Nine Heavens

Chapter 1820 Look away and smile

Chapter 1820 Looking away with a smile

"Old monk, the only reason why I am eternally happy and happy is that I am different from you, 'everything passes before my eyes, leaving no trace in my heart'

Old monk, it's not that I don't know great joy and great sorrow, and it's not that I don't know how to be furious and violent, but I treat everything like floating clouds everywhere in this cloud, and I smile when I look at it, and smile when I leave it! "


Nanfolun Tuo Nanzhou Emperor said, still smiling happily, feeling that in his world, there will never be troubles, sorrows, only joy.

The Nanzhou Emperor of Nanfoluntuo was laughing happily after he finished speaking, the laughter was loud and clear, but the hundreds of millions of cloud immortals were all silent and pondering after hearing the words, and remained silent for a long time.

"Everything is passed before the eyes, leaving no trace in the heart. Smile when you look at it, and smile when you leave it! The wisdom of the Southern Buddha is boundless, and the Shaman of the Northern Desert has been taught!"

In the long laughter of the Nanzhou Emperor of the South Buddha, the devout thanks of the North Desert Shaman suddenly joined.

"Be taught! Amitabha Buddha!"

Hundreds of millions of cloud immortals sighed again and again, echoing the voice of the Northern Desert Shaman, the Northern Zhou Emperor, one after another, all lamenting that they are not as good as immortals.

However, there were also strange voices among the hundreds of millions of cloud immortals. After the admiration of Fengxian Yunhe's group fell silent, a middle-aged man's majestic voice echoed around the huge cloud water ball of Fengxian Yunhe:

"The Southern Emperor's Dharma is boundless, and the Dashan Dharma is even more enlightened to countless immortals and friends in the universe, which makes Xiaoxian admire him endlessly.

However, please forgive Xiaoxian for not being able to agree with Nanfoluntuo Nanzhou Gaoxian's creed of Chuzhou. All things pass before your eyes, leaving no trace in your heart, smile when you look at it, and smile when you leave.

Such actions, seemingly open-minded, actually shirk all kinds of responsibilities and only care about self-preservation. May I ask if Yun Zhou is safe or not, is it possible for the Emperor Nan Zhou to still concentrate on protecting himself? Self-solitary Zen..."

"Hehe, what the three hundred and sixty Kong Xian Zhan Kong Kong Xian said is not wrong at all. If Yun Zhou is not here, where will I be?

However, how can Immortal Zhankong be sure that my Buddha will not be able to protect himself when Yunzhou is in trouble, hehe..."

Regarding the sharp questioning of Zhan Kong Kongxian, one of the three hundred and sixty Kongkongxians, Nanfoluntuo Nanzhouhuang was not unhappy at all, and still asked with a smile.

"Isn't that the case, Xiaoxian, as the immortal of the universe and the sky, is always on the lookout for wars in the universe, the universe, and even the universe, and naturally patrols countless battles.

Except for the Nanfoluntuo Nanzhou Palace, which did not have any Buddhist generals to fight, all the regions of the universe, including the central Yunjun, have mighty cloud soldiers surging in the sky. How can this be explained? "

Zhankong Kongxian retorted and continued to ask.

"Hehe, the Buddha's teachings save nausea, and persuade those who are lost! The Buddha's light brightens the eyes of the world, and the whole life is better than killing the body!

My Buddha does not care about the safety of the universe. There are four realms in the face of evil. The first realm transforms into goodness, the second realm restrains demons and changes their hearts, the third realm gives up trying to stop evil, and the four realms helplessly transform into Buddha's light!

Because Zhankong Kongxian was concentrating on cloud warfare, he seldom paid attention to the merits of spiritual enlightenment and enlightenment. I don't think these are exactly the principles of my Buddha.

Kongxian looked around, let alone the Fengxianyun River, how many people have been enlightened by me just in this Fengxianyun River!

Instead of killing it with one weapon in Yunzhan Yunchang, why not wake it up and return to goodness, so as to benefit the world! Amitabha, good and good! "

Southern Buddha's Nanzhou Emperor still smiled and answered.


As soon as the Nanfo camel finished speaking, pious Buddhist voices rang out from Fengxianyun River.

Zhan Kong Kongxian saw that there were no less than millions of people from the ten directions of Fengxian Yunhe, all of whom were former demons who had returned to immortality, and his face turned crimson in an instant.

