Nine Heavens

Chapter 1843 Danger Shrouded

Chapter 1843 Danger Shrouded

"Crack! Crack!"

However, even though True Monarch Qixiang Liu Juan and True Lord Tianlang Cheng Yuanfang organized all-out attacks on the crossing shuttle, the situation eased for a while.

However, in such a strange place as the Earth Cloud and Hole Domain, the spiritual power exerted by the Spiritual Spirit is very limited, so the two True Lords of Langyuan will never have a stronger backing force after launching a full-scale attack.

But the Seven Swords of Death is not the case. After hundreds of thousands of years of fierce fighting, the Seven Swords of Death first let out waves of death sword arrays, and the seven swords of death turned into dragons of death ambition that devoured all spiritual life one after another.

Then for seven days, seven dragons of death, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, and seven blazing and eye-catching dragon rainbows, instantly covered the sky and closed the world.

Every death dragon bared its teeth and danced its claws, roaring and twisting, its whole body, seven orifices, everywhere was full of evil smoke of death, spewing out wild fire, fireballs and lightning, and soul-shattering thunderbolts.

Soon afterwards, the shape of the Seven Swords of Zhusheng also returned to the cloud bird shape of the mourning seven birds, and it spared no effort to launch an all-out attack.

The mourning seven birds and the seven swords of the dragon, the cloud bird controls the dragon, the dragon and the cloud bird whizzing and circling in the sky in the ground, cloud, hole, and sky, changing and combining into various strange formations, releasing After the evil spirit of death permeated the entire earth-cloud-empty area, suddenly Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan and Tianlang Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang, who were facing downwards, rushed down.


The huge red shields formed by the two swords of Tears, Blood and Heart, collapsed one after another because of the terrifying attack of the opponent, and the owner lacked strength. muttered.

"Oh ha ha..."

"Since it is the universe that we are targeting with the Seven Swords of Zhusheng, there is no possibility of it continuing to exist. Especially you Langyuanmen who don't know what to do, dare to tease me and the Seven Swords of Zhusheng, how can we I spare you all!

You just think it's bad luck, no one can escape from the Earth Cloud Hollow Territory. Whether it is the boat of time or your shuttle, no matter how miraculous the existence is, in this cloudy void where only demons and dead demons can run rampant, they cannot escape, and they will all be slaughtered by us sooner or later to death!

Ben Yunsheng advises you to save your energy, resistance is death, not resistance is death, it is better to have a fight with you before you die, haha..."

Chi Yun, the boss of the Seven Swords of Zhu Sheng, still remembers a few conversations between Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan and Men Tiangang, so he rushed down frantically, vomiting obscenities.

"Hey! Senior Brother Chi Yun, you can't say that. Where have you seen the humble spirits of the universe who are willing to die by themselves, and they were all slaughtered one by one by us in the end with the Seven Swords of Life Execution.

No matter what these low spirits say, Hao Lai also existed before. How could they be reconciled if they didn't resist once before they died in the dream of ascending to the immortal cloud heaven! It's just a pity that some of them are stunners, it seems that they can't keep it!

Look at them, their dirty so-called friendship with each other is revealed in the sea of ​​souls, even the incomparable hatred for us evil spirits, it is useless to keep it! "

"Senior brother Huang Yun is right, it's a pity, I, Zi Yun, especially like that girl with fluttering blue hair and a white tiger, but it's a pity that she has a flute-playing cheap fairy by her side.

I hate white the most, and I especially like white women. No matter how beautiful she is, I can't balance it if I don't kill her.

You go and deal with other people, this bitch and her lover will be slaughtered by me! "

"Wuhaha...Lao Qi! It's clear that you have become hate because of love! But Ben Luyunzhu still persuades you to give up your thoughts about them.

The people of this universe wave Yuanmen are different from other places who have been evolving upwards at once. They are all the lower realms of the five spirits of the sky, and they just reshape the immortal body through the lower universe and the mortal realm to return to heaven.

If we didn't slaughter them all early, wouldn't we be creating a disaster for ourselves, digging a heavenly tomb for ourselves, and smashing the Zhouling Mausoleum! "

"I don't understand, Master Jie Tongyun, since he tried every means to deceive Empress Nuwa and let them practice in the lower realm with five essences, now that they have completed their merits and virtues, they are going back to Yuntian Realm, but why do you want us to come here again?" How about killing them?"

"What's so incomprehensible about this? What we want to kill are useless and lowly spirit immortals. What our mentor needs after a lot of twists and turns is nothing more than three Yuntian new war gods. The tools of Emperor Di Zhou Liu Qianlang and Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhan Xuanzi.

When the tools are used up, they should be destroyed, and they should be left running around, especially if they want to go to Yuntianzhou and continue to stay with the two Gods of War, so how can it be done!

The gods of war are all ruthless and loveless. There is such a group of cheap spirits who are either family, love, or brotherhood. "

"Oh! What the third senior brother said is indeed reasonable, but Master Yun Jun has spent so much effort just for the two combat tools of Di Zhou Di Jun and Jian Zhan Shen Jun, it is really a bit of trouble!"

"What do you know? Master Yun Jun must have his reasons for doing this. I can figure it out casually. Don't talk nonsense. I will divide into three groups. The two will go together. One will watch the sky and kill them immediately. The credit goes to Zhou!

Cheng Yunzhang and I attacked the Qixiang Zhenjun and the nine bronze generals, Huang Yunzan and Lv Yunzan went to chase the Lingyao Zhenjun who was riding a white tiger, and Lan Yunzan and Indigo Yunzan dealt with the black people below. The frenzied devil and his two brothers.

Ziyunzhu is responsible for the situation of Yunzhu and accepts orders from his teacher Yunjun at any time! Do you hear me clearly, act now! "


High in the sky, the evil rainbow pierced the sky, the dragon roared and thundered, mixed with the voices of the seven swords that killed life and turned into death clouds, and birds roared and wailed.

Below, True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan and True Lord Sirius Cheng Yuanfang could hear clearly, and they couldn't help feeling anxious when they learned that their younger sister, True Lord Lingyao, Cheng Shifeng, and the people from the Time Boat hadn't escaped from the Yunkong area.

Facing the lore above, on the one hand, he fully manipulated the Tears and Blood Danxin Sword and other fairy treasures to slow down the situation as much as possible; I hope they sense it and come to rescue the time boat immediately!

"You are True Monarch Qixiang, who once slaughtered our twenty-one yin and yang realms in the Nether Hell where the souls of death pounced on us in ancient times, and killed the wandering Hades, who ruled by themselves, your real time of death has arrived!

See clearly the sword of Yang Destroyer of Chi Yunzhu, the sword enters the spirit body, and the five essences fly away. From then on, you will have no birth and no death, and you will never exist forever! "

True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan was in a state of anxiety in both her mind and skills, as the blazing evil rainbow whirled, and suddenly a flaming, poisonous red sword pierced from the head of Thunderbolt and Thunderbolt, aimed straight at her chest.

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