Nine Heavens

Chapter 1826 Death Cloud Egg

Chapter 1826 Death Cloud Egg

"Sister Juan is saying that someone is manipulating the depressed seven birds in Yuntianzhou?"

Ming'er, with light blue neon dress fluttering, suddenly understood what Liu Juan said, and asked quickly.

"That's right, my palace lord is finding more and more that the words of Di Zhoudijun and Jian Zhanshenjun are credible, and that we have been walking along the journey of Langyuanmen, and there have been two mysterious forces that have been pulling us along!

These two mysterious forces seem to be constantly supporting us, and both seem to want to put us to death. We are fighting, and they are fighting each other.

There is also a Empress Nuwa, who feels like she belongs to one of their forces, but what is certain is that Empress Nuwa is different from them. "

Liu Juan's emerald-colored psychic eyes were already fairy eyes at this moment, infinitely deep and mysterious, with vast eyes shining, she said to herself.

"Sister Juan, what you said, Jingmei sounds so confused, what two mysterious powers, where are they, why have I never found out!"

"That's right!"

Tan Jing, the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms, Qing'er and Ming'er listened intently to Liu Juan's words, thinking about them, but they all said they didn't understand.

"Oh my God! Mother Queen, Uncles, Aunts Butterfly Emperor, look quickly, those colored balls outside have turned into birds! So many, so beautiful!"

While Liu Juan was talking to the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms, Little Red Dot and Little Red Dot, who had been squatting on Liu Juan's shoulders and whispering, suddenly kept jumping, and their bright red eyes stared outside the emerald green star palace. , shouted happily.

"Not good! General Sect, the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms, immediately sealed the star palace, frustrated that the seven birds have died and split, and those colorful cloud eggs just now are eggs of death, and the universe is about to fall into the shroud of death evil spirits!

I will go outside the palace to rescue people from the Nine Fangs Spirit Kingdom, remember! No matter what happens, never step out of the Emerald Star Palace! "

Liu Juan said anxiously, a strange emerald rainbow flashed under her feet, and her emerald jade-like traversing shuttle came out suddenly, floating on it and was about to shoot out of the emerald star palace.

"Sister Juan, don't go out. The people of the Nine Fangs Lingguo have been connected to the White Star Palace by the Yaya of the White Star Palace. There is no spiritual life to worry about outside the Four-color Star Palace. As long as Sister Juan tries her best to protect her The Emerald Star Palace will do.”

At a critical moment, Master Sirius of the Black Star Palace, who helped the White Star Palace rescue the people of the Earth Zhou Jiufang Lingguo, noticed that Liu Juan was about to fly out of the Emerald Star Palace, and hurriedly reminded her.

"Great! The situation is critical, and the four-color constellations will merge immediately!"

Liu Juan was overjoyed when she learned that the people from Nine Fang Lingguo had been rescued safely. However, he still didn't dare to take lightly the death evil spirit that frustrated Qi Niao'er, and immediately put forward the idea of ​​combining the four-color horoscope.

In this way, the spiritual power levels of the four-color star palaces can be mutually enhanced, and they can all be increased by tens of millions of times. At the same time, a new four-star array can be formed, and the ability to resist the evil spirits of death is obviously greatly enhanced.

"Okay! Just ask Sister Juan to order the four-color star palace, and we will immediately merge the four-color star palace!"

Cheng Yuanfang, the distant black star palace outside the emerald star palace, heard Liu Juan's words, and immediately agreed, and replied with a voice in his mind.

Next, Liu Juan gave an order from the distant sound of her thoughts, and the four-color star palaces that were thousands of miles away from each other moved closer together like lightning.

"Crack! Crack!"

Around the four-color star palace, in the entire sky of the universe, there are colorful cloud birds that sprouted from countless colorful cloud eggs. The color is exactly the same as that of the mourning seven birds, but the body is much smaller.

There were bursts of neighing in the sky, seemingly beautiful, death lightning flashed all over the body, and thunder, without exception, shot towards the four-color star palace that was constantly approaching together.

