Nine Heavens

Chapter 1842 Empty battle

Chapter 1842 Empty Battle

"Zhenjun Qixiang, your smile is so beautiful!"

When Liu Juan smiled, there was a person beside her, wearing a bronze armor, who looked a little obsessively, and praised.

Empress Qixiang glanced sideways, and said coquettishly for the first time:

"Brother, that is what you like to watch. If this strange fragrance doesn't die, Liu Juan is really willing to keep laughing like this for Brother Men to watch!"

True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan said these words in a time of crisis, so naturally there was something in her words.

One is to change the title and directly call Men Tiangang his brother, and the other is to clearly express that he has accepted Men Tiangang's persistent love for him.

When Men Tiangang opened his mouth, he regretted it. He felt that his words had insulted his beloved. He was afraid that Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan would be angry, so he blushed and lowered his head.

Not only did Master Qixiang, who had always been cold, arrogant and dignified, not get angry, he talked to himself like this with a smile on the contrary.

"True Monarch?"

Men Tiangang was full of surprises. In his heart, since the day when the first person in the ancient universe knew Liu Juan, he regarded her as a goddess.

He silently likes her in his heart, but never dares to offend her, because Liu Juan is so beautiful and noble, Men Tiangang thinks that there is no one worthy of loving her in Wan Zhou, and he is no exception.

Therefore, I have always liked it wholeheartedly, but never dared to think about it. When I was in danger today, because I lost my composure for a while, it was the first time I offended the person I respect and love in my heart, so I showed my love for Liu Juan.

Men Tiangang didn't even dare to dream that the sacred and inviolable goddess in his heart would talk to him like this one day, she was responding to his love!

Men Tiangang groaned for a long time because of his astonishment, and shouted.

"Hehe, call me Juan'er. Could it be that the great general Di Yun Erzhou is so powerful that he doesn't even dare to call the woman he likes by her nickname!"

Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan turned a blind eye to the raging waves and evil fires that swallowed everything around her, she stood firmly in the emerald green shuttle, with fluttering green hair, the soul of the gods outside her body, shining stars, and her beautiful eyes are flowing. Men Tiangang said.

"Juan, Juan'er!" Men Tiangang repeated Liu Juan's words mechanically, and a sonorous and powerful general actually wept with joy, with an unbelievable expression intertwined with his bronze-colored face.

The eyes of the two met, and their hearts were getting closer in an instant, and their bodies also involuntarily moved closer together. One needs a strong hug, and the other needs to express unreserved true love to the goddess!

However, in times of crisis, they did not have such an opportunity. A fiery wave of magma smashed down, and immediately rushed down towards the shuttle of the True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan.


The Tears and Blood Danxin Sword trembled and screamed, and suddenly broke free from Liu Juan's hand, expanded tens of millions of times, hovered into the air, and blocked the fiery waves of magma that were about to rush down.

Although True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan escaped this huge wave of deadly evil fire, but the second time, the third time... Each attack was as fierce as a storm, and it was densely packed.

Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan never had the chance to talk to the confidant general Men Tiangang, and while controlling the Tears and Blood Danxin Sword, she also sacrificed the Nine Dragons Fireworks Jade Seal to the sky, on her head thousands of miles high.

Construct a bright red mask like a huge inverted bowl to isolate the blazing fire waves from the outside world, so as to protect himself and the nine generals of the Men family, the shuttle that travels through the butterfly emperor of the Three Realms.

High in the sky, the Sword of Tears and Blood Danxin whizzed and circled, and the cold sword rainbows of green and righteous spirits spewed out from the dragon's mouth that turned into a green dragon, forming an infinite and huge sword rainbow vortex.

The huge sword rainbow vortex continuously spirals and extends, trying its best to block the death evil rainbow and thunder and lightning created by the death sword formation above.

And the Nine Dragons Fireworks Jade Seal burst into dazzling vermilion glow, like a huge sun, spinning steadily in the center of the spiral sword rainbow vortex spewed by the tearful blood heart sword sword dragon, the infinitely vast positive and bright red spirit wave flowed along the tears The spiral sword rainbow vortex spit out by the Xuedanxinjian Stegosaurus spread rapidly and parallel.

Formed two intertwined vortexes, one red and one green, facing each other to raise the negative attack of the seven swords of life and death.

Liu Juan controlled the Tears of Blood Danxin Sword and the Jade Seal of Nine Dragons Fireworks in this way, which can be regarded as maintaining a relatively safe local situation for the time being.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Nine Generals of the Men Clan and the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms also launched a resistance.

Men Tiangang took a deep look at Liu Juan, who was constantly performing hair tactics alternately with both hands, and said in his mind:

"Today, if Tiangang is not dead, he will kneel down in Yunzhou and marry Qixiang as his wife in the future!"

After saying that, there was a rattling sound, and Men Tiangang and the other eight bronze generals shot out the shuttles one after another, flying towards the protective mask made by Liu Juan.


Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan heard Men Tiangang's words, and saw that he and the eight brothers broke out of the illusion mask she made, and rushed directly to the sky with the Seven Swords of Zhusheng. Pale, clear tears flowed instantly.

Men Tiangang's behavior like this is nothing more than giving up his life to kill the Seven Swords of Zhusheng, intending to completely break the siege of Liu Juan. How could Liu Juan not know such thoughts.

However, what Liu Juan knew more clearly was that no matter how effective this was, the ending would definitely be more or less auspicious.

Liu Juan originally wanted to yell at the other party to come back, but the speed of the nine generals of the Men family was lightning fast, and it was impossible to call back, so Liu Juan could only choked up and yelled two words.

In the next second, the figures of the nine generals of the Nine Swords Clan were gone!

In another location, the butterfly emperor of the Three Realms from Dieyuan Spiritual Realm greeted Liu Juan, and also decided to turn into a butterfly and phoenix riding on the raging fire, and flew out of the protective circle with fluttering wings, with the same goal as the nine generals of the Men family.

It's just that what they flew to was not the seven swords of death, but the seven mourning birds.


"Will! Will!"

Soon, Liu Juan, the Qixiang Zhenjun below, heard the nine generals of the door family, the butterfly emperor of the three realms and the seven swords of Zhusheng fighting and killing from above her.

Because of the shot from above, Liu Juan felt a little more relaxed below, and began to control the shuttle to continue to intercept the evil spirit of death in the sky.

Try to create time and opportunities for the time boat and the spirit demon true monarch Cheng Shifeng's shuttle to escape from the Yunkong area.

The situation on Liu Juan's side was like this, and Cheng Yuanfang, the True Lord of Sirius, was in another area, and the fierce battle was also going on.

Sirius True Monarch Cheng Yuanfang, Qi Mulang, and Qi Yuanlang stood majestically on top of the Dark Wolf Fort, and the shuttle below turned into the power of time-traveling gods to support the Dark Wolf Fort.

The dark wolf castle roared and flew in the vast sea of ​​fire and thunder, and the three of them, under the protection of the mask of the Danxin sword flying in the sky, charged at the death sword array of the Seven Swords of Life and at the same time released three-eyed wild wolves all over the sky, forming a demon lion , Magic Eagle, Wolf Lion Eagle Sky Warcraft Earthquake.

Roaring, screaming in the sky, spewing out the terrifying fire dragon and ice mastiff, and resisting all kinds of death attacks shot by the Seven Swords of Zhusheng with all its strength!


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