Nine Heavens

Chapter 1837 Lian Er Again

Chapter 1837 is Lianer again

After another burst of high-spirited talk, Chi Yun suddenly looked at the four-color star palace flashing high in the sky, squeezed the five exquisite wine cloud pots that he drank to pieces, and the broken clouds flew around, furious, and roared:

"Brothers, kill them immediately, we have been fooled, the one above is not a four-color star palace at all!"

"Well, why is that?"

The other six members of the Seven Swords of Zhusheng almost exclaimed in unison, and looked up in amazement.

As the four-color star palace continued to grow, a big-eyed little girl's huge face appeared in it, covering the entire surface of the four-color star palace.

This face has crooked eyebrows and eyes, sticks out its tongue, raises its hands, rests on its ears, and shakes its hands, as if it has two moving horns on its head.

In the lower left corner of this face, there is another little girl wearing a colorful skirt, who looks no more than a foot in size.

She was looking up at the huge face, laughing non-stop, holding a pure white and shimmering death cloud bird in her hand.

"You silly birds, you're still drinking like a human, what is this four-color star palace, hehe, this is just a toy star of my Lian'er.

I was worrying about being bored in Wuzheng Island, but I didn’t expect my mother to use my toys to fool you. They are so far-sighted. They know that I am bored in Wuzhenghai, so they use this starlight to do things so that I can sense it.

Don't get angry and hit me in the face! This is the imaginary image of my Nine-Color Divine Lotus Legend, the real me, Mengmeng, and Xiaobai are all in the real four-color star palace.

whee! Want to know where the real four-color star palace is? I guess you guys are going to be mad and want to know, but I just won't tell you!

What do you say, Mengmeng, Xiaobai? "

"Don't tell them, don't tell them! They are so afraid of people! All of them have the color of death!"

Xiaobai chirped, Mengmeng spoke quickly, expressing their opinions in unison.

"This this?"

How could Zhusheng Qijian not be angry when he saw the so-called four-color star palace in the sky, and made strange howls that were incompatible with his heroic appearance, and then shot clouds, thunder and lightning towards the fake four-color star palace above.



"Look at how stupid they are. We told them not to hit me in the face, but they just didn't listen. This star can't be shattered no matter what."

On the head of the Seven Swords of Zhusheng, in the false four-color star palace that had already soared tens of thousands of light miles away, after the thunder and lightning struck, it was back to normal, Lian Er's huge face was still smiling mischievously, and Mengmeng and the white death cloud bird below were laughing happily. Jump for joy, laugh and cooperate.

"Crack! Crack!"

"Senior Brother Chiyun! Why did our death cloud disobey us? The five essences were washed and became their living god birds!"

It makes sense to say that seeing Lian'er and Mengmeng laugh at the Seven Swords of Zhusheng because they are enemies.

However, the death cloud bird transformed by his own death cloud actually listened to the other party's call and laughed at himself, which made the Seven Swords of Zhusheng unacceptable. , looked at the boss Chi Yun and asked.

"This is really maddening! Evil spirit girl, how dare you tell us how you subdued the death cloud bird!"

When Lu Yun asked, Chi Yun opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything. After a while, he suddenly yelled at Gao Kong Lian'er's giant face.


"There is nothing to dare to say, it's as simple as death, I just flew out of the star palace to catch a cloud egg when you came to slaughter our four-color star palace in the universe, and then put it into the nine-color god Liannei hatched and gave birth to Xiaobai.

Before Xiaobai was born, your evil spirit of death was cleansed by the Nine-Colored Divine Lotus and Nine-Colored Fate Soul Aura. Now it is my favorite spiritual pet, and it is no longer annoying and annoying like you!

By the way, you are death cloud birds, can you die again? What will happen to you if you die? Will you become alive?

Oh! I was confused by what I said, so why don't you just die, let me see, you are originally the birds of the death cloud, what kind of birds do you turn into after you die, maybe I will like it, and then I will catch you as a spiritual pet. "

This Lian'er was laughing and talking innocently.

The seven life-killing swords below couldn't take it anymore, and couldn't kill Lian'er, so they whizzed down and rushed down to kill the people from the four-color star palace in the universe below.

I saw a burst of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and seven-colored red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and seven-colored sword rainbows, and the evil thunder of death flickered, and all the people in the Dizhou Wave Yuanmen were wiped out in an instant.

The slaughter of the Seven Swords of Zhusheng was so smooth that it is indescribable. The people of Langyuanmen almost had no time to resist, and they had already become the dead souls under the sword of the Seven Swords of Zhusheng.

"Ha ha……"


Having been humiliated by Gaokong Lian'er just now, now that the whole family has been slaughtered, the Seven Swordsmen of Zhusheng feel extremely dispirited, shouting and laughing one after another.

Then, he turned around and flew towards the fake Four-color Star Palace in the high altitude, intending to destroy Xinghui, and forced Lian Er to ask the real Four-color Star Palace whereabouts.


However, when they turned their heads, what surprised them was that the whole family of Langyuanmen was slaughtered, and that Lian'er was not only not sad at all, but even smiled brighter.

"You silly boy, all the disciples of my Spiritual Immortal Gate are short of you being slaughtered, and you are still so happy, it's really interesting!"

Chi Yun, the boss of Zhusheng Seven Swords, frowned and stared at Lian'er's giant face for a while, and reprimanded.

"Hee hee! You guys are so stupid that you still want to kill my mother and the others just because of you stupid birds. Even I, Lian'er, can't beat them. This doesn't fool me into Wu Zhenghai.

Seeing all of you dumbfounded, you are all fools at first glance, how could you kill them.

What you killed were their phantoms. The real bodies are sitting in the four-color star palace drinking together and watching your jokes. "

Lian Er's gigantic face made her smile even wider, and her two little hands were as fat as lotus roots, shaking her head angrily.


The Seven Swords of Zhusheng stopped laughing abruptly when they heard Lian'er's words, their face suddenly became bright and bright, their throats whimpered and Xianggu Zhenjian roared.

"Hmph! Little thing, don't lie to us. If we are not killing people from the Langyuanmen, then where are the real Sicolor Xinggong and Langyuanmen?"

The Seven Swords of Punishing Life is angry, but it has not forgotten the task of killing the people of Langyuanmen and Mengmeng, the first person born in Dizhou Xinzhou.

Therefore, while angry, Chi Yun, the leader of the Seven Swords of Zhusheng, slowly calmed down, his evil eyes of death flickered with blazing eyes, he looked up at Lian'er's huge face, and began to speak clichéd words.

"They are there, they are laughing at you, can't you see them, I can feel it clearly.

Uh-oh! I know why, my mother said that once the four-color star palace is used by our Langyuanmen's unique concealment technique, no one can see it except our smart Langyuanmen, let alone you are not human up! "

As soon as Chi Yun said the words, he listened straight to the words. Unexpectedly, Lian Er was a big kid, and when he spoke, he never missed a word, even sarcasm and derogatory, which made Zhu Sheng Qi Jian doubt life and death!

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