Nine Heavens

Chapter 1832 super conceited

Chapter 1832 Super Conceited

"Well, haha, it's good to be back. Since the emperor has decided to ascend the whole sect, sister Juan, we don't need to say anything. Immediately let all the people in the sect enter the three shuttles and control the four-color star palace to exit the universe." yes!"

Cheng Yuanfang expressed his satisfaction after listening to Emperor Zhou Liu Qianlang and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi plus Qiqi's recollection, and laughed.

Then Xinnian and Langyuanmen said something, and the Four-color Star Palace flew out of the universe after a while.

"Hehe, we brothers and sisters can finally laugh proudly at Yunzhou together! The cloud seal will be opened in about an hour, let's open the way for Yunzhou!"

In the chaotic world of Zhouwaidiyun and Eryu, Dizhou Emperor Liu Qianlang saw that the people of Dizhou finally controlled the four-color star palace and flew towards him. He glanced sideways at the sword god Zhanxuan who was beside him, and there was a trace of treachery in his eyes. Then he smiled again.

"Yaya, Lian'er, and parents?"

While the four-color star palace was speeding, Cheng Shifeng, the real lord of the spirit demon, asked.

"Sister Feng, don't worry about them, I have already summoned Yaya and the others to enter the time boat and guard Wuzhenghai, Lian'er and the others will be fine!

As for the Love Palace of parents, nine strong seals have already been arranged, even if the star palace is broken, they will not be harmed. "

"Sister Juan is more thoughtful, so that everyone can rest assured. After we leave the universe, should we enter Brother Qianlang's Moyu Skeleton in the Star Palace, or continue to enter Yunzhou in the Four-color Star Palace?"

"It's still within the four-color star palace. Although it's safe to enter the emperor's black jade skull profound realm, we can't see Yunzhou's situation, so it's a lot less fun!"


"Hey! These silly fairies, who are about to die, are still thinking about beautiful things!"

Outside the universe, there were five small clouds of yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple attached to the backs of Emperor Liu Qianlang and Song Zhen, son of Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuan. Among them, there was an evil smile in the yellow cloud.

"Huh! More than a hundred thousand years ago, their four-color star palaces merged, killing so many of our grandchildren of Death Cloud, this time we must let them pay with blood. As soon as we arrive at the Earth Cloud and Cosmic Hole, we will immediately strike the Star Palace and kill them." Fairy!"

Hearing laughter from the yellow clouds in the green clouds, he said coldly.

"Shut your mouths all of you, and be careful that some of them have fairy eyes and ears. Hearing what you said, our plan to kill the seven swords of life has failed again this time. Everyone, prepare the Zhusheng flag quickly, it must be beautiful Destroy the Four-Color Star Palace, don't let Mr. Yun get angry again!"

Di Zhoudijun Liu Qianlang said with a slight red light on his body.

"Brother Chi Yun, don't worry, we have already prepared the Immortal Killing Art taught by our teacher! As soon as they arrive at the Diyun Kongdong Domain, hehe! It's their time of death!

As for them, the spirit immortals who have evolved in the mortal realm and have fairy eyes and ears, I am afraid that they will not be able to tell the direction of the universe, and they deserve to be played and slaughtered by us. "

Among the mourning seven birds in the yellow cloud group, Chi Yun, the third child, didn't look at any of the spirits in Langyuanmen at all, and sneered disapprovingly.


Because the four-color star palace is clothed with the supernatural power of the shuttle, the flying speed is also instantaneously escaping hundreds of millions of light. In a blink of an eye, it shot out of the earth universe with a roar, and entered the chaotic realm at the junction of the earth and cloud universes.

"Oh! Brother Qianlang, why is the outside of the universe so chaotic? Even my psychic eyes can only see you vaguely, and everything else is blurry. Brother Qianlang, please slow down. Lead the way ahead!"

As soon as the four-color star palace flew out of the universe, Cheng Shifeng shouted.

This voice was heard in the ears of Liu Qianlang, the emperor of the universe, Song Zhen, the son of Zhanxuan, the emperor of Jianzhan, and the people in the five clouds on their backs. They were all elated and secretly exclaimed!

Especially Huang Yun, the life-killing sword in the yellow cloud group, was so proud that he couldn't help laughing and said:

"Haha... how about it, you're right, right? Once they leave the universe, they are fools. I don't think there is any need to lure them to the empty realm. We can't kill them with our seven-cake-handled life-killing sword !"

"Third brother, you forgot again, this four-color star palace comes from the heavens when Nuwa Empress first created a star fetish. Our Shengsheng Sword Formation cannot be destroyed. Only by using the Zhusheng Banner Sword newly created by our teacher Only the God Splitting Art can do it.

And it must be successful with the help of the earth, cloud, empty, spiritless time and space! Otherwise, no matter how tired we are, we won't be able to kill them even if they don't come out of the star palace.

If you startle the snake like this, I'm afraid there will be no chance again. Also, we and our mentor did this behind the backs of the real Zhou Emperor Jiutian and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi. If they find out, it will be even more difficult for us to kill them in the future! "

There was a clear sound from within the purple cloud.

"Cut! Did you, Senior Brother Huang Yun, say that you want to destroy the Four Color Star Palace? If you want to kill the people from the Di Zhou Lang Yuan Sect, just trick them out.

As for the four-color star palace, how about such a good thing? To destroy it, Ben Yunzhu has had enough of the days of flying in the clouds and flying in the fog, just in time to snatch Yunfei Yunzhou Palace.

With this wonderful thing, I, Huang Yun, will be free and unrestrained in the future. What kind of death order will be issued by Mr. Yunjun, the flying palace is in place, the star palace is in place, and the flying sword can kill the five essences. Haha, I feel comfortable thinking about it.

To put it bluntly, Ben Yunzhang is very envious of these grandchildren of the Earth Universe. Where did they get the chance, some lowly Earth Universe spirits have the opportunity to get such a good Yuan Universe fetish! "

The yellow cloud group believed that the people of the four-color star palace were chaotic and ignorant in the boundary of the earth cloud and the second universe, and they could not breathe clearly. Restored the human appearance of the Seven Swords of Zhusheng, standing proudly beside the fake Earth Emperor Liu Qianlang and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen.


Seeing that all the junior brothers Yunzhu showed their original forms, as the boss of the Seven Swords of Zhusheng, he suddenly turned pale with fright, and hurriedly swept his red eyes towards the four-color star palace that was flying behind him and the fake sword Zhanxuanzi Zhanxuanzi.

After watching for a long time, I found that the people from the Langyuanmen in the four-color star palace were looking out blankly, with inexplicable expressions, so I was relieved.

"Senior brother Chiyun, don't look at it. We are immortals in the cloud world. They can see them clearly and infinitely, but they can't see us clearly. Immortal eyes are still in the future, so how can immortal ears hear our voices? If senior brother Chiyun doesn't believe it, I Just try it out."

Yunde Huang Yun was very confident in his own judgment and said conceitedly.

"How to try?"

Chi Yun, the leader of Zhusheng Seven Swords, frowned and asked.

"Hey! Fools of the Langyuanmen, can you hear me? We are not from your Langyuanmen. We were instructed by our master to change into your appearance and trick you into killing you!

If you can hear us clearly, why not run back quickly, haha..."

Yunzhu Huangyun took a look at the appearance of Chiyun transformed into the Earth Emperor Liu Qianlang, and suddenly raised his head and shouted at the four-color star palace who was following Gao Fei.

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