Nine Heavens

Chapter 1823 Four Star Immortal Gate

Chapter 1823 Four Star Immortal Gate

"Hmph! Brother Chiyun, within these four Earth Universe Stars is the Wave Fate Gate that Mr. Jie Tongyun mentioned, right?"

"Exactly, my mentor said that the former traitor Jiutian, Zhan Xuanzi, and three other boys cultivated to become Earth Universe Immortals, and the gates of cultivating immortals that exist in Earth Universe New Universe are the four giant stars of black, white, blue, and green.

They seem to be called the Four-Color Star Palace, which is what we call the Four-Star Immortal Gate of the Lower Evil Immortal Gate."

"It doesn't matter whether he is a four-color star palace or a four-star fairy sect, any sect in the lower realm that dares to be unfavorable to Yun Zhou is our gate of slaughter! Brother Chi Yun, why bother talking, order to do it! I, Ziyun, have not slaughtered in the lower realm for a long time These messy little earth celestial beings must be fun to kill!"

"Brother Chiyun, Master Jietongyun only told our sect to kill the person from the four-star fairy sect and the first person born in this universe, Mengmeng, not to mention the massacre of the Lingguo spirits in these nine regions. Immortal, but why, Cheng Yun doesn't quite understand!"

"It's not difficult to understand, Master Jietong Yunjun only takes actions against the evil sects of the four-star immortal sect, the purpose is to pull out the evil for the sake of the future safety of Yuntian Eryun.

But for these Nine Fangling Kingdoms of the New Universe, they will not choose to destroy them. On the contrary, Master Yunjun Jietong will confer immortal titles on their monarchs, bestow Yunzhou immortal status, and let them obey the Yunzhou Dao. "

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. As far as I know, Huang Yun, the people of the New Era Nine Fangs Spiritual Kingdom, especially the capital of the Nine Fangs Spiritual Kingdom, are all the former Supreme Beings of the Langyuan Sect or the friends of the immortals who have died in the catastrophe of life and death.

We wiped out the Four Star Immortal Sect, but intend to recruit them, will they be willing? "

"Junior brother Huang Yun, we are all people who came here, you don't know that there is no such thing as life and death on the road to immortality!

Not to mention them, even Jiutian and Zhanxuanzi abandoned the four-star fairy gate when they arrived in Yunzhou, and accepted the baptism of Yunzhou Fengxian Yunhe!

As for the head of the Nine-Fang Ling Kingdom, if he receives the decree of immortality from the upper universe, he will not die happily, and he will not care about the friendship between life and death.

The so-called friendship is on the road of immortality, and it is nothing more than the high-spirited talk of the immortals who compete with each other. They are both stepping stones. "

"Senior Brother Chi Yun said it is true. On the road of cultivating immortals, thousands of friends climbed mountains, and one person attained the Tao. Most of them achieved it by stepping on the bones of their fellows! You are, I am, everyone is!

Naturally, the Nine Heavens, Zhan Xuanzi, and the heads of the Nine Kingdoms were no exception. "

"However, why does Master Jietong care so much about a new low-spirited person named Mengmeng newly born in the new universe, and even reminded us to kill this person?

We have come all the way, but we have never figured it out. What do you brothers think? "

"Senior Brother Lvyun, you like to think about things, don't care what he does, we can do whatever our teacher tells us to do, and if there is any need, just do it quickly.

Quickly slaughter the Four Star Immortal Sect and that Mengmeng, I am still waiting to go back to practice the Blue Cloud Divine Art, I am already in the realm of Yunxian Dengjue, no accidents, entering the universe is just a matter of time ! "

"Wow! Senior Brother Lan Yun is so good, if he ascends to the realm of Yun Zhou, can he help Sister Indigo?"

"Of course, as long as Indigo Girl...hehe!"

"Okay! I promise you, as long as you help me ascend to Yunzhou Shangxian, I will promise you anything."

