Nine Heavens

Chapter 1839 Seven Destroyers of Anti-Spirit

Chapter 1839

"The power of the Seven Deaths is concentrated in the Seven Swords of Zhusheng, the inverted cloud and empty space, the shapeless time and space, and the sword formation of the Seven Swords of Zhusheng, and the sword formation of death, and immediately encircle these cheap Eternal Spirit Immortals!"

Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan's words hit Zhusheng Qijian's dead heart and self-esteem. The boss Chi Yun was choked for a long time and couldn't speak, and his body was suffocating with fiery clouds of fire before speaking.


"Oh ha ha..."

Chi Yun, the leader of the Seven Swords of Zhusheng, didn't stop talking. In an instant, the Seven Swords of Zhusheng were all surrounded by thick clouds and fire outside his body.

However, the seven death-killing seven swords made a burst of strange howls of death, but they trembled and exploded and flew up to the higher sky, and then the seven blazing fires transformed from the seven life-killing seven swords, Wang Yang jumped on their respective death heads sword.

As a state of death, the Seven Swords of Zhusheng is fundamentally different from the Earth and Universe Mingling in that one is life and the other is death.

It is specifically manifested in the five essences of the spiritual life of the earth and universe, which are the soul, soul, soul, obsession and heart wisdom that we have mentioned many times. There are also immortals who unite souls and souls, and call the five essences four-in-one.

And Yun Tianzhou mourns the seven birds, that is, the seven swords that kill life and the seven clouds die, possesses not only the five essences of rebirth, but also two spiritual powers of rebirth, namely sickness and evil.

The rebirth of the seven birds of mourning, the five essences, the sickness and the evil spirits, are collectively called the rebirth and seven extinctions.

All death and death in the sky and the sky have this as the deep source.

The Five Essences are nothing more than the body of positive and negative life in Wanzhou.

Don't think that the Seven Extinctions are just the existence of death. To be precise, they are the existence of the summoned demons of spiritual death and the existence of the five spirits after devouring spiritual life.

They also have breathing and soul gate heartbeats, but they are not the spiritual life of the universe. If you must give them a living definition, you can only call them ghosts.

In the beginning, the power of this kind of anti-spiritual beings was also very large in the Yuntian Realm, but in the distant battle between immortals and gods, they were slowly slaughtered by the lives of the five elves, and finally only seven strange existences remained.

Moreover, the Seven Swords of Zhusheng were once hunted down in the battle between the immortals and gods of the ancient universe, and once disappeared without a trace.

The reason why the Seven Destroyers are so unpopular in the universe is because they are the root cause of wars, death, and all diseases in the universe as mentioned earlier.

As long as they exist in the universe, the spiritual ideas of sickness, death and war will not disappear, and the great harmony dreamed by the universe cannot exist.

Countless years ago, Liu Qianlang, the emperor of the universe, led the people of Langyuanmen to destroy the inner and outer hells of the nether world, the seventy-seven and forty-nine levels of hell. Manipulation of death seven extinction information.

And through one hundred thousand powerful spirit seals, it wraps and maintains the universe and the world, so that the longevity and eternal youth of the mortal world temporarily appear.

"Haha... Poor gods of the Zhoulangyuan Sect, since you dare not leave the Four-color Star Palace, we have no choice but to destroy the Four-color Star Palace.

In this realm of earth, cloud and void, no living beings and five spirits can perform powerful immortal and god skills, but it is a paradise for our dead and evil spirits to be exterminated.

Now the Qisheng Seven Swords Formation surrounds the sky, and the death aura of the Seven Exterminations is flooding the universe, everywhere, and your four-color star palace will soon be corroded and festered by the death aura, turning into a cloud of death, and being punished Sheng Qijian devours, and then it will be your turn.

If you have anything to say, I advise you to speak quickly, so as not to lose the chance after death! "

"Senior Chi Yun has really become kind, and he is so kind to these cheap spirits of the universe. Then I can't be too heartless. After they die, I will try to devour their five essences as little as possible, or just a few What kind of unjust souls and wild ghosts of the humble universe, will find Liu Qianlang and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi of the Yuanmen Gate of Zhoulang in the future to cry bitterly! Haha..."

"You are so unkind, Huang Yun, I am not like you. Ben Yunzhang has always loved good-looking things. All the beautiful spirits in the Universe Wave Yuan Sect belong to me. Their five essences, I will become Yunniang. Spend time with me all day long."

