Nine Heavens

Chapter 1819 Fengxian Yunhe

Chapter 1819 Fengxian Yunhe

"Ha ha……"

"Good! Good! Good! Lord Tongyun in this world has three disciples from Gai Zhou to help him, so why be afraid of any evil monsters in the second universe of Yuntian who are arrogant and domineering!

Let's go, Jie'er! Although you have already been baptized, wouldn't it be better to accompany your senior brother to celebrate the ceremony! "

"Of course that's what we wish for. The three of us brothers and sisters can be baptized by Fengxian Yunhe together, and then be bestowed by the benefactor together. The immortals celebrate, it is an infinite glory!"

Prince Jiebo was overjoyed when he heard the words, his long eyes flashed brightly, he got up and laughed.

"Thank you, Master Yunjun, for your love, but I still have many disciples of the Langyuan Sect in the universe, as well as wives, children and brothers. For the baptism of Fengxian Yunhe, I need to take them with me, so that I can feel at ease!

If it is a disciple, I also hope that the mentor will complete the disciple's entire Langyuanmen. Disciples don't want any fairy friends and immortals from Yunzhou to follow, brothers from the Langyuanmen are enough! "

"Also ask the teacher to complete it!"

Di Zhoudijun Jiutian and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi's eyes were full of expectations, and they stared at their mentor Jie Tongyunjun.

Jietong Yunjun's expression suddenly changed, but he returned to normal in an instant, and laughed loudly:

"Haha, I didn't expect you two lovers to go to heaven, not only can you cultivate your divine power, but you will also have more love affairs in the mortal realm!

Forget it, even though there is love in the universe, it is not easy for you to practice through the universe as a teacher, so let me help you!

However, there is a difference in the status of the immortals in the upper universe. You are all masters and apprentices, and your status is equal to the four emperors of the universe.

It's better for you to be baptized and sealed first, and then Yunzhou will send Yunniao to Dizhou to meet your fellow Taoists, and seal Xian Yunhe for the second baptism, and seal him under your sect, so as to give full play to your mortal feelings. Heart!

Ha ha, I wonder if you are satisfied with this? "

At the end of the speech, Jietong Yunjun smiled and asked the Emperor Zhou Jiutian and the God of Jianzhan Zhanxuanzi.


Earth Emperor Jiutian and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi felt extremely uncomfortable after hearing what their teacher said.

Because in their minds, the brothers and sisters of Langyuanmen have never been classified as high or low psychologically, so when mentioning Yunzhou and other immortals, they immediately feel sorry for the brothers and sisters who have been all-powerful, suffering, and wives together. difficult!

However, what the teacher said naturally did not violate the truth, so the two hesitated and looked at each other.

"Haha... Eldest senior brother, third junior brother, you can just be content, you can be granted immortality once every 300 million years in the upper universe, and each time you can only seal one soul immortal back from the lower realm.

And you under Langyuan's sect, either the lower realms return to heaven or the immortals of the ancient spirits of the distant universe, now the teacher promises to seal you all at once, it can be said that there is no such thing as a fairy in the fairy world, and a miracle in the gods! "

Seeing the indecisive looks of Di Zhoudijun Jiutian and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi, Prince Jiebo laughed.

"Forget it, third brother! No matter what, we brothers and sisters of Langyuanmen, wives and children are just fine together!"

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi also felt that it was too much to ask for anything more, so his face was very bad, and he twisted his black and white eyebrows and said to the third brother Jiutian.

Di Zhoudijun Jiutian looked at his brother Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi, nodded slightly, then turned to Master Tongyun, said:

"Nine Heavens doesn't seek a high-ranking Xianda, but only wants to be able to gather in Yunzhou with all the brothers and sisters of the Langyuan Sect. Thank you for your help.

My fourth brother and I will be enshrined for the time being, and then we will immediately go back to Earth to meet the brothers and sisters of the Waves Sect! "

Di Zhoudijun Jiutian's voice was not loud, but he spoke resolutely, beyond doubt.

