Nine Heavens

Chapter 1824 Seven Birds Weeping for Mourning

Chapter 1824: Crying Seven Birds

"Ha ha……"

"My lord Sirius, I, Qi Mulang, thought that Yunzhou Yunxian was so powerful, but it was just some cloud birds spraying thunder and lightning, and the battle had just started, and they were surrounded by the center of the three demons in the sky!

It is estimated that it will hang up after a long time! I implore Lord Sirius to give his five essences to Qi Mulang, so that I can study carefully how Yunxian's soul, soul, primordial spirit, obsession and heart wisdom are different from those of Zhou Lingxian like us! "

Seeing the embarrassing situation of Lanyun Yunxian in the center of the sky vortex surrounded by the sky, the wolf, the eagle, the lion and the three monsters, Qimu Lang and Qi Yuanlang couldn't help laughing, Qimu Lang laughed loudly. After laughing, Cheng Yuanfang said, looking sideways at Cheng Yuan, whose pitch-black magic robe was dangling and his black hair was flying.

"If Brother Qimu likes it, I will give it to you. However, Mr. Benlang thinks that Brother Qimu may not be able to see it. I don't know if the two brothers have discovered that these seven cloud birds have come to welcome the head and Jian Zhanshenjun together." The two brothers' two-day cloud bird is a kind of cloud thing.

They are different from us, their five essences are not in their bodies, but in the universe, controlled by a certain Yunxian.

So no matter how we slaughter them, they are just shattered clouds, and can't hurt their five essences at all, so Brother Qimu has no way to get their five essences! "

The chaotic eyes of the Heavenly Wolf Master Sirius of the Heavenly Wolf Sect pierced through the blue cloud fairy cloud body, and after examining it again and again, he said with a smile.


Hearing this, Qi Mulang looked around for a while, and said: "It's true, these seven cloud birds are really evil. In this way, we can't kill them anyway, so we just spend time with them. Suffer!

In the view of Sir Sirius, how can we enter the universe, find their five essences, and then kill them completely? "

"It's not too late to kill their five spirits, and now they must have come to slaughter us under the order of Lord Yunzhou Yun, obviously they underestimated our strength.

We should do our best to protect the safety of the earth and consume their cloud spirit and fairy energy with all our strength. It is best to surround them without destroying their cloud bodies.

In this way, we can not only ensure the safety of our universe, but also confuse the five spirits of their universe, wondering whether their cloud bodies have completed the task of slaughtering the universe's wave edge gate, and not choosing a new cloud body. Underworld! "

"Hmm! Lord Sirius was thoughtful. We exhausted their cloud body and spirit energy, surrounded them without killing them, and took a good blow to Yunzhou Yunjun's arrogance. We sent seven cloud birds to kill them." Wanting to destroy our Zhoulangyuan Sect, you really look down on people!"

Qi Yuanlang nodded deeply in favor of Cheng Yuanfang's strategy.

After the three reached an agreement, Cheng Yuanfang looked sideways to the left, asked the four wives Siying Meihu and said:

"I wonder what the four beloved wives think?"

"'s not easy, the three of you brothers still want to ask our opinions."

The silver shadow among the Four Shadow Phantom Foxes was wearing a pure white velvet robe, with a pretty fairy appearance, and her eyes were shining brightly, as she said with a crisp smile.

"Haha, the four Junshang sisters-in-law are angry. I didn't think carefully, so I asked the four Junshang sisters-in-law for advice."

Hearing Yinying's words, Cheng Yuanfang, Qimu Lang and Qi Yuanlang couldn't help laughing, and then Qimu Lang said.


Yinying Meihu sighed quietly, and then said:

"You have also underestimated these seven two-day cloud birds. You should look carefully. Each of them has a different color, seven of which have seven colors."

"So what?"

True Lord Sirius didn't know what his beloved wife meant, so he asked.

"They are the Seven Birds of Mourning in the rumors of the Yunzhou Immortal Realm, and they are the only existences in the two realms of the Yuntian Realm that claim the lives of the five spirits of the Immortal God, also known as Miexian Yunqin.

Because it is so evil, it is hated by all worlds. Legend has it that as early as in the ancient Chaos God War, it was attacked and completely destroyed.

Unexpectedly, they reappeared now, and their five essences were also manipulated by others, and they became tools for this person to kill all worlds and disobey him!

If their five essences are not destroyed, the cloud body can be reborn in the cloud forever. It changes every two days, and the three stars change. The image changes thousands of times, like an eagle like a crane, like a crow and like a phoenix, changing indefinitely, extremely mysterious .

Moreover, any strand of the cloud body can be turned into an offspring, and the two two-day cloud birds we saw earlier who came to meet Zhoudijun and Jianzhanshenjun were transformed by their falling cloud strands.

At that time, when the four of us sisters saw the appearance of the two-day cloud bird, we suspected that the mourning seven birds had reappeared in the fairyland, but we were not sure at the time, but now that we have seen the gathering of seven colors, we have no doubts.

Also please don't take it lightly, let's step up our attack as soon as possible, and before they split into countless two-day cloud birds, we will quickly trap them, otherwise we will have no chance! And it may hurt the Nine Fang Lingguo Spirit Immortal! "

"Yes! Husband, two brothers!"

The other three Meihus also showed anxious expressions and urged.

"We don't know this at all. How did the four wives know?"

Qimu Lang asked in surprise.

"The fairy ancestor is the spirit fox sitting in front of the empress Nuwa, because the ancestor passed down many ancient legends by mouth, so I heard about it."

Yinying Meihu explained in a hurry.

Afterwards, everyone stopped talking, and unanimously strengthened their efforts to control the Heavenly Formation of the Three Demonic Beasts in the sky.

"Wow! Wow!"


Suddenly, Lanyun Yunxian in the vortex of the sky array first screamed like a crow, and then uttered a sky-shaking roar, and then a hundred thousand huge cloud bodies exploded into clouds all over the sky with a thunderclap and electric fire.

This is the case here for Master Sirius, and the same situation happened around the four-color star palaces in other heavenly regions of the universe.

All of a sudden, the frustrated seven birds burst one hundred thousand huge cloud bodies one after another, causing the sky to be full of colorful clouds.


Seeing these phenomena, Tianling Seven Sisters and other young Langyuanmen who were flying in the sky to besiege the frustrated Seven Birds cheered happily, thinking that in the future, all the seven evil cloud demons would be killed, and they won a complete victory.

Therefore, the sound of laughter filled the sky full of colorful clouds.

But at this moment, Liu Juan, who was floating on the ancient handkerchief made of pure white incense, was holding the Jade Seal of Nine Dragon Fireworks in her hand, her face was pale and her expression was solemn.

Cheng Qifeng, who was riding the white-faced Tiger King by his side, and Liu Qianlang's nine beloved wives, Lan Shuang, and Ye Xiang, who were standing on top of their spiritual weapons, such as Pa'er, were also the same for these knowledgeable seniors of the Langyuan sect.

"Aunt Qixiang, what's wrong with you, we won the battle, why are you all so stern?"

Lian'er was the happiest, holding Mengmeng on the colorful silk, holding the nine-color lotus, jumping and dancing, circling and flying. Suddenly finding that none of the elders were happy, he couldn't help but stepped forward and asked each other curiously.

But Liu Juan didn't have time to talk to Lian'er, she stared intently at the sky, thinking about something, and suddenly shouted:

"Everyone flies back to the Four-Color Star Palace immediately, hurry up! Quickly—"

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