Nine Heavens

Chapter 1818 Gathering of masters and apprentices

Chapter 1818 Master and Disciple Gathering

"Wow! What's going on, why both Father Lang'er and Uncle Song have become Yun Jun's apprentices, Father Lang'er is curious to know, but Uncle Song?"

Qiqixiang heard the conversation between the Southern Buddha Nanzhou Emperor and Yun Jun in the Yunshan Jiliu'e Palace in front of him. He tilted his head and thought about it, and found that something was wrong, so he stared at the sword god Zhanxuanzi Song with red eyes. shock.

"Qiqi, what kind of eyes do you have, let alone you, even I don't know. It is estimated that this Yunzhou Yunjun may call everyone a soil apprentice!"

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen also felt puzzled when he heard the words, glanced at Qiqi, grinned and twisted his eyebrows to look at the third brother.

Di Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang was also startled for a while, but then his face showed joy, his eyes sparkled, as if suddenly enlightened, looking at his brother Song Zhen, he was very happy.

Then he sent voice through his mind, and told his brother about the time when he met King Hailing.

"I am Yunjun's third apprentice, this, this is incredible, why is there no impression in my memory of Yuntian!?"

Although Song Zhen, son of Zhanxuan, the god of swords, thought that what the third brother said was very likely to be true, he still felt unbelievable.

"It's not surprising, I have always found that there are still some sealed areas in my Yuntian II universe memory, which I can't open, and it must contain the content of our relationship with Yun Jun.

In fact, third brother, I don’t have the impression that Mr. Yun is the third brother’s mentor in my memory! "

Earth Emperor Liu Qianlang thinks so.

"What the third brother said is very true. When we meet Mr. Yun, everything will be clear."

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen nodded in agreement with his brother.


The two of them and one eagle were talking, when they suddenly felt that their whole body was instantly enveloped by the surging golden light, and then suddenly flew into the air and flew away.

But for a moment, the torrential golden light disappeared again.


The gorgeous golden light is dazzling, although the golden light is gone, the eyes of Emperor Zhou Liu Qianlang, Emperor Jianzhan Zhanxuan, Song Zhen, and Qiqi have not yet adapted to the new environment. It is dark in front of them, and they can only hear the laughter of the gods around their ears.

After a long time, the two and one eagle finally fixed their eyes and saw the surrounding situation clearly.

I saw Gaogao's younger brothers on the left and right, men and women, old and young, overweight or thin, sitting, standing, lying on their backs, full of people who rely on the clouds.

The expressions of these people are all at ease and serene, with smiles in their eyes, sparkling eyes and high spirits between their glances.

Far away on the cloud terrace, above a pure white and flawless cloud seat, is Yun Zhou Yunjun. Judging by his appearance, the mentor of Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang is the same as a real person!

Everyone is smiling and watching the two and one eagle.

"Hehe... Ben Yunjun's three apprentices have finally completed their merits and virtues, and returned to Ben Yunjun's side! Your Yunzhou and the memory of the order of the universe should be returned to you!"

Tong Yunjun of the Yunzhou Realm smiled and looked at Liu Qianlang, the emperor of the universe, and Song Zhen, the son of Zhanxuan, the emperor of Jianzhan, for a while, waved his sleeves and shot a ray of white divine light at each of them, and said with a smile.

When the two were still looking at the Yunxians inexplicably, they suddenly felt that the soul door was awake for a while, and then all the memories of Yunzhou and Tianzhou were restored.

Naturally, he also knew his identity and past experience in Yuntiandi Erzhou, and he also knew all the immortals around him.

"The unfilial disciple pays homage to Du Mojian ancestor mentor for nine days!"

"Unfilial disciple Zhan Xuanzi pays homage to his mentor!"

After recovering the memory of Yuntian Erzhou, Emperor Dizhou Liu Qianlang and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhenna bowed their heads.

