Nine Heavens

Chapter 1825 The Cause of Death

Chapter 1825: Cause of Death

"What's wrong, Aunt Qixiang!"

When the seven sisters of Tianling heard the order from their aunt Liujuan, they suddenly stopped laughing and stepped forward to ask questions.

"Xu Fei is nonsense, if you don't return to the Four-color Star Palace, you will die!"

Liu Juan's emerald eyes were intense and cold, she glanced at the Tianling Seventh Sisters who were coming every now and then, her face was cold and cold, she frowned and reprimanded her past kindness to the Seventh Sisters.

The Seventh Sisters of Tianling heard the words, they were reprimanded by this Aunt Qingao for the first time, they felt very uncomfortable, because they were unexpected, they couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Seeing this, Yaya hurriedly said:

"Sisters return to the star palace, the sky has changed!"

Then I and all the teachers and wives immediately telepathized all the people in the white star palace, and shot into the not far away white star palace at the fastest speed.

Naturally, the Seven Tianling Sisters followed suit in a daze.

The other members of the three-color star palace also completed the callback of all star palace powers under the quick response of Liu Juan, Cheng Yuanfang and Cheng Shifeng.

These include Cheng Yuanfang's Sirius, Skyhawk, Tianshi Tianzhen, Cheng Shifeng's army of heaven and earth beasts, and Liu Juan's army of recruiting spirits and borrowing souls.

After the forces of the four-color star palaces returned to their respective star palaces one after another, the seven-color clouds above the four-color star palaces were endlessly gorgeous, intertwined in an incomparably magical way, and entwined with each other.

Then it decomposes and condenses into small round colorful cloud eggs the size of a thumb, and then these colorful cloud eggs begin to jump non-stop in the sky, and the lightning arcs on them flash, as if they are about to explode at any time.

In the White Star Palace, Lian'er was pouting angrily because she was reprimanded by Aunt Qixiang Liujuan.

He became even angrier when he saw the colorful cloud eggs floating around outside the star palace.

"Hmph! Mother, Aunt Qixiang is so annoying today! She and her sisters, as well as Mengmeng, worked hard outside to smash Yunniaoer for you, and instead of praising us, they even reprimanded us!

Mother look, how beautiful it is outside, there are so many colorful clouds and colorful balls, I just like things in colorful colors. I'm going to collect some colorful eggs, it will be fun in the future!

How about you, Mengmeng? "

"Heck... Good! Good! Sister Lian'er, Mengmeng also likes it very much. Can you collect a lot and give them to Mengmeng to play with?"

Beside Lian'er, Mengmeng, the first person in Xinzhou floating on the colorful damask, with big eyes flickering, raised her pretty little face, and laughed bouncingly.

"Well, good! As long as Mengmeng likes it, Sister Lianer will collect it for you!"


While expressing dissatisfaction with Empress Qixiang, the lord of the Emerald Star Palace, Lian'er lowered her head to comfort Mengmeng, and they had a good understanding with each other.

"Lian'er stop messing around, your Aunt Qixiang told us to quickly return to the Four-color Star Palace for our own good! She must have discovered what is going to happen outside!"

Emperor Shuangtian was not far from his daughter Lian'er at the moment, and when he heard his daughter's complaints, he also said angrily.

"I'm so pissed off, Mengmeng, let's stay away from them, everyone says we are so boring to be with cowards like them!"

Lian'er is not afraid of what will happen outside the four-color star palace. The four colorful birds that were wiped out just now didn't realize how powerful they were, so they flew to the depths of the white star palace with their cuteness. .

Emperor Shuangtian saw that his beloved daughter had flown into the depths of the White Star Palace, and he expected that she would stop messing around, so he stopped paying attention to her and devoted his energy to his sisters, Yaya, and the six sisters of Tianling, Jiuying, Bayi, etc. Like Shen Yi Lang Yuan Shen General, they all focused on observing the situation outside the White Star Palace.

Inside the Emerald Star Palace.

"Palace Master, returning to the army so quickly, I don't know what abnormality was discovered outside the star palace?"

The nine generals of the bronze armored Men's clan bowed and stood behind Liu Juan, each stepping on a bronze demon spirit liger and tiger beast, wearing bronze battle robes, bronze-colored streamers shining, heroic and domineering.

Men Tiangang bent down to salute, pondered for a moment, and asked.

"Actually, the master of the palace doesn't know the meaning of the dangerous message sent by the four brothers and sisters, Siying Meihu just now. They just said that the seven cloud birds we defeated just now are called the depressed seven birds. They are not dead. It's alienation, if we don't return to the star palace, we will die without a place to die!"

Liu Juan's emerald eyes were always watching the colorful cloud eggs dancing in the sky outside the emerald star palace, she didn't look back, and replied in a calm and condensed voice.


When Men Tiangang heard the words, he just sighed softly, and didn't ask any more questions, because he knew the proud person in front of him, and he didn't like to be disturbed when he was thinking, even if he was not good.

Men Tiangang didn't speak anymore, but his very concerned eyes kept falling on Liu Juan's stubborn and pretty figure.

When Liu Ou saw it out of the corner of his eye, he felt very warm in his heart, but the other party's warmth was always engraved in his heart, and he didn't express anything.

"The Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms, you are in the Dieyuan Bright Spirit Realm, and you must have seen a lot about Yunzhou Yunxian Realm. I wonder if you have heard about the depressed seven birds?"

After staring at the changes outside the emerald star palace for a while, Liu Juan asked Tan Jing, Qing'er and Ming'er beside her.

"Returning to the Palace Master, we used to be the same body of the Heavenly Spirit River Immortal Body, you are the love grass, we are Diefeng, if you want to know, we will all know.

We don't know about things that even the palace lord Qingxincao's sister doesn't know, but I'm afraid there is no one in Yuntian Erzhou who doesn't know the name of Depressed Seven Birds.

My sister must know it in her heart, but what she wants to ask us is, why are you so depressed that Seven Birds die and live after death? "

Tan Jing was wearing a faintly traced butterfly and phoenix fairy dress, and said with a slight movement.

"Could it be that the three younger sisters, Jing'er, Ming'er, and Qing'er, haven't heard any information about them in the Bright Spirit World?"

Liu Juan asked with a dazed expression on her face.

"It is true that I have never heard of the information about the depressed seven birds, but in the late period of the Jiufang universe, we have discovered many cosmic evil phenomena and cloud omens reflected on the sky of the bright spiritual world. I wonder if it is the depressed seven A sign of the reappearance of the birds!"

Tan Jing thought for a long time, looked at Qing'er and Ming'er suddenly, remembered something, and said.

"Well, that's right. Although we have wiped out the universe and the underworld, there is still an infinitely mysterious king of the underworld who has been in the heavens, and we don't know what he looks like.

I have always suspected that the death of the universe was related to the depressed seven birds. It may be precisely because they have also descended to the universe that the universe and the spirit world have the pain of death.

Unfortunately, they met our Langyuanmen in the universe, and we destroyed the death of the universe step by step. Frustrated, the Seven Birds had no possibility of existence in the Earth Universe, and when we ascended into the Earth Universe, they flew back to the Cloud Universe and continued to threaten us with death! "

Liu Juan suddenly thought of something and said.

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