Nine Heavens

Chapter 1840 Abandoning the palace to prepare for war

Chapter 1840 Abandoning the Palace and Preparing for Battle

"Then, sister Juan, you and Brother Yuanfang?"

Hearing Zhenjun Qixiang Liujuan's command, Miao Yan, Shui'er and others were all in tears. Miaoyan was very aware of the situation in front of her, and also knew that Liujuan Qixiang Zhenjun and Tianlang Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang would soon do What, there was no need to ask, but he still choked up and asked.

True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan's cold, proud, dignified and beautiful face, with emerald green eyes brimming with spirit, looks deeply and concernedly at the relatives of the same family who have entered the time boat one after another, with ups and downs in her heart, but she smiled and said:

"Why, you girls doubt your sister Juan's strength, you can rest assured to complete your task, we will see you again soon, don't forget to tell Lian Er, Aunt Juan likes her very much!"

Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan smiled all over the city, and then smiled all over the country, with a trace of arrogance and reluctance at the corners of her mouth.

"Sister Juan, woo--"

It can be said that Miaoyan has experienced countless pains and has never cried aloud, but at this moment she couldn't suppress the unexpected parting, looking at this senior sister with a cold face and a warm heart, she cried out in a hoarse voice.

Miaoyan yelled sadly all her life, and instantly attracted the sobs of the sisters around her, all of them were choked up in their throats, calling for the voices of Liu Juan and Cheng Yuanfang.

Tianlang True Lord Cheng Yuanfang looked calm and calm at the moment, looking sideways at his four beloved wives Siying Meihu, his two brothers Qi Mulang and Qi Yuanlang, and the four children of himself and his two brothers.

"Hehe, look at you, you are either mothers or mentors, and you are still crying like children, and you still don't act, otherwise the head sister will punish you to retreat and practice!"

True Monarch Qixiang Liu Juan looked around at her fellow disciples and the 100,000 vicious Seven Swords Siege of Zhusheng outside the Four-color Star Palace, her eyes were moist with stubbornness, and she forced a smile.


Although everyone is sad, all Langyuanmen are not confused, they know what is the most important thing right now, and what it means to miss an opportunity.

Therefore, all the people who are about to enter the boat of time, led by Miao Yan, Pa'er, and Yun Qianmeng, suddenly flew up to the sky above the round fairy table on the giant wheel, and all the people who were about to enter the boat of time flew to the sky above the Yuanxian table of the giant wheel, and all of them were sent to Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan and Tianlang Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang. kneel down.

After performing the Nine Blessings of Langyuan, he accepted the order sonorously and forcefully. In the next moment, he turned into a divine light and shot towards the boat of time that had already been shining not far away.

"Hong'er, Lan'er, Yin'er, Zi'er, be obedient, no matter what your husband and two brothers are, you must bring your two brothers, sisters-in-law and four children to live safely. Stick to our dream of Shanyuan Dao!"

On the side of Cheng Yuanfang, the True Lord of Sirius, he is trying his best to comfort the four beloved wives, Siying Meihu, and let them go away in the boat of time.

However, the Four Shadows Phantom Fox and Cheng Yuanfang, the True Lord of Heavenly Wolf, live and die together, and they are already used to it, so they are unwilling to leave their husband no matter what.

"Husband, let the four children go with the two brothers and sisters-in-law, okay? With the two brothers and sisters-in-law taking care of them, and the protection of Emperor Di Zhou and many respected sisters, the children will be fine.

What's more, they are all grown up, and they have all been on demand by the master, and their strength is not inferior to ours. Even without us, they can stand alone.

But the husband and the two elder brothers are just three commanding the Warcraft Sky Formation, which really makes us worry! As for Sister Juan, except for the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms and the generals of the Men family, when each other is in danger, she will definitely not use her soul to transform into an army. Only relying on her own magical skills is really worrying!

Although the strength of the four of us is not as good as yours, we can share a lot of your worries by staying! "

Among the Four Shadow Phantom Foxes, Hong Ying is the oldest, with bright red eyes, she looked at her beloved husband and said.

"Okay! Since the four beloved wives intend to do so, if the husband forces you to leave, it will make you sad instead!"

True Sirius Cheng Yuanfang smiled slightly, looked deeply at the four beloved wives and said.

When the Four Shadow Phantom Fox heard it, they all wept with joy. In their opinion, it is better to fight and die together with her husband than to live without her husband!

In the current situation, anyone from Langyuanmen can see that the two true monarchs are using their deaths to rush out of the Yunkong area for the boat of time and Cheng Shifeng's shuttle, and Yun Zhusheng's seven swords attack The shield is gone.

And this move has almost no possibility of survival, because of this, Siying Meihu is unwilling to leave her husband in distress, Master Sirius, no matter what.

Seeing the beautiful smiles on the weeping faces of the four beloved wives, True Lord Sirius felt uncomfortable, and glanced sideways at the two brothers, Qimu Lang and Qi Yuanlang, and the three of them nodded in tacit understanding.

In the next second, the three of them suddenly shot at the same time, waved their sleeves and shot three rays of divine light, which merged into a huge shield of spirits and spirits, instantly engulfing the two wives of Siying Meihu, Qimu Lang and Qi Yuanlang, And four young children are wrapped in it.

Before they could react, the shield of true spirit had been shot to the time boat tens of thousands of miles away like lightning, and then the universe of time disappeared without a trace.

"Haha...women have too many things to do."

True Sirius Cheng Yuanfang was in a pitch-black magic robe, with jet-black long hair flowing like a rainbow, and the chaotic god's eyes were red and chasing the direction of his beloved wife and child Yuandun. He looked and looked, but pretended to be relaxed .

"That's right! We should prepare too, haha..."

Naturally, Qimu Lang and Qi Yuanlang are also reluctant to part with their wives and children, but they know very well in their hearts that no matter what they do, their future must be good.

Therefore, in the face of the threat of death brought by the Seven Swords of Zhusheng, not only did he not have any fear, but his heart was filled with comfort and calmness when he accompanied his brother in the disaster.

Seeing that the brother couldn't bear it, tears flashed in his three eyes, but he was still pretending to be unrestrained, he couldn't help but smiled and said too.

"Back then, I betrayed the Thunderbolt Mysterious Demon and followed my Lord Sirius, making my two elder brothers lose their freedom. I'm afraid I'm going to die now. Do you regret it?"

Tianlang True Lord Cheng Yuanfang suddenly leaned over and asked the two brothers who had summoned the flag of the Heavenly Demon God Beast beside them.

"Regret! Regret that it was too late to follow Sirius, otherwise I would have been able to enjoy the life of chasing immortals in Langyuan Sect and see happy smiles all day long.

In the realm that the Wave Fate Gate passes through, the beautiful will become more spiritual, and the filthy will be destroyed, and the righteous will be born, and all things will be alive.

Before the two of us brothers met True Lord Sirius, we never thought that one day we would also abandon evil and do good, and we would also marry the fairy wife of Lang Yuan, enjoy the family relationship, and seek good fate.

All of these are gifted by Lord Sirius, one day is enough for such a wonderful time, not to mention the few epochs that our brothers enjoy is really contented!

However, maybe we are too greedy, watching our wives and children leave, we feel very uncomfortable! "

Qi Mu Lang and Qi Yuan Lang, one is tall and mighty, the other is not rough and straight, with one green and one purple outside, also wearing dangling magic robes.

The three heavenly beast commanding gods and generals stood on the head of the dark wolf castle, both heroic and majestic, with their heads held high outside the four-color star palace, while they were fighting, they were talking and laughing sadly.

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