"Haha...Prince Jiebo has met the senior brother, the third junior brother! Unexpectedly, the senior senior brother who kept his secrets back then turned out to be Tianlinghe Jiuling Fair Wave, who was cultivated in the lower realm, and the righteous spirit boy who the second junior brother envied!"

Di Zhou Dijun Liu Qianlang and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen met their mentor, and a clone of Dumojianzu, Jietongyunjun, naturally responded happily.

Then he walked down the hall steps beside him, a young general in silver robes, with sparkling dragon eyes, fluttering like a fairy, handsome and unrestrained, laughed heartily.

"Haha, Jiutian also heard that the second senior brother is talented and powerful, and he is the number one god of war in the Dragon Clan. It's a pity that we met each other back then and didn't know they were brothers. It's a blessing to be enlightened now!"

"Haha...Second Senior Brother!"

The three one-time Demon Sword Patriarch Gaotu reunited for a long time, shook hands with each other, and then bowed to the immortals from left to right.

All the immortals naturally congratulate Yun Zhou Yun Junjie Tong Yun Jun welcomes the immortals into the universe!

Next, Di Zhoudijun Jiutian, Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi and Prince Jiebo floated up to Yundiantai, surrounded by Yunjun, laughing and drinking with all the immortals.

Between laughter.

Jietong Yunjun said with a smile:

"Nine heavens proclaimed themselves emperors in Earth Universe, they have not yet been baptized by the Celestial Seals of the Celestial Universe, and there is no decent immortal squad to follow them, so it is always bad.

It is quite unfair that Zhan Xuanzi was originally the god of the heavenly sword Zhan, but now he is only a famous and supreme immortal in the universe. Mr. Ben Yun proposed to take advantage of the gathering of all the immortals today, how about restoring the immortal seals for the two immortal disciples? "

"Hehe, Amitabha, how good! How good! Now the ancestor of the sword of saving magic is in the sky, and the second law is in the cloud. They are all the principles of doing great good for the universe.

Now that the three immortal warriors are gathered together, it should be so. The two immortal disciples have justified their names and assassinated positions. Regardless of whether they are marching and fighting, they are all well-known teachers, avoiding groundless criticism! "

Among His Highness's seats, the Emperor of Southern Buddha and the Southern Universe took the lead in expressing his opinion.

"Well, what the Southern Buddha Emperor Nanzhou Emperor said is exactly what Ben Xihuang Yaoai agrees with."

"Dongtai Yaotian supports?"

"The Shaman of the Northern Wilderness has no objection."


His Highness responded.

"Well, now that we've had our fill of the Immortal Banquet, why don't we fly to Fengxian Yunhe?"

In the hall, Lord Jie Tongyun looked at the three disciples with great satisfaction, and seeing that there was no objection from His Highness, he nodded and smiled.

"I would like to abide by Jun Yun's decree! Go first!"

His Highness responded in unison again, the tone of voice was full of joy. In response to the words, His Highness's group of immortals showed their supernatural powers and disappeared in an instant.

At this time, only Yunjun, his master and his disciples and Qiqi were left in Liu'e Palace, which was so huge that it was comparable to a universe of time and space.

"Master, I have made you suffer so much, I never imagined that in order to kill the demon Zhong Sheng, my mentor would go through so much trouble, together with Empress Nuwa, to transform us, to fight against the universe, and now the danger is still unabated.

Teacher, please rest assured, the disciples will help the teacher and the devil to fight to the end, and finally slaughter the five essences completely, and the righteousness will prevail! "

The immortals were not there, Di Zhoudijun Jiutian looked at the upright but loving eyes, knelt down and said.

"Yes! Master, now we are in the central position of the universe, and we can follow the call of the teacher at any time to help the teacher!"

Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, also knelt down and said.

Prince Jiebo naturally spoke so generously, and the three immortal disciples surrounded Mr. Yun's knees, their eyes bright and determined!

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