Nine Heavens

Chapter 1838 The Will of the Five Spirits

Chapter 1838 Five Essence Will

The hidden four-color star palace is actually not far from the Seven Swords of Zhusheng, it is within Liu Juan's soul-controlling divine tree.

At this moment, the soul-controlling divine tree turned into a trace of emerald cloud traces, floating in the time and space of the earth, cloud, space, and space, just tens of thousands of miles away from the heads of the seven swords that killed life.

However, the Seven Swords of Zhusheng could not see its location.

The reason why Liu Juan's Soul-Controlling Divine Tree suddenly possessed similar divine powers to the Moyu Skeleton is also due to the previous gift from the Mother of Linhe.

It is the Holy Mother of Linhe who awakened and created all kinds of abilities of Xuanling Time and Space for the ancient spirits except Moyu Skull.

Although their divine power is different from Moyu Skull Tiancheng's divine power in time and space, they are equally mysterious and vast, with vast time and space.

As the controller's divine power continues to grow stronger, it will become more and more perfect. Not only can it carry everything and take refuge in the fairy gate, but it can also develop the cosmic divine vein that is an artifact of heavenly warfare and breeds infinite talents and treasures.

In the real four-color star palace, Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan, Sirius Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang, Lingyao Zhenjun Cheng Shifeng, and Miao Yan and other high-ranking nobles from the Langyuan sect, all counted in their hearts that the Seven Swords of Life must be sure. Will be fooled.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, the headache-provoking Lian'er came out to make trouble again, and the well-planned plan was exposed like this, and the senior members of the Langyuan Sect couldn't help but laugh and cry.

Even Liu Juan, who has always been cold and arrogant, couldn't help laughing when she saw her nephew laughing at the Seven Swords of Life. Others laughed when they saw this cold elder sister in charge, so they naturally laughed. enough.

"Sister Juan, didn't you say that this little guy has suffered a lot that brother Qianlang prepared for her when she arrived at Wu Zhenghai? Look in the soul mirror, she is suffering. She is obviously very happy, but she still has thoughts. Care about our business!"

Seeing Lian'er suddenly appearing in the fake four-color star palace with a grimace, Cheng Shifeng, the real lord of the spirit demon, was very curious about her state in Wu Zhenghai, so she sacrificed the soul mirror to the sky above all the spirit immortals, and then concentrated look.

In the blue soul mirror, there is a vast cloud mountain, and Lian'er is at the foot of a cloud mountain on a sea coast.

There is a huge stone standing on the coast, on which Emperor Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang personally inscribed:

Lian'er knelt down to worship the tortoise that carried the stele, and defeated the three-headed and nine-eyed snake demon guarding the tortoise. Then she learned the Xuanye magic skill on the giant stele, ran to the top of the Xuanye mountain, and practiced the five essences at the top of the Wuguang Wuxi peak. Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years of the five spirits.

Looking at the meaning of the inscription, people can understand it at once. It means that Lian Er should kneel down and worship the tortoise carrying the stele first, then fight the three-headed nine-eyed snake demon, and then learn the magic skill on the stele. , Concentrate on practicing the five essences of will.

According to the meaning of the inscription, Lian'er should have worked very hard to do it. But everyone in Langyuanmen was wrong, I saw Lian'er lying on the back of the tortoise carrying the stele, with Erlang's calf crossed.

Making a pillow with one hand, holding a fiery red spirit flower in the other hand and sniffing, Mengmeng lay beside her, with a big branch of the spirit tree between them.

The branches of the tree were dotted with fairy fruits shining with golden ripples. The two talked and laughed, and sometimes picked one and put it in their little mouths.

The stele-carrying tortoise not only carried the stele, but also carried them on its back, climbing clouds and mists, and was driven by the three-headed nine-eyed snake demon to crawl slowly on the shore of the sea for a while, and then fell into a cloud and mist mist on the shore of the sea. Slowly rising above the mountain.

"How did this child do it? The tortoise and the three-headed nine-eyed snake demon are all monsters that the emperor collected in the past. He planned to use them to deal with the demons he encountered, and he specially chose them to train her.

But judging by her appearance, she subdued the three-headed nine-eyed snake monster without any effort at all, and she didn't practice the Xuanye magic skill. ! "

Regarding the scene he saw, True Monarch Qixiang thought over and over again, but he couldn't think of how this little girl could defeat the three-headed nine-eyed snake demon, so he looked around and asked the fellow seniors.

After looking around, his eyes fell on Emperor Shuangtian.


"Sister Juan, don't want to see me. Sometimes I wonder if this child is my own. I can't guess what she did."

Emperor Shuangtian saw that his beloved daughter didn't look like suffering in Wuzhenghai, and he was overjoyed. As long as the daughter is safe, it doesn't matter how she deals with the various barriers of cultivation.

Can't help but look happy, seeing elder sister looking at her, smiling coquettishly and saluting, only willing to be confused.

"Let her go about Wu Zhenghai's affairs, but Sister Juan was a little confused, she tricked this little troublemaker away, but chose her toy to turn into a four-color star palace, could it be that Sister Juan forgot her ghost spirit!"

Cheng Shifeng put away the soul mirror, then looked at the huge grimace of the nephew who was slowly fading in the sky and said with a smile.

"Hey! Who would have thought that her toy would have such a reputation, and she would make troubles following her spiritual breath. Anyway, it's a blessing for us to have such a brilliant child.

Since this girl has revealed our plan, why continue to hide it, lest we be underestimated by the weeping seven birds who don't pay attention to Lian'er. "

Zhenjun Qixiang sighed, and then with a thought, the real four-color star palace disappeared in the fake four-color star palace, and reappeared in the field of vision of the Seven Swords of Zhusheng.

The people from the Langyuan Sect in the Four-Color Star Palace are just as Lian Er said, sitting around a huge table of fairy jade, laughing and fighting cloud demons, and looking at wine as evil spirits.

"Well! Unexpectedly, after the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine births and extinctions of the universe, the new universe Lingxian is so wise and wise, he can open the fairy eyes first without entering the universe, and he will fool me. The little boy in your door appeared, and almost let you steal into the universe and succeed!

I have waited countless times for the seven swords of life and death, and I have never met a respectable opponent. Today I have learned the lesson. It is I who have underestimated you!

This time I tricked you, I feel a sense of sympathy for each other, I really don't want to kill you! "

Huang Yun, the youngest of the Seven Swords of Zhusheng, has always boasted that the wisdom of the three universes is invincible, but this time he miscalculated when he first came into contact with the Langyuanmen. These few words are somewhat sincere.

"Huh! Put away your hypocrisy. The Death God of the Three Universes said that he is kind, which is really strange! He doesn't want to kill us anymore. I don't think you have the ability!"

True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan sat in the four-color star palace, in the sky tens of thousands of miles high, holding the jade table with one hand, shaking the fairy wine glass slightly with the other hand, and sneered.

There was a trace of arrogance and disdain at the corner of his mouth.

"Bah! Brother Huang Yun, why bother talking to some lowly immortals from the next universe, just to mobilize the Seven Swords of Zhusheng to form a large formation of death evil spirits!"

The old sixth Indigo Cloud in the Seven Swords of Execution of Life, with a death cloud robe of purple color shining around his body, with evil fire and chaotic clouds swirling endlessly, his death eyes stared at the four-color star palace for a while, and he was out of breath. scolded.

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