Nine Heavens

Chapter 1833 Fire Spirit Fairy

Chapter 1833 Fire Spirit Fairy

The unscrupulousness of Huang Yun, the youngest of the Seven Swords of Zhusheng, brought the boss Chi Yun a second shock, but when he looked back, he still saw that all the spirits in the Four-Color Star Palace were so unknowingly at ease, and some spirits were even astonished. Pointing at myself and others are praising!

Chi Yun looked at it for a while, and finally thought what Huang Yun said was right, so he didn't care about anything, straightened his back, and laughed wildly:

"Okay! Just listen to the third junior brother. If the third junior brother has the ability to trick them out of the three-color star palace, we don't have to bother to go to the Yunkongdong domain, and we will kill them and seize the star palace!"

"Haha... Then it's up to me, Huang Yun, but if I want to trick them out of the Four-color Star Palace, I still need the help of my brothers and sisters. In my Immortal Immortal View, how about you brothers and sisters being Lord Yun?"

Huang Yun was wearing a strange yellow cloud robe, an orange face, a lion's head and a fox's eyes, shooting out strange and treacherous rainbows, with a crooked mouth and evil eyes, looking around at the other six in the Seven Swords of Killing Life.

"Uh, haha... Third senior brother really has you, you mean..."

Zhu Sheng Qi Jian Lao Qi was the first to feel the beauty of Huang Yun's illusion of immortality, and couldn't help pointing at Huang Yun.

"Ha ha……"

The other Zhu Shengyun Sha understood Huang Yun's meaning, and applauded one after another, then turned around one after another, and each turned into a fair and upright Yunxian, looking at each other, nodding their heads, and laughing again.

Afterwards, Zhu Sheng's seven swords turned around in unison, and moved their sleeves and flicked their fingers towards the front of the four-color star palace flying thousands of miles away. Suddenly, a misty cloud palace appeared out of thin air where they pointed.

Look at the cloud palace, the sky is full of auspicious clouds, flying auspicious phoenixes and happy phoenixes, and beautiful colorful clouds are even more fluttering. The butterfly wings and swallow feathers of Yungong are lingering like a sea, shining like a galaxy, infinitely mysterious and bizarre.

The Yun Palace has been transformed into an illusion, and the Seven Swords of Zhu Sheng made a tour, and they are all very narcissistic and satisfied.

"Haha... Brothers, I will leave this place to Huang Yun. Let's sit in the Illusion Palace and enjoy the wine on the Yuntai. People from the four-color star palace will definitely be brought to the main hall of the Illusion Palace after a while. Come on, brothers and sisters for entertainment!"

After Huang Yun looked at his wonderful and alluring fantasy palace for a while, he couldn't wait to verify how the fairy fruit was, so he smiled triumphantly and urged all the brothers.

"Hmm! Brothers, let's go first, and Huangong will see what Junior Brother Huang Yun's plan is like."

Chi Yun, the boss of the Seven Swords of Zhusheng, nodded slightly, with excited red lights in his eyes, he greeted his brothers, and laughed all the way to turn into a death cloud and fly away.

After watching the six Zhusheng Seven Swords brothers leave, Huang Yun lowered his head and looked at himself. He was very satisfied when he saw that the cloud robe around him had turned into a soft golden light. Whisk dust flutters like fire in the arms.

Huang Yun deliberately stopped the body that was flying automatically, and stepped on a new illusion of burning auspicious clouds, and the fiery red whisk swept towards the four-color star palace, and said with a smile:

"Hehe, Yunzhou Huo Lingxian, welcome all the spirits of the Dizhou Wave Yuan Sect to join the Yunzhou Yunfeng, the newly entrusted Dizhou Emperor, the Yunzhou Zhengling God of War, the Dizhou Sword Zhanshenjun, and the Yunzhou Zhanqiong God of War.

Xiaoxian was sent by two Gods of War just now to lead the Four-color Star Palace to the cloud world, the fiefdom of Yunzhou. The little fairy fire spirit whisks the dust to shoot the fairy light, which temporarily opens the fairy eyes for all of you.

