Nine Heavens

Chapter 1835 Talk to each other

Chapter 1835 Talk to each other

"Then we still need it?"

Seeing that the other party has been shocked by her, Liu Juan asked lightly.

"Hey! I also ask for forgiveness from all the spirits of the Zhoulangyuan Sect. To enter the Yunfeng Shougong Immortal Temple, you must be sincere and determined, walk lightly on the Yunxian Road, and do not use magic soldiers. This is the minimum for entering the Yunfeng Shougong Immortal Temple. The rules are not set by Xiaoxian, please understand the noble immortals!"

Although he knows that Earth Waves and Yuanmen are not easy to mess with, Huoling Xiaoxian is depressed by nature. Among the five spirits, there are all anti-life existences. His only hobby is seeing death and destruction.

Therefore, after being shocked for a while, Huoling Xiaoxian Huang Yun still did not give up the original plan, said so, and emphasized in his words that people from the Langyuanmen are not allowed to use the fairy method.

"Ha ha……"

"Enxian is right, Yunzhou Teen and I are equivalent to Sheng Yunzhou, which is already breaking the rules of immortality, how can we make progress, not knowing good and bad, and embarrassing Enxian.

All the disciples of the Langyuan Sect of the Sicolor Xinggong listen to the order, and leave the Sicolor Xinggong here for the time being, and follow us to float outside the Xinggong, and there is an immortal leading us to Yunxian Road! "

In the four-color star palace, Liu Juan looked around at the people around her, and then laughed loudly with a rare attitude of looking up at the sky.

After all, he went ahead quickly, Cheng Yuanfang, the true lord of the sky wolf, Cheng Shifeng, the true lord of the spirit demon, nine beloved wives of Liu Qianlang, Siying Meihu, the wife of Cheng Yuanfang, Lan Shuang, the wife of Song Zhen, the god of swordsmanship, Yexiang, etc. Yuan Gaozun surrounds Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan in front, and the army of General Lang Yuan, numbered ninety-nine and eighty-one, is behind. The group of people is like a rosy cloud, suddenly floating out of the four-color star palace.

"Enxian, please!"

The trick of deception suddenly succeeded. Hearing that Liu Juan led the whole sect of Langyuan Sect, the spirit fairies were in sight, in front of the Four-color Star Palace, which made Xiaoxian Huo Ling feel a little incredible!

The words could not help but squeak:

"Hey, the gods of the Universe Wave Yuan Sect are really, really bold! Please come with Xiaoxian!"

After finishing speaking, Xiaoxian Huoling's fire eyes flashed with a strange treacherous color, and the five spirits of death secretly conveyed the slightest bit of unknown information.

These informationalized clouds quickly dispersed to the surroundings.

For these, the reaction of the people who watched the Earth Waves Fate Sect was obviously unaware, and they were all focused on watching the vast cloud seal Shougong Xianguan in front of their sight.

The vast Yunfeng Shougong Fairy Temple looms in the clouds and mist, like a flying palace, very mysterious and magnificent. There are seven Gaoyun Mountains in front of it, and the eight heavens shake the Tianhe River. The cloud bridge in thousands of light.

Xiaoxian Huoling, Huang Yun, saw the people of Zhoulang Yuanmen staring at the front intently, and finished the arrangement by herself, and her previous courage came up again.

"All the immortals of the Dizhou Langyuan Sect, please go to Yunxian Road, and Xiaoxian will lead you first!"

Huoling Xiaoxian Huang Yun was talking, and the fire cloud rose under his feet, and he had already floated up the Yunxian Road where the gods and gods floated, and then greeted the people of the earth's Zhoulang Yuanmen.

The people from the Dizhou Langyuan Sect also floated together, and after a while of high rise, they landed on Yunxian Road.

Then, Huang Yun, the little fairy of the fire spirit in front of him, was faintly in front of him, appearing and disappearing from time to time, like a ball of flames rolling.

And thousands of miles away, Caixia, a member of Langyuanmen, is chasing him like a moon.

"Hey, all the gods of the Dizhou Wave Fate Sect are leaving quickly. You can go through Yunfeng on Yunxian Road, and then enter Yunzhou to meet the two Gods of War!"

Xiaoxian Huoling mysteriously floated in front of her, her movements changed from the original elegant posture to bending over and flirting with wretched hands, her mouth full of weird evil smiles, and she shouted insincerely.

"Hehe, I'm afraid that if Yunxian Road is over, we will die!"

Behind Yunxian Road, Qixiang Zhenjun looked calm, holding the Jade Seal of Nine Dragons Fireworks in his hand, and said with a smile.


"Ha ha……"

"It turns out that you have seen through that this Yunxian Road is fake, and that I killed you with the Seven Swords of Zhusheng is true! Unfortunately, it is already too late. Do you know where this is?"

As soon as Liu Juan's words came out of her mouth, Xiaoxian Huoling suddenly stopped, then turned her head and laughed wildly, and at the same time recovered her body.

"Sure enough, it's you guys. Of course this isn't a cloud seal, it should be the Earth Cloud Hole Domain!"

Seeing that Huoling Xiaoxian had returned to his original Huang Yun state, none of the people from the Dizhou Wave Yuanmen were flustered, but their faces were full of disdain and sarcasm.

Especially Qixiang True Monarch Liu Juan, her emerald green eyes are extremely deep and unfathomable, she smiles coldly and frowns to frighten the evil demon god!

"You guessed it, so you still dare to come? How did you guess that we pretended to be two gods of war and I was a fake Huoyun Xiaoxian!?"

Huang Yun's body was surrounded by orange clouds, and his orange pupils shone, he asked in surprise.

"It's not easy. First of all, our fairy eyes have been opened long ago, and the fairy officials such as Xianer also practiced the fairy method passed back before entering Yunzhou by the head of the sect not long ago.

Therefore, we are in the four-color star palace, and we have heard all your plans about your plans clearly.

You are really too stupid, what is wrong with you, use the black jade skull of Emperor Di Zhou to win our trust. Do you know that Emperor Di Zhou cherishes Moyu Skull far more than his life, how could he just hand it over to a so-called little fairy? This is simply a joke!

Besides, if the real Di Zhou Emperor came back, they would not fail to enter Di Zhou to meet us, no matter what, he would personally lead us into Yun Zhou!

Because for our safety, apart from himself, he only believes in those who live and die with him! Even if you are Yun Zhou's powerful fairy god, he will never entrust our fate to you!

As for the fact that you led us to this Yunkongdong domain, you must have been afraid after hearing the many magic weapons of the Langyuan Sect mentioned by the spirit fairy, that's why you are like this.

If my guess is right, in fact, you just want to change a fake Yunguan palace and trick us into it to trap and kill us. "

True Monarch Qixiang Liu Juan also stopped in her tracks and spoke slowly.

"Yeah, that's interesting. Since you've guessed everything, why are you so stupid that the four-color star palace flies out of the universe? And why are you deliberately provoking us to bring you into this cloud and void domain? Don't you mean to die? "

These words of Zhenjun Qixiang Liu Juan made Huang Yun feel a little dazed, and asked with a wrinkled face.

"This is the difference between us Zhenglinglingxian and you. The reason why we are willing to control the four-color star palace to fly out of the universe is that we no longer want to fight with you in the universe and let the universe suffer from chaos again!

As for our prodding you to bring us here, there are two reasons. The first reason is still to stay away from the universe, and the second reason is that we really want to see what the so-called earth-cloud-empty domain looks like! "

Qixiang True Monarch Liu Juan spoke calmly.

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