Nine Heavens

Chapter 1836 Happy Forgotten Pill

Chapter 1836 Happy Forgotten Pill

"Hey! What a pity. In the beginning, our Seven Swords of Zhusheng actually planned to lead you into the illusory fairyland, have a drink and laugh with each other, and then kill you!

However, you don't know what to do, and you actually learned to scare me and the Seven Swords of Life, so I had to lead you here and slaughtered me directly!

Brothers, please show up, if you don't kill them now, when will it be! "

Huang Yun's orange eyes glanced at the beautiful fairy figures of the people from the Zhoulang Yuanmen who were thousands of miles away, and said very regretfully.

"Ha ha……"

"Third brother, I really have you, but with just a few words, I got this earth spirit fairy out of the earth! We have already collected the four-color star palace into the body sea, and we are about to kill them!

Once you kill them, you can go to Master Yunjunyang Palace to receive the reward, haha, come on! Third brother, don't worry, killing them is just a matter of lifting your hands, you come up to have a few drinks first, and we brothers will have some fun.

I didn't expect that there are some beautiful and wonderful people among the Eternal Spirit Immortals here. We have had enough eating, drinking and admiring, and it's not too late to kill them! "

Huang Yun yelled, and in an instant, a cloud platform floated out among the white clouds on Yunxian Road, and there were six people sitting cross-legged in the clouds on it.

These people are all handsome and unrestrained, with swaying eyes, holding cloud cups in their hands, and can't help smiling at each other.

"Ah? Haha... good! Let us mourn Seven Birds and become a kind fairy god, slaughter them later, and let them live a little longer.

Seeing the happy faces of all the brothers and sisters eating wine, they must be eating five fine wines that have been made for three trillion years! "

Hearing this, Huang Yun stretched his orange eyebrows, raised his head and laughed loudly, then turned into a dead orange cloud bird, and flew up.

"Well! These three trillion years of five-essence fine wine are made by taking the essence of ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine stars from the universe and killing the five essences of the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine universe masters. It is said that the blood of all spiritual life in the 99,999th universe is the fire essence, and the countless cloud treasures and cloud essences of the Yunzhou are used as auxiliary materials. After nine generations of life and death, it is brewed with the death fairy pot made.

Then it was stored for three trillion years in the Immortal Realm Fort, the bird of the dead cloud. It is definitely the number one divine wine in the dead world!

So delicious, there hasn't been a single cause for celebration since the day it was made.

Today, the third brother finally created such an opportunity for us! We can have a binge! Ha ha……"

Then they uttered obscenities, shouted and laughed wildly, as if the people in the Dizhou Wave Yuan Sect under the Yuntai didn't exist.

"Haha... Brothers, come here! Let's toast the third brother together!"

"Okay, okay! Haha..."

The six Death Cloud Birds from the Seven Swords of Zhusheng all laughed and toasted.

"The four-color star palace is really a wonderful thing, but I don't know why the four divine stars created by Empress Nuwa back then were not used as the sun, moon and stars. Could it be that they are too good!"

After another glass of Wujingyun wine, Chi Yun, the boss of Zhusheng Seven Swords, was in high spirits.

With Yin Hongyun's eyes, he looked around at the death cloud bird brothers, then stretched out his right fist, and stretched out his palm, a black, white, blue and green ball the size of an egg appeared.

The ball flashed in his palm for a while, and then fluttered towards their heads, making it the size of a leather ball, and the four-color divine light became even brighter.

Chi Yun tilted his head, squinted his eyes and praised in admiration like a drunken dream.

"Tsk tsk!"

The other mourning seven birds also laughed and echoed.

"Ha ha……"

"How did senior brother Chi Yun know the method of manipulating the four-color star palace? Could it be that senior brother has seen it before?"

Huang Yun drank the delicious Wujing Death Spirit Wine, sipped it with his mouth, and then asked with a smile.

"You don't need to ask, it was naturally informed by your teacher Yunjun! When you decided to seize the Four-color Star Palace, I sent Yun Zheng's book to Mr. Yunjun's teacher, mentioning the third brother's plan to seize the Four-color Star Palace .

When the mentor heard this, Jun Yan was delighted, saying that the Four-Color Star Palace is in the heavens, and it is also a unique divine treasure. It would be great if it could not be destroyed! "

Chi Yun paused for a moment, then said proudly.

"Senior Brother Chi Yun means that this four-color star palace was given to them by their mentor!?"

Huang Yun heard Chi Yun's words, pondered for a moment, and asked confusedly.

"Haha... It's not surprising that you don't know about these things. Of course, it was Master Yun's deliberate arrangement of the Earth and Cloud Universe that brought the Four-Color Star Palace into their hands!"

When Chi Yun heard the question, he said with mysterious eyes.

"Senior brother's words are so difficult to understand, please let me explain clearly. Why is it that only senior brother knows about these things, and we have never heard of them?"

Lan Yun, the fifth child of Zhu Sheng's Seven Swords, rolled his blue eyes for a long time, but couldn't understand what Chi Yun was saying, so he grinned and asked.

"It's not that my senior brother's words are difficult to understand, it's because the memory of our mourning seven birds disappeared the next day.

The reason why this senior brother knows a lot of things is actually because you all knew it before, but you just forgot.

The same is true of my memory, but when we set off to Earth Universe, my mentor updated my memory of the three universes, but I haven't updated yours, so it seems that I know more than you.

Our weakness is abominable, but it will soon be history.

You don't know, my senior brother has spent countless years of hard work brewing these five exquisite wines, not only for the sake of deliciousness, but more importantly, to completely strengthen our memory!

After we drank these five exquisite wines, this senior brother will copy all the memories that my mentor has updated for me to you, and use this as a guide, and your memories of the three universes will be restored immediately.

And because of these five exquisite wines, there is no such thing as forgetting the next day. After a while, you will naturally understand the ins and outs of the four-color star palace.

However, this senior brother emphasizes one point, after all the senior brothers have immortalized their memories today, don’t mention it in front of your mentor, and still pretend to forget it the next day, and when you ask, you don’t know anything except what happened that day!

You all know that the teacher hates the immortal who remembers what he has done the most, so he will give all kinds of happiness and forgetting pills, in order to prevent us from remembering what he has done.

Aren't you very surprised why I have been refining the five fine wines without telling my mentor Yunjun, this is the reason. If he finds out that I am refining five fine wines and its uses, he will definitely kill us!

So everyone must be careful in the future, no matter how clear-headed we are, we will always be confused and forgotten in front of our mentor Yunjun! "

Chi Yun looked up at the distant center of Yun Zhou, and said in a low voice.

"Oh! It turns out that the four-color star palace is the omen of the eight heavens in the chaotic universe of the ancient universe, the first of the five mortal worlds.

That’s right, I clearly remember that these four divine stars were obtained by my mentor, Tianjun, the body of the universe, from the empress Nuwa, and said that they were used to enlighten the four soul boys of the earth and universe! "

Hearing Chi Yun's words, Zhu Sheng Qijian nodded one after another, and then sighed in unison.

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