"Boom! Boom!"

Under the frenzied attack of the dead cloud birds all over the sky, an infinitely terrifying cloud bird vortex is formed, which is ferocious, terrifying and evil!

Daoist death thunderbolts and lightning kept shooting at the star wall outside the four-color star palace and star palace, making hollow roaring sounds.

"Ha ha……"

"These idiots in the universe are so considerate of us, they all gathered in one place without us bothering.

It's still senior Chi Yun who understands the minds of these terrestrial idiots, guesses that we will activate the death swallow formation, and reasoning based on the characteristics of their inferior spiritual complex of terrestrial spirits.

They must help each other, and they must gather, thus saving us the time of slaughter! "

Just as the four-color star palaces were rapidly converging, the seven mourning birds that had disappeared before suddenly appeared with seven hundred thousand huge bodies, floating in front of the colorful death cloud birds in the sky, leading all the death cloud birds , struggling to chase and attack the Four-color Star Palace.

"Junior Brother Ziyun, let's not underestimate them. Just now, under the powerful death spirit like our death cloud eggs, their four star palaces did not explode and destroy. This shows that the four star palaces must be the gods of the universe. We need to carefully manipulate the formation of the evil spirits of death, clouds and birds, so that we can wipe them all out!

See what they mean, this is to combine four stars, don't let them succeed. All of you, let me wave the Zhusheng flag, and kill—"

The mourning seven birds fluttered their wings and flew wildly in the sky, chasing the four-color star palace up and down. At the same time, they opened their huge mouths and spewed out the flames of death.

After a few rounds of chasing, they found that the four-color star palace was not destroyed by the evil spirits. They couldn't help neighing for a while, and suddenly turned into human figures with immortal bodies, each with a death sword trembling on their heads, and at the same time, a pair of big ghosts of the same color appeared in their hands. The flag waved wildly.


As the mourning seven birds frantically waved the Zhusheng flag, the body of the death cloud bird in the sky was also getting bigger, making the attack situation more fierce, and the four-color star palace that had not yet successfully merged was already full of Death cloud bird!

It is hard to tell which category these death cloud birds belong to. The color changes from beautiful and mysterious to fiery and dazzling. It has a hideous appearance, pitch-black eyes, and is as cold as a hole.

Their mouths were sharp and their claws were sharp. As soon as their bodies touched the outer wall of the Four-color Star Palace, they began to peck and scratch desperately. At the same time, venom, poisonous fire, death, lightning, and thunder were densely distributed on the surface of the Four-color Star Palace!

"Mother Queen, run away quickly! Those nasty beautiful big birds are crawling all over our emerald star palace, why are they so terrifying, some fire-breathing, some thunder and lightning! It seems that our star palace is about to shatter! "

Xiao Xiaohong stared at the death clouds and birds covering the surface of the Emerald Star Palace with her terrified bright red eyes, and shouted in horror.

However, Liu Juan's expression was condensed, her face was calm, and she stood firmly on the pure and fragrant ancient handkerchief, urging the Nine Dragon Fireworks Jade Seal, and thousands of blood-red rainbows shot in all directions of the emerald star palace.

The emerald green eyes looked at the death cloud birds through the surface of the star palace. The death cloud birds were destroyed and fell off one by one, and the next batch of death cloud birds kept coming. The shocking scene said:

"With the queen mother here, you don't have to be afraid, the queen mother will not let you get hurt, just cheer for the queen mother!"

"Okay, Queen Mother! Sister, this is nothing. We have experienced similar horrors before, and we all survived in the end!

Queen's mother, Uncle Yuanfang, Aunt Shifeng, and Aunt Guoguo are all very powerful, you just keep your heart in your stomach, these bad birds will be wiped out by Queen's mother and everyone soon! "

Xiaohongdian is not like Xiaohongdian, she has a lot of experience, she is not surprised by what happened to the four-color star palace, she responds to Liu Juan, and turns her head to comfort Xiaohongdian who is also on Liujuan's shoulder.

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