Nine Heavens

Chapter 1821 Seven Evil Cloud Demons

Chapter 1821 Seven Evil Cloud Demons

"Three thousand three hundred and thirty-three thousand souls transformed into immortal bodies, Fengxian Yunhe passed through ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine lives, no longer the spirit body of the universe, the dharma body has since transformed into a fairy body, and the universe is immortal, Yunhe There is no birth and death in the universe, and the five essences are the same as the universe ring!

Three thousand three hundred and thirty-three thousand immortals who have transformed into immortal bodies and sealed the immortals of Yunhe, respectfully invite you to go to the river for baptism! "

"Follow the order!"

The Emperor Nanzhou of Nanfoluntuo saw Yunjun Yunjun, Zhoudijun Jiutian, the land of hundreds of millions of Yunxian, Zhanxuanzi and Prince Jiebo, the god of Jianzhan, were all in place, and then he preached loudly.

Hearing the announcement, hundreds of millions of cloud immortals responded in unison, and immediately, they suddenly sat cross-legged on the cloud platforms at the mouth of their respective Yunhe rivers, pinched the magical hair formula with their hands, and began to chant one after another.

The sound of chanting was slow and deep at first, and then the tone continued to increase, and the loudness continued to increase. When the sound of chanting suppressed the clouds and pierced the sky, all three thousand three hundred and thirty-three clouds and rivers turned into roads wandering in the sky. Emmanuel.

These wandering auras are all tens of thousands of miles long. After bursts of flashes and entanglements in the sky, they quickly condensed into one place, and then turned into three combined-color auras as thick as colorful jade.

After continuous condensation, it finally became more than ten feet long. It was divided into three routes, controlled by Yunjun Yunjun, and shot at the Dizhou Emperor Jiutian, Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi and Prince Jiebo in the cloud water ball below.

"Thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three thousand fairy river fairy marrows have entered the body, and the three immortals of Yunzhou have concentrated their five essences, mobilized the mellow ancient spiritual life and spiritual power in your body, and immediately merged with them.

With the capital of the ancient celestial realm and the aptitude of the later celestial beings of the three of you, if you are lucky, when the Yunxian body is built, it will also be the time when you directly cross the Yunxian and descend to the immortal, and become the middle immortal of the Yunxian!

Concentrate on the five essences and start your journey of transforming into a spirit body and becoming a fairy! Amitabha, goodness! Good! "

Nanfolun Tuo Nanzhou Emperor also sat cross-legged on a cloud platform at the mouth of Yunxian Yunhe River. After finishing his chanting, he and the 33.33 million Yunxians raised their arms and sleeves, non-stop Inject fairy light mana into the 100,000 huge cloud water balls on the central baptism cloud platform to protect the three baptized new immortals, and at the same time control the cloud water balls to prevent them from exploding.

This process is very long. If calculated according to the time of five human worlds in the ancient chaotic universe, it would take as long as ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine reincarnations, even if it is more than a month in the universe.

Lord Tongyun of the Yunzhou Realm sits on the commanding height above the Yunfeng Xianyun River, and the heavenly spirit whisk in his hand shoots out a surging sea of ​​white light, turbulent and vast, sealing the sky, and he is very good at controlling the first baptism of the three disciples below .

Control the universe with a whisk, and watch the universe surging!

Yun Zhou Yunjun pierced the fairy eyes of the clouds, and his eyes were patrolling the three apprentices who were bathed in the flames, and his heart was bursting with joy.

Because the three disciples came back to me, the task of cultivating them into the three great gods of the New Era was finally completed! The hateful Zhong Xing is a stumbling block to his domination of the universe, and he can finally use the three gods to put him and the Heavenly Evil Palace to death step by step!

"Ha ha……"

Thinking of this, Master Tongyun of the Universe Realm couldn't help laughing, but he suppressed his excitement and sealed the laughter around himself, lest everything he had painstakingly worked out over the past countless years be lost by the three disciples, his billions of clouds, etc. Xian found.