"Senior brother Huang Yun, isn't there already 99,998 times in your Huang Yun Palace of Death? If you do too much, you won't be afraid to look dazzled! Haha..."

"Hey! Don't tell me, Ben Yunzhu likes the feeling of waking up in a dream, laughing at flowers, and smelling the fragrance of fragrant pistils drunk. No matter how much brewing, Ben Yunzhu is not too little, especially in this place. The five essences of wonderful people."


The Seven Swords of Death are in the sky, shrouded in the sky over the four-color star palace of the Yuanmen Gate of the Earth Universe, shooting down seven billowing thick evil clouds and fires, mixed with boiling poison clouds, among which thunder and lightning, magic stars and demon stones, infinitely terrifying Attack the four-color star palace.

In the blink of an eye, clusters of star quakes erupted on the surface of the four-color star palace, and magma shot wildly. From a distance, the four-color star palace was on the verge of collapse.

Seeing such a scene, Qi Yunzhu, the life-killing, seven-sword and seven-destroying anti-spirit man, all roared wildly, thinking that they had finally let out a bad breath, and couldn't help mocking the people of Zhou Langyuan's sect.

Outside the Four-color Star Palace, the death sword of the Seven Swords of Death has firmly enveloped the Four-color Star Palace, and there is no hope for the Four-color Star Palace to escape.

Execution of Life, Seven Swords, Seven Exterminations of Anti-spiritual Men, Seven Clouds and Deaths, spoke obscenities, and their voices were ear-piercing outside the inexplicable four-color star palace.

Inside the four-color star palace.

Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan, Tianlang Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang and Lingyao Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang, the three heavenly spirit true monarchs, the nine beloved wives of the Earth Zhou Emperor Liu Qianlang, the beloved wife Lan Shuang of the Jianzhan God Zhanxuanzi, night fragrance.

Cheng Yuanfang's beloved wife Siying Meihu, as well as the ninety-nine and eighty-one gods of war, the four sages of Yunque, the eight immortal sword guards of Liu Qianlang, the emperor of the universe, etc., all present All the people of Langyuanmen, facing the impending destruction of the four-color star palace, none of them panicked, and they still drank the fairy wine calmly.

"True Monarch Lingyao! Your blue crescent moon has the strongest aura, and you immediately incorporate all the useful sacred mountains, fog seas, and wonderful spiritual veins in the four-color star palace, and use the magical art of shrinking the pulse taught by the Emperor of the Earth to incorporate them into it.

Especially Qingcang, Qingyu, Qingqiong Sanshan of Langyuan Gate, and the original Langyuan Wanfeng Wangong, remember not to disturb the parents and elders of the Enqing Palace, as well as the ancient spirits of the eight kingdoms and the common people, and seal them safely in the beautiful and happy world. realm. "

True Monarch Qixiang Liu Juan raised her slender wrists, filled the wine for the nearby brothers and sisters steadily, then motioned for everyone to fill up their glasses, raised their glasses together, looked deeply, and drank.


Cheng Shifeng, the true spirit demon king, knew what was going to happen next, so he didn't talk nonsense at all. He looked deeply at his relatives on the huge round jade table, gave a deep salute, and finally his eyes fell on his sister Liu Juan's face, and he suddenly turned around and shot up.

"Pa'er, Meng'er, the two of you have strategized, and the other is thoughtful, controlling the boat of time, allowing all the original forces of the Langyuan Sect to enter the universe of time and space, except me and Sirius.

Shui'er, Miaoyan, Fang'er, Shuang'er, Yan'er, Jinling, Luo'er, Shuang'er, Xiang'er, you all activate the art of constricting the arteries, seize Wu Zhenghai immediately, and do everything you can to protect the seven Tianling sisters, Yaya, Liuyun, Jiuying and Hongxian are waiting for these children!

In addition, there are Lao Huanfeng Shenlong brothers in command of the ninety-nine and eighty-one gods and gods, and the gods of the waves must guard the universe of good times. After the destruction of the four-color star palace, try to find the emperor of the universe and the god of swords! The situation is critical, so act now! "

True Monarch Qixiang has a calm expression, deep and resolute eyes, long emerald hair fluttering, commanding with determination!

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