"Okay, it's a deal, brother Chi Yun, you guys like to talk nonsense, you can continue talking, I just think that the black star palace is not pleasing to the eye, so let him belong to me!

Kill the people inside and use it as a double cultivation space for me and Indigo Sister! "


In the white star palace of the four-color star palace of the earth and universe, Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang, Cheng Shifeng, and Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives, when Yaya was talking, there was a sudden burst of conversations with inexplicable immortals in the lower realm of the universe. .

After listening carefully, it turned out that it was Slaughtering Four Colors Star Palace, and from their conversations, I learned something about Di Zhou Emperor Jiu Tian and Jian Zhan Shen Jun Zhan Xuanzi.

"Hmph! You are so brazen and come to deal with my Xuanxing Lingxian's divine art, Sister Juan, please prepare for now, I will go back and meet that Lanyun Yunxian first!"

When the Spirit Master of the Heavenly Wolf Sect heard that there was a cloud fairy named Lan Yun who wanted to slaughter his own Xuan Xing Palace outside the Star Palace, he sneered, and the Chaos God looked through the vast and boundless space of the White Star Palace, looking at the sky flying in the sky. Seven-color cloud birds.

Looking away for a moment, in the white star palace, Cheng Yuanfang's figure turned into a black rainbow in the pitch-black magic robe, suddenly invisible, and returned to his own star palace with the help of the shuttle in the next second.

Not long after, Cheng Yuanfang stepped on the pitch-black wolf castle, and roared towards Lanyun Yunxian who was flying down. The two fought without any nonsense.

"Yaya, sisters Lan Shuang and Yexiang, the three of you will lead Jiuying, Tianling Seventh Sister, and other young generals to help the White Star Palace, and Lao Pai will assign all parties to fight in the White Star Palace.

Qianlang and Brother Zhen are not here, you all hope to be careful, no matter what happens, the safety of everyone is the most important thing.

Once the star palace is not guaranteed, don't be stingy at all, and immediately lead your parents, Uncle Cheng and Aunt Cheng, into the hidden space of time and space in the time boat, waiting for our shuttle to pick up.

Don't say too much, they have already started to attack, and immediately return to the palace to prepare for battle, and at the same time warn Jiufang Lingguo to enter the state of preparation, but before the opponent does not attack them, don't take the initiative to attack! "

Liu Juan saw that Cheng Yuan's old Fang had entered the battle state, and at the critical moment, she urgently ordered.


Everyone looked at each other encouragingly and greeted each other, and immediately fled away one after another. Not long after, outside the four-color star palace, the sky of the universe filled the sky, and the figures of the spirit immortals of the universe and the immortals of the universe and the universe of the universe were fighting.

"Ah! Ah!"

In an area of ​​the universe and the sky, Cheng Yuanfang is stepping on the head of the dark wolf castle. On the left are four beloved wives who are helping to command the three-eyed mad wolf Sirius formation. Eagle, Demon Lion Sky Eagle Formation, Heavenly Lion Formation.

Roaring in the sky, they besieged the extremely rampant Lanyun Yunxian.

Lanyun Yunxian originally thought that the four-color star palace was just some mortal wombs who were constantly ascending to higher realms in the universe. It didn't take much effort for me to complete the killing mission and return to Yunzhou.

But he never thought that the forces in the black star palace that he jumped down would be so terrifying.

A pitch-black magic castle flew out of it. Although there were only five fairies above the magic castle, they controlled Sky Wolf, Sky Eagle, Sky Lion, Rainbow Spit Fire, Lightning and Thunder, and their strength was close to Yun Zhou Yun. At the level of a beast, he surrounded himself in the vortex of their attack, making himself unable to advance or retreat.

Lanyun Yunxian made Yunniao'er's body huge, and wanted to use his huge body to pose a threat to the attacking Sirius, Eagle and Lion, but he just kept pushing back, and more ferocious attacks followed. The siege.

In such an embarrassing situation, Lanyun Yunxian was so angry that he screamed like a crow!

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