Nine Heavens

Chapter 1834 Liu Juan Shocks Evil

Chapter 1834 Liu Juan Zhenxie


"Based on their clumsy tricks, we don't have to be afraid of them. I have already made up my mind. We just need to do this. Although we can't guarantee the success of entering Yunzhou Yunfeng, we can ensure the safety of all disciples in the school."

Liu Juan's emerald eyes looked at the yellow cloud with bright red flames dancing outside the four-color star palace, her expression was full of disgust, and she snorted coldly.

Then so and so, so and so ordered the disciples of the Langyuan Sect of the Four Color Star Palace.

"Sister Juan is really a good plan. In this way, we will follow him and not be afraid of them. I want to see what kind of medicine they sell in the gourd!"

When Cheng Qi heard about Liu Juan's method of dealing with Zhu Sheng's Seven Swords, he couldn't help applauding.

"Fengmei, don't be too optimistic, although we can deceive them for a short time, even hide the star palace, let them seize a fake four-color star palace, and then follow them into the universe.

However, after we enter Yunyu, there is no guarantee that we will find Qianlang quickly. If they suddenly find out that we have lied to them, and they drive us into the hollow of the earth, we may be stuck there for a long time, I don't know how long it will be! "

Cheng Yuanfang shook his head slightly for Liu Juan's blind optimism, he didn't want to pour cold water on his sister, but he had to say it.

"Brother Yuanfang is right. However, I believe that we have a good destiny and good luck. We will go up against the heavens to seek blessings for the common people and all souls in the lower universe, and seek immortality for the great good of the upper universe. We will definitely turn into disasters Good luck!"

Princess Jinling and other beloved wives of Liu Qianlang were also worried, but Princess Jinling was much more optimistic, saluting Lord Sirius and said.

"Forget it! Let's borrow my sister's auspicious words! Everyone prepares according to Sister Juan's plan, and sees the actions of that Huoling little fairy, and plays by ear.

Remember, don't take action on your own, and obey Sister Juan's orders in everything! "

Cheng Yuanfang also politely returned the salute, nodded slightly, and said while looking around the four-color star palace Xingzhoutiandi.

"Yes! I would like to follow the teachings of Sirius True Monarch!"

Hearing the words of Sirius True Monarch in the Four-color Star Palace, they all responded with conviction.

Next, there was no sound in the four-color star palace, only the minds of all the high-ranking disciples of Langyuanmen and all the disciples tacitly responded to each other, and adjusted the vigilance of the five essences to the highest level.

The four-color star palace continued to roar and gallop in the time and space at the junction of the earth and the cloud, and the fire spirit Xiaoxian in front of it was also flying wildly on the fire cloud.

The little fairy Huoling in front is getting faster and faster, and the four-color star palace is following more and more closely behind. Looking from the distance, it is just a fairy guiding the spirit star. Yunxian is in a magnificent state!

After flying in this state for a long time, in the distance ahead, a piece of Yungong Fairy Temple appeared in the sight of all the disciples of the Langyuan Sect of Sicolor Xinggong.

The people of Langyuanmen naturally knew from the mouth of the Seven Swords of Zhusheng that this fairy temple is not the real Yunzhou Immortal Mansion, so they all looked at it with vigilance.

However, although each of them looked at the four-color star palace in their hearts, none of the Langyuanmen disciples spoke. Instead, they raised their vigilance and focused their attention on Liu Juan, waiting for her to give orders.

And Liu Juan's expression was condensed, her face was frosty, her green hair was flying like a rainbow, her forehead controlled the soul tree, her brows were deep green eyes, she stared at the little fire spirit fairy outside the four-color star palace, and the distant fantasy fairy temple. It means to send any order.

There was a sneer at the corner of Liu Juan's mouth, a trace of disdain.