Xuanji said ashamedly: "Little Immortal is short-sighted, only sees the floating clouds, but does not see the true meaning, and wrongly blamed the Southern Emperor of the Southern Buddha, the Immortal knows his mistake, and looks at the Southern Ocean of the Southern Buddha!"

"Hehe, Immortal Zhankongkong has worked so hard and is dedicated to the safety of Yunzhou. It is natural to care about Zhankong's dynamics, so there is no need to worry about it."

Nanfolun Tuo Nanzhou Emperor said with a smile.

"Thank you to Nanfolun Tuo Nanzhou Emperor Buddha for his generosity of heart. In the future, I will worship Buddha's light diligently to brighten my heart and soul!"

Hearing the words, Zhan Kong Kongxian was very grateful, bowed and disappeared.

"Ha ha……"

"Southern Buddha, Emperor Nanzhou, is talking about Buddha saving people again, and this immortal came late, making all the immortals wait for a long time.

The Dharma of the Southern Emperor of the Southern Buddha is vast, how about asking the Buddha to preside over the baptism of the immortal? "

At this time, within the huge cloud and water cloud ball of Fengxian Yunhe, a pure white cloud blanket appeared floatingly, on which were Yunjun Yunjun and Dizhou Emperor Jiutian, Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi, Prince Jiebo, master and apprentice.

The four masters and apprentices are all in high spirits.

Yun Zhou Yunjun holds the white and fluttering heavenly whisk in one hand, and holds the sword-casting tripod with a crane-haired childlike face in the other.

Di Zhoudijun Nine Heavens has white hair fluttering around in silver clothes, his eyes are sealed with immortals and the rainbow is thousands of miles away, and the bright red Liuxia's Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Spirit Sword hovers quietly above his head.

Qiqi squatted on his master's shoulder very mightily, looking around vigilantly.

Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi has a rough face, five-colored eyes are deep and mysterious, black and white eyebrows are like clouds, and the star sword that twists and turns stars and shines silently in his hand, and the chaotic Luoxiang infinite disk swirls slowly around his body.

Prince Jiebo, dressed in a pure white fairy robe, is full of fairy light, his face is like a silver moon, his eyes are shining with stars, and he holds the beloved Jiebo Excalibur in his arms.

"Hehe, Mr. Jietongyun clearly knows the nature of this Buddha, so it's good to laugh it off. I'd better let the other three Zhou Emperors do the presiding work!"

Nanfo laughed it off.

"No! I, the shaman of the North Desert, have repeatedly seen the demeanor of the Southern Buddha of the Southern Buddha in the Southern Buddha Heaven. Today, I am really curious. Since Lord Yun has given us a favor, let us also have a glimpse of the Southern Buddha of the Southern Buddha. What is the presidency of Feng Xian's baptism, haha..."

The Three Sovereigns, Beimo Shaman, Dongtai Yaotian, and Xihuang Yaoai, looked at each other when they heard the words, and then looked at Jietong Yunjun and laughed together, and then the Beimo Shaman Bei Zhouhuang stopped laughing and said.

"Hehe, Amitabha, good! Good! You are going to see my old monk's joke.

In this case, my old monk will give you a chance to make a joke, but I would like to ask Mr. Jietong Yun to give some pointers. Old monk, my knowledge of the baptism of Fengxian is really limited. A beloved disciple became my monk in Nanfotian! "

Nanfolun Tuo Nanzhou Emperor laughed loudly.

"Haha... Whoever Nanfo said is no joke, now he actually jokes about Ben Yunjun's three loves. Good! Nanfo Lunta Nanzhou Emperor, if you really have this ability, Ben Yunjun will bear the pain and make you whole." ?”

"Ha ha……"

Lord Tongyun of the New Universe Realm laughed loudly, and so did the immortals.

"Hehe, the old monk disrespects the Buddha, how dare you! How dare you! Amitabha, so good! All the immortals will come out of their bodies, get ready! Trouble Yun Jun to control the baptism of the immortal cloud platform, and invite the three universes to be sealed The new fairy is seated, and the old monk will start on time in a quarter of an hour!"

"Hmm! Nanfoluntuo Nanzhou Emperor just relaxes, there is Ben Yunjun here to control hundreds of millions of Yunhe Xianliu, and nothing will go wrong!"

Lord Tongyun of the Universe Realm withdrew his laughing expression, and immediately became serious, and greeted Emperor Zhou Jiutian and other three disciples to sit cross-legged on the Fengxian baptism cloud platform, nodded and said, and then floated to the sky above the Fengxian Yun River, Stand up and practice the law.

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