to tell how many heads the third brother has, nor can he understand everything around him.

And the lower the response to observing objects, the more blurred everything in the field of vision is, to a certain extent, everything around is like a chaotic fog, as if it doesn't exist. "

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen was extremely excited because he had mastered the ability to see things with the fairy eyes. He experienced all kinds of situations and replied.

"Will! Will!"

The two were talking, and the two two-day cloud birds under their feet suddenly sang excitedly. Immediately, Zhou Emperor Liu led the waves, Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen and Qiqi found that the scene in the fairy eyes suddenly changed.

All that comes into view are the various existences of clouds, and there are no more scenes such as mountains, rocks, water waterfalls, wind, rain, frost and snow that appear at the junction of clouds and land. Everything is the existence of clouds.

"Attention, the two earth and universe hypocrites, we have already entered the Yunzhou area, and in half a day, our Qingbai Erhuan will reach the cloud recasting day again, and we will drift away at any time.

So please stop talking, concentrate on flying, and strive for the authentic Yunzhou Yunjun Zhou Palace on time.

Otherwise, if you talk nonsense all the way and disturb our mood, don't blame us if you can't fly to the place after that time! "

The two two-day cloud birds successively reminded the earth on the body that there were two people and one eagle.

"Cut! What do you mean, you actually call our two high-ranking dignitaries hypocrites? How did you Lord Zhou teach you? You don't even know whether you will complete the pick-up mission or not!"

After hearing Yunniaoer's words for two days, before Zhou Dijun Liu Qianlang and Jianzhan God Zhanxuan son Song Zhen spoke, Qiqi, who was squatting on Liu Qianlang's shoulder, became unhappy, leaned over and closed his eyes, using fairy eyes Feeling the flying state of the two cloud birds, he said bluntly.

"Shut up your stinky mouth, the emissary who passed on the decree of the king of Yun and the two hypocrites of the earth and universe will talk again, so it's your turn to intervene, a desolate eagle in the heavens.

Why are you and the others not hypocrites of Earth and Universe? When did they get the position of immortals from Shangzhou Yunzhou?

You, the stubborn generation of the universe, are arrogant and arrogant. First, they are good at destroying the world of the universe and the ghost world, and privately establish the order of the earth immortals and spiritual life in the five mortal realms.

Then he wiped out the Nether Spirit Clan in the Earth Universe Spirit Realm, broke into the Earth Universe Bright Spirit Realm, and assisted Dieyuan Spirit Realm to destroy the Beiling Sand Wind Spirit Clan and Xiling Piaoyu Spirit Clan, causing the Earth Universe to be destroyed and reborn one after another.

Now that the universe and the universe have just stabilized, you wantonly appoint commanders and worship generals, and establish the private order of the universe, which is simply ridiculous. They don't even understand the reason why Xia Zhoujizun needs Shang Zhou's seal, what are they if they are not hypocrites.

And you, a stinky bird, you thought you were a celestial eagle. Now that you have descended to a low-level lower realm, without the title of heaven, you are just a stupid bird, and you still think you are something, haha... ..."

The two two-day cloud birds talked so much that the stars flew flying, no matter whether Qiqi and the two Di Zhou Gaozun were unhappy, their eyes were full of contempt.

After saying that, they looked left and right and laughed wildly.

"Fuck! What is Shangzhou? Our Langyuan Sect only recognizes five high-ranking leaders, the Four Spirit Lords and the Uncle Jian Zhan Shenjun.

Since the wave of Yuanmen came from the Mortal Realm, we are our own supreme universe, what kind of bird are you Yunzhou, you are not qualified to bestow immortals for us.

How our world is, it has nothing to do with you, don't be so arrogant, what's so great about you, aren't you still being trampled under our feet now! "

Qiqi was so angry that he beeped, and immediately retorted unceremoniously.

"you you you……"

Qiqi's words were incomparably sharp, both sides were facing each other with needlepoints, no one was inferior to the other, and the two two-day cloud birds were also driven mad by anger, they squeaked for a long time, and they had no words!

After a long time, two-day cloud bird Qingyun suddenly laughed and said:

"Fools, go find the Yunzhou Palace by yourself, we have reached the time of bulk rebirth.

Oh oh...hehe..."

Then, the two two-day cloud birds scattered in an instant, and Zhenzhen's ironic smile disappeared.

"What to do! Father Langer, Uncle Song, I'm so mad, they did it on purpose!"

The emperor of the universe, Liu Qianlang, had been prepared in his heart, and at the same time as the two two-day cloud birds dissipated, he suddenly called out his own shuttle from under him.

In an instant, the eagle body of the two of them was covered with layers of rainbow light, the splendor of spirit crystals and diamonds.

"Hehe, what Qiqi said just now is really great, well said! Maybe we won't get any support and blessings in the future, either we will fail and die, or we will go up against the sky and become self-proclaimed.

It was just that the two Yunniao messengers of Yunzhou looked down on us so much, but imagine what the Immortal God of Yunzhou would do to us! "

At the beginning, Liu Qianlang, the emperor of the universe, planned to stop Qiqi and the two two-day cloud birds from fighting each other, but as their mutual hatred escalated, Liu Qianlang discovered that the wave of fate is in the eyes of the gods of the universe. real status.

The Waves Gate is a thorn in the eyes of the Upper Realm of the universe, and it is definitely not a popular existence, so if the Waves Gate shows weakness, the only end result is to perish.

But if it is tough, it will be even more unpopular in the universe, but the wave yuanmen will continue to grow stronger, which is the only way to survive.

Thinking of this, Di Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang not only did not stop Qi Qi's words, but felt that Qi Qi's words were very gratifying to him.

Qiqi's ability to say such words shows that all the disciples of the Langyuanmen have such thoughts, which means that the cohesion of the forces of the Langyuanmen is constantly strengthening, and they have joined forces with each other to form a unity of life and death!

Therefore, instead of stopping Qiqi, Emperor Zhou Liu Qianlang actually spoke out to praise Qiqi at this moment.

Hehe, as long as Dad Langer doesn't get angry, they were too outrageous just now! He even called you hypocrites! Why, why can't you give yourself a title of immortality, why do you want them to intervene, who are they old! "

Seeing that Liu Qianlang was not angry, Qiqi immediately felt refreshed and said with a smile.

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