"Emperor Di Zhou, all spirit immortals, Xiaoxian has already led two friends of the God of War to the place where Yunfeng Yunfeng guards the palace of Yunwei, and I invite you, Di Zhou Lingxian, to walk out of the star palace, float on Yunxian Road, and enter Yunfeng Shou Gong Tong Zhou Hall!"

In front of the Four-color Star Palace, Huo Ling Xiaoxian suddenly stopped, turned around and saluted the Four-color Star Palace.

"Hehe, thank you Huolingxianzun for leading the way, I wonder if we can leave the star palace and go up Yunxian Road.

Although this star palace is not a treasure for our Langyuan Sect, it has been used for a long time, and it always has feelings. It is really not used to walking out of the star palace! "

Inside the four-color star palace, Liu Juan stood firmly on her shuttle, and said neither humble nor overbearing.


Xiaoxian Huoling heard that Liu Juan in the Four-color Star Palace actually called the four-color Star Palace and other fetishes as ordinary treasures of the Langyuan Sect, and felt a little dumbfounded.

After clicking his tongue for a while, he felt some fear in his heart, and asked tentatively:

"Unexpectedly, Zhou Lingxian is also very powerful. Maybe there are many magic weapons for fighting immortals?"

"That's natural. The Dizhou Langyuan Sect has always taken it as its mission to rectify the immortal universe and the human world. It pursues the way of good fortune, righteous spirits and immortals. It has killed countless evil immortals and gods!

These evil fairy gods come from both the sky and the sky. If Langyuanmen didn't have some weapons of fairy gods that frightened the universe, how could they be killed with the wind and rain!

Leaving aside, you must have heard of the Heavenly Demon Nine Swords and Nine Arrays of the Eternal Sky Demon Eight Realms. All of its artifacts are in my Langyuanmen.

Any one of these artifacts is an existence that dominates the world. In addition, you have heard of the time boat, the ancient spirit universe, the nine-fang Shenzhou, the seven-color lotus, the dragon sundial, the blue ancient moon, the light and dark Hunyuan mountain, the soul-controlling tree, the celestial demon meteor, the blue crescent moon, and the sky demon Xuan Fortress, Demon Slaying Sword..."

Liu Juan's words were calm and breezy, and she talked about a lot of frightening artifacts of the gods and gods in Langyuanmen. The speaker had a heart, and the listener was shocked!

"You, do you really have these?"

Xiaoxian Huoling heard Yun Zhan's heart bewildered, and her head was buzzing. The thought of secretly laughing before was gone, and she became vigilant from rampant.

But for Liu Juan's words, Huang Yun's Huoling Xiaoxian couldn't believe it, so she asked.

"Little Fairy Huoling, what are you talking about, you are our benefactor, how could we lie to our benefactor.

In the distance, where's your golden arrow for punishing evil? How about shooting two for a surprise, and let our Enxian taste the authenticity! "

Liu Juan's tone of voice was always calm and unwavering, but every word pierced her heart, especially the last sentence, Xiaoxian Huang Yunhuoling was almost frightened when she heard it.

What is the evil-slaying golden arrow, I know it too well in my heart, it is one of the top ten evil-slaying golden spirit sharp weapons in the Jiufang universe of the ancient spirit, it is ranked third after the devil-slaying sword and the sky conch, Shooting demons kills demons, chasing evils kills evil, which is what is called punishing evil.

Now that the other party actually let him see it, wouldn't it mean his own life? Huang Yun was instantly frightened and burst into flames all over his body.

"No, no, no! No need! All the disciples of Di Zhou Lang Yuan Sect are from the lower realm of the ancient Eternal Heaven Spirit. Countless immortal gods and ancient artifacts descend to the lower realm to find the master. The device is just reasonable.

Xiaoxian's strength is low, how could he see such a terrifying ancient spirit artifact. If you read it, I am afraid that you will enjoy it without seeing it! "

Huoling Xiaoxian Huang Yun was in a panic, and threw out such a sentence out of desperation.

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