Once the fairy eyes are opened, you can clearly see the boundary-defending Yunguan in front of you—Xiyun Fengtai, when we get there, we are only a step away from entering Yunzhou and being promoted to Yunxian! "

Huang Yun bowed his body to salute, and while opening the fairy eyes of the people from the Langyuanmen in the Four-color Star Palace, he told them in his heart that he could hear his voice through the glottis.

"Huh? Weren't the two nobles from the Four-Color Star Palace, Di Zhou Di Jun and Jian Zhan Shen Jun coming to meet us, why did they disappear after a meal of chaos, but turned into you?

Are you really sent by two nobles? Why did they go, and they didn't tell us a word! "

In the four-color star palace, Yaya is wearing a light blue skirt of the first person in the ancient earth universe, a descendant of the ancient Coconut Country Shui Tribe, surrounded by a mist of pure white mist, asking questions with a beautiful and quiet face.

"Hehe, Xiaoxian is indeed sent by two Gods of War, Xiaoxian has a low status in the Yunzhou Immortal Squad, how dare Si dare to offend Lord Yun's two proud disciples at will, Yun Yan, the two Gods of War who are mighty and powerful!

The two gods of war went to prepare for the immortals of Zhou Lingxian to ascend to the cloud and enter the cloud seal. The two gods of war are also worried that you don't believe Xiaoxian's words, so they deliberately left something as a token to convince you of Xiaoxian.

Little Immortal has very little knowledge, he doesn't know what kind of treasure this is, so naturally he dare not ask, Di Zhou Emperor only confessed that, after seeing this treasure, you will definitely believe what Little Immortal said.

Xiaoxian holds this treasure high, and invites you all to have a look at it! "

Huang Yun made up a bunch of nonsense that he thought was clever, and then raised his hands high, with a jet-black rainbow shining in the palm of his hand.

"Well, that's right! This is Master's Black Jade Skull Profound Realm. Master regards it as his life, and if he is not very trustworthy, Master will never give it to anyone.

It seems that what you said just now was not false or deceitful. Since Master and Daddy trust you so much, the immortal Zhou Lingxian will naturally not doubt you. Thank you Immortal Huo Lingxian for opening the fairy eyes for us, and please continue to lead the way forward! "

Yaya first communicated with the high-ranking seniors in the Four-color Star Palace through mind transmission, and after obtaining their consent, she said to Huang Yun through mind transmission.

Huang Yun, the third child of the Seven Swords of Zhusheng, was secretly happy when he heard that he could fool the opponent by simply pulling a piece of cloud into a black jade skull.

However, what Huang Yun thought in his heart was different from what he said on his mouth. Huang Yun coughed softly a few times, then saluted respectfully, and carefully put the fake black jade skull into his arms.

Then he said: "Thank you for your understanding of Xiaoxian, everyone, for the sake of the old friends of the two war gods, Xiaoxian soared into the universe, even if he died!

In the future, all the gods of Zhou Lingxian will flourish in the sky, and please remember the little fairy, and when you see Jun Yun's meritorious service, you will also mention the little fairy by the way. The fire spirit fairy will be grateful and repay you with the spring ! "

It's not for nothing that Huang Yun was called Huaixie and Death Sha in the Seven Swords of Zhusheng. When he told a lie, he was moved to tears.

"Huolingxian, don't worry, thank you for your tireless efforts to help us wait for the Langyuanmen of the four-color star palace in the universe to enter the Yunzhou Yunfeng. Your kindness will be engraved in our hearts by the whole Langyuanmen, and we will definitely repay it in the future. "

When Yaya heard this, she had no choice but to reply a few more words, Huang Yun endured the giggling that he thought he was a genius, and flew forward with the fiery red cloud.

Inside the four-color star palace.

"Sister Juan, isn't it too risky for us to follow like this!

Cheng Yuan said with a serious expression.

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