Nine Heavens

Chapter 1844

Chapter 1844 Strange Fragrance and Sad Love

The crimson fiery sword roared towards it, its movement was so fast that it was too fast to cover one's ears. Even an immortal in the spiritual world with such a cultivation level as True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan had no room to fight back at all.

Then, in the next second, True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan will only face death.

In times of crisis, True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan was extremely calm. She couldn't help but sneered, and then tried her best to call the Soul-controlling Divine Tree on her forehead in her palm, and left a seal, and after doing this, she sent her eyes away.

Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan wanted to take a last look at her brother Sirius Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang, her beloved Langmen Tiangang, her younger sister Cheng Shifeng and her parents who don't know where they are now.

However, the wish of Liu Juan, Qixiang Zhenjun, was not fulfilled. All she could see was the howling sword rainbow piercing her. Everything she wanted to see was swallowed up by the death flames, poisonous rainbow and thunder in the sky. .

"Leading waves! Sister Juan believes in you, you will live up to everyone's expectations and protect our parents. Sister Juan will not leave, everything depends on you, take care! My lovely brother!"

While fleeing for her life, True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan tidied up her attire, with long emerald green hair fluttering, a soul robe, and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine spirit crystals and spiritual diamonds, shining brightly.

Although she was about to die, she didn't fall down. Instead, she stepped on her beloved pure and fragrant ancient pa, and stood steadily above the glittering emerald shuttle, with a calm expression.

There was a hint of coldness and nostalgia at the corner of his mouth. Looking back on a short life, there is also pain, satisfaction and regret.

Her face was tired and pale due to the long fight, but she couldn't see a trace of pain. She was smiling, facing death with a smile, and full of expectations for her younger brother Liu Qianlang with a smile.

A smile can captivate the city, and another smile can captivate the country. Such a smile is about to freeze on her handsome face.


True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan had already clearly heard the sound of her own death in her ears, and saw that the red sword of death was about to pierce through her spirit body in less than a thousand feet.

In fact, Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan could escape one or two attacks, but she didn't, because she knew that there must be a spiritual death in the Yunkong area, so that it can absorb some death breath, and her powerful five essences That's exactly what a crash can do.

Perhaps this can provide a possibility for the younger brother Cheng Yuanfang, True Lord of the Sky Wolf, and the younger sister Cheng Shifeng, the True Lord of the Spirit Demon, to further escape from here, or it can buy some time for Liu Qianlang, the younger brother of the Earth Emperor Emperor, to come.

In any case, even if one's own death can't fulfill one's wish, even if one can live a little longer for the people present, one can be considered gratified.



Just when Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan was waiting wholeheartedly for death to come in the next second, suddenly nine ancient and majestic bronze divine lights blocked her body.

Then I heard nine dull sounds, the sound of a giant sword piercing into my chest.

The sound did not penetrate his own chest, but pierced into the chest of the Nine Generals of the Men Clan, piercing the nine bodies with one sword. The nine generals of the Men Clan were all smiling, facing True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan, the huge Chiyun Death Sword pierced from their backs, piercing the chest of Men Tiangang standing in the front.

The bright red sword edge pierced the chest and back of each of the Nine Generals of Men's Nine Generals, as if they were wearing candied gourds. Men Tiangang's blood-dripping hands tightly covered the sword edge that pierced his chest, fearing that the death sword spirit would hurt him. The adoring woman smiled with satisfaction:

"Queen Qixiang who wants to kill me, there's no way!"

Then, before Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan could make the slightest sound and shed a tear, the nine generals of the Men Clan collapsed one after another, leaving no fragments of flesh and blood behind.

Yin Hong's ghost of death and the stalwart body of the Nine Generals of the Men family turned into nothingness in an instant.

"The door general—"

Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan was stunned by the sudden scene, and when she realized it, she cried out.

However, from the human world to the death hell, from the death hell to the human world, and all the way to this point, the person who has been silently guarding himself will never be seen again. Sound up!

"Queen Qixiang who wants to kill me, there's no way!"

True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan repeated these words mechanically, tears streaming down her face, and she looked up to the sky and smiled:

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Damn it, those nine bronze cheap spirits collapsed, and their souls vented their five essences, which consumed 30% of our dead evil spirits. Brother Chi Yun's sword of killing life and death was also destroyed by his spiritual energy, Jianhong. Greetings to all brothers, Return to the formation immediately, and wait for Senior Brother Chiyun's Life-Punishing Sword to restore Jianhong before using the Life-Punishing Death Sword Formation!"

The high-altitude evil rainbow is still hovering, the thunder and lightning are also continuing, and the black clouds of death are rolling. However, because of the five spirits of the Nine Generals of the Men's family, the Tears and Blood Pill Heart Sword that had dimmed became stronger again.

Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan and Tianlang Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang also reappeared in the huge emerald green guard mask.

As a result, there was a brief confrontation between the two sides.

"Sister Juan! Are you okay?"

The brief easing of the situation gave Cheng Yuanfang, who was separated by thousands of miles, the opportunity to use the information channel between the tears and blood and the swords to greet his sister Liu Juan with concern.

"He's gone, sister Juan is ashamed to be with him!"

Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan was deeply trapped in the pain of losing Men Tiangang, and she sobbed when she heard her younger brother Cheng Yuanfang's question.

After a long silence, True Sirius Cheng Yuanfang said:

"The Nine Generals of the Men Clan are in the human world, loyal and unyielding in the era, and they are the powerful arm of Sister Juan in the Nether Hell, and they are also the spirit immortals in the Eternal Spirit and Immortal Realm. But they...

Especially Brother Men, he can be said to be dedicated to Sister Juan, with all his heart and soul..."

"Far away, sister Juan is too cruel, he is so kind to sister Juan, but sister Juan has never thanked him.

Not only that, but whenever Sister Juan got angry, he was the one who listened to Sister Juan's scolding! "

True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan knelt on the ancient incense refining handkerchief, staring tearfully at the recovered Nine Dragons Fireworks Jade Seal, the only ancient bronze long knife left by Men Tiangang, crying.

Tianlang Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang heard the words, sighed slightly, and then fell silent.

Tiangang, don't worry, I will live a good life, I know, you don't care about my comfort when you are dying, leave this bronze thunderbolt to protect me.

Tiangang, do you know that Juan'er has liked you since the first time she met you, you love Juan'er deeply, why doesn't Juan'er love you deeply.

However, good luck tricks people, back then you did marry me to the non-existent Seventh Prince, and later, you and I lived and died together on the road of yin and yang, but there was no chance for the world to flourish.

I don't know how many times Juan'er has been dreaming that we will soon reach a harmonious and stable place. No matter in the mortal realm or in the fairy world, as long as it is stable, Juan'er will accompany you to live a comfortable life. You like Juan'er's smile, and Juan'er spends the whole day I'll give you a good laugh..."

True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan cried and complained that a cold and proud person has never been so affectionate, such as words are full of love for a daughter, and tears fly away because of her lover!

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