After Tong Yunjun of the Yunzhou Realm laughed, a burst of seven-color mist of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple suddenly floated out of the fairy sword furnace in the other hand, forming seven two-day cloud birds tens of thousands of miles in front of it. Son.

Seven two-day cloud birds, with a crisp cry, turned into seven young immortals wearing cloud robes of corresponding colors when they lowered their heads. His Yun Zhou Yun sword was filled with Xiao Leng's murderous intent.

The young immortal headed by him is wearing a scarlet cloud robe and holding a scarlet cloud sword.

This person shot Yinhong Lenghong in his eyes, looked at Tongyun Jun in Yunzhou Realm, knelt on one knee and said:

"I don't know what is the master's order for summoning Qisha Yunlang?"

"Immediately, Dizhou deceived all the forces of Langyuanmen to the edge of Yunzhou, and wiped them all out, including the first person born in Dizhou Xinzhou, Ling Mengmeng!"

"Follow the Master's decree!"

"Will! Will!"

The seven cloud birds didn't talk nonsense, they had to get up, and when they flew into the air, they regained the body of the two cloud birds, and sang away.

Tens of thousands of years after the universe.

On this day, emerald queen Liu Juan, star king of the emerald star palace, Cheng Shifeng, master of the star palace of blue star palace, Cheng Shifeng, master of the hall of heaven and earth, star king of black star palace, Sirius Zongling master Cheng Yuanfang, and nine beloved wives of Liu Qianlang Yaya, each arranges for the disciples in their own star palaces to finish their magical skills and gather in the white star palace as usual to watch the sky, the moon and the stars, and gossip.

"Hey! I don't know when Brother Qianlang, Brother Zhen, and Qiqi will come back. They have been away for more than 30,000 years."

Everyone was sitting floating on the heavenly spirit flowers flying in the sky, the night breeze was blowing, and the fragrance was wafting.

However, it has been a long time since they have enjoyed the beautiful scenery and tasted the elegance of the fragrance of flowers. Instead, they put their minds on the sky and stars at night.

These words were said by Cheng Shifeng, with a resentful tone, full of expectation and helplessness.

Cheng Shifeng is still wearing a white orchid fairy dress, and she has never changed it. She is a celestial orchid herself, so her love for the orchid dress is like life.

Her long blue hair flutters, her blue eyes are shining, and there is a blue crescent moon mark on her forehead. All three are blue, shining in the night sky, reflecting her beautiful face, mysterious and mysterious.

Beside her is Liu Juan with flowing emerald long hair, Liu Juan's emerald eyes and the green soul-controlling vine sacred tree on her forehead, the color is cold.

However, with Liu Juan's smile all over the city, and then her smile all over the country, the corners of her mouth were icy cold, and her proud face with a trace of disdain matched, there was no contradiction at all, and it was just right.

Liu Juan quietly looked at the figure of her younger sister Shifeng looking up at the sky, thinking in her heart.

However, Cheng Yuanfang, with black hair like a rainbow and chaotic eyes on his forehead pointing to the sky, was dressed in a pitch-black magic robe, and he immediately took up the words of his sister:

"The sky is full of nine stars, Gui Xian is furious against the sky! At that time, there is no way back, and the calamity and the universe will wither!"

"Yuanfang, how do you understand these words, but Brother Zhen played Zhanyu before leaving?"

Liu Juan asked after hearing Cheng Yuanfang's words, her thoughts were interrupted.

"Sister Huijuan's words were indeed left by Jianzhan Shenjun. He didn't want to disturb Qianlang's mood of going to Yunzhou to meet his master, and he didn't want everyone to worry, so he just told me Zhanyan and asked me to tell him when the time is right. , tell everyone.

Brother Song means that when we see nine superstars lined up in the sky, it will be the day when Qianlang and him return! "

Cheng Yuanfang made a choice of words and said.

"Hehe, isn't this a good thing, why is Yuan Fang so serious, and why does Brother Zhen hide it?"

Liu Juan actually laughed when she heard the words, she could overwhelm the city with one smile, and overwhelm the country with another.

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