"Haha...Okay! I promise you as a teacher! Let's go, the immortals of Fengxian Yunhe can't wait! Haha..."

Jietong Yunjun opened his arms and laughed, and the dust flew up from the sky. Immediately, a white and flawless cloud blanket floated under the feet of the four masters and apprentices. It rose steadily, and then carried them to the outside of the hall.

Fengxian Yunhe.

It is located at the highest place among the clouds, where hundreds of millions of clouds and rivers meet all the year round. Inside, the raging waves of clouds flow in all directions, and there are countless shining stars here, shining down on the earth and the universe.

In addition, 90,000 river-guarding dragons and 80,000 phoenixes gave birth to rosy clouds. During the roar, the clouds were steaming and the clouds were glowing, condensing the fire of the red sun in the universe, and practicing the moonlight.

In the middle of the vast and vast, there is a Yunxiao Xiantai, which is also formed by stratus clouds.

The letter "Baptized Yuntai by Immortals" has six big cursive characters in Yunzhou.

In the mist above the estuary above the estuary where hundreds of millions of cloud rivers rush from around the cloud platform baptized by immortals, there are also cloud platforms of various colors at the same height, billions of cloud rivers and billions of colors.

Already sitting or standing, floating or looking up on these hundreds of millions of cloud platforms... There are figures of all shapes and sizes, in various poses, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

These hundreds of millions of cloud rivers come from all directions, up and down ten directions, and they are numerous and orderly.

Therefore, the clouds and waters of the rushing cloud rivers around these cloud platforms meet and the clouds and waves circle and intersect, forming hundreds of thousands of huge cloud rivers converging cloud water cloud balls.

Hundreds of millions of cloud fairy figures around, just above the cloud platform around the surface of the huge cloud water cloud ball, surround the baptized cloud platform in the huge cloud water cloud ball. Looking from a distance, Fengxian Yunhe is like a huge cloud flower blooming, vast and mysterious.

It's just that the center of the cloud flower is not a stamen, but a huge cloud water ball.

"Hehe, Amitabha Buddha! It's a great fortune for Nanfo Lunta to come here. Not only can there be a banquet in Yunzhou Yunjun's Immortal Palace, but also the wonders of this Fengxianyun River, where hundreds of millions of fairy river spirits can be absorbed! Hehe..."

The Southern Buddha Emperor Nanzhou, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, clasped his hands, sat cross-legged on a river platform hanging upside down, sang the Buddha's name and said with a smile.

"Haha... You monk, I really don't understand Xixi Yaoya, why did you laugh all your life!

Jun Yun's feast, you don't drink fairy wine, you ignore the fairies' dancing, and you don't end up with gorgeous fairy vegetables. Now you come to this fairy cloud river, but you are just intoxicated by the virtual scene.

When you are in the universe, you will be pure-hearted and ascetic, and you will remain the same after you ascended to immortality. Where is your source of blessing? What is the cause of laughter? Don't use fat cream, but have a big heart and a fat body? "

"Hehe, Western Desolate Demon Emperor Xizhou, you have been asking me these questions for trillions of years, and this Emperor has never answered you.

Today, Nan Buddha Wheel is very happy, let me tell you what you want, hehe..."

Nanfolun Tuo Nanzhou Emperor heard what Xihuang Yaoai Xizhou Emperor said, except for a smile on his face, he was happy, and said with a smile.

"Oh! The emperor of Nanfoluntuo Nanzhou is willing to teach Buddha's wisdom in front of all the immortals. It is the blessing of the whole universe. Xihuang Yaoai will listen attentively."

As soon as Nanfoluntuo Nanzhou Emperor uttered these words, Xizhou King, Xihuang Yaoai, was very happy, and he sighed in surprise.

"I'm afraid that after you listen to it, don't be disappointed, Amitabha, good and good!"

The Emperor of the Southern Universe, South Buddha, raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes, looked around at the immortal friends in the ten directions, and said with a smile.

"Ha ha……"

"Emperor Nanzhou, don't be fooled, just say it!"

From another direction, Dongtai Yaotian laughed loudly.

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