Nine Heavens

Chapter 1849 Awakening the Heavens

Chapter 1849

"Master... Daddy... cough cough..."


Mi Tianluo's voice was weak and short, Yaya's sleepy moans mixed with coughing.

Yunzhou seals Xianyun River.

Di Zhou Di Jun Jiu Tian and Jian Zhan Shen Jun held their breath, suppressing their incomparable anger.

Di Zhoudi Jun Jiutian never thought that the mentor he has always respected, the kind mentor who gave him the power of a Jiazi, turned out to be Yunzhou Yunjun, a hypocritical righteous fairy!

I sincerely regard him as a teacher, but he only regards himself as a tool, and now he wants to make himself and his fourth brother into a heavenly demon to be his tool in the Temple of War.

If it was another person, Di Zhou Di Jun Jiu Tian had already drawn out his sword angrily and slaughtered him!

Then he turned out to be his master, a great image whom I have been grateful for all the way! The cruelty of reality plunged Di Zhoudijun Jiutian into pain.

Di Zhoudi Jun Jiutian suddenly felt that the road to the fairyland was cruel, and there were no gods and saints in his heart. He looked elegant and fragrant, but he didn't know how many ugly and filthy things he had done behind his back.

And all of this, they flaunt justice, seek peace for the sake of the universe, the common people, and all spirits, and send blessings as an excuse!

Too hypocritical! So nasty! So heartless!

The lofty Yunzhou Yunjun is like this, so what about the universe! ? Di Zhoudijun was at a loss, he suddenly lost the direction of chasing immortals...

"Shui'er, Yan'er... Mom and Dad... Yaya..."

Di Zhoudi Jun Jiutian, in the pain, the only people who make him feel warm in his heart are his relatives, his wife and children who share weal and woe, and Taoist friends.

So he called out deeply in his heart, and kept the faces of these people in his mind one by one. Di Zhou Di Jun Jiu Tian would feel a little bit of comfort when every familiar face passed by in his soul thoughts.

"I still have them, I still have hope!"

Di Zhou Dijun Jiutian looked up at the master who was about to turn himself into a devil, and wept silently, but because he still had concerns in his heart, he smiled all over his face.

The smile of the Emperor of the Earth and the Nine Heavens happened to be seen by the Yun Zhou Yunjun who was high in the sky.

"Nine Heavens! It seems that you are quite satisfied! In fact, as a teacher's God of War tool, even if you die after activating the death code, it is not in vain for you to become Yuntian Gods."

At this moment, hundreds of millions of Yunxian bowed their heads, and the two idiots below were obedient, which made Yunzhou Yunjun, who had just lost his mourning seven birds, regain the confidence and pride in controlling everything.

Can't help but look at the Emperor Jiutian and the God of Sword Zhanxuanzi above the Yuntai who are sealed to the gods and baptized below, and excuse themselves for their filth, thinking.

After Yunjun Yunjun was complacent for a while, and after all the glamorous speeches, the sky spirit whisk in his hand was surging and clean, and the center of the white cloud rainbow had already begun to appear dark and dirty, evil and cruel demon spirits, and they would shoot into the earth in the next second. And Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhan Xuanzi's body.

But at this moment, Di Zhoudijun Jiutian and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi suddenly heard bursts of sounds of snails that seemed to exist or not.


The voice was extremely weak, but Di Zhou Di Jun Jiu Tian could clearly sense it, because Ya Ya was playing the rebirth song that he had taught her to ask for help when she was a child.

At that time, I had promised Xiaoyaya that as long as she blew the melody, I would immediately appear by her side to save her.

Of course, I didn't have this ability at that time, and Xiao Yaya was extremely smart and knew it, so she never played this song, because she never wanted to let her master have any regrets in her heart.

Now, Yaya has grown up, and her cultivation is also unfathomable, so she naturally doesn't need her own protection, so the Mi Tian Summoning Song has only become a distant warm memory of the two master and apprentice.

"Yaya, good disciple who is a teacher, you are in danger, and you are calling to be a teacher!"

Sensing Yaya's celestial awakening song, Emperor Di Zhou's Nine Heavens and Five Spirits instantly became alert, and instantly woke up what the people above wanted to do to himself and his fourth brother Jian Zhanshenjun Zhanxuanzi.


Di Zhoudijun Jiutian suddenly jumped up, condensing the power of the ancient spirit in his body, and let out a roar.


At the same time, after the two brothers looked at each other, they suddenly shook their fairy bodies, gathered all their fairy power, and suddenly urged their respective fairy swords to launch a terrifying attack around them.


"Buzz! Buzz!"

Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Spirit Immortal Sword and Jian Zhan Excalibur, two supreme swords, whistling and roaring, Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Spirit Immortal Sword shining red, and Jian Zhan Excalibur bursting into black and white.

But in the blink of an eye, the top of Fengxian's baptism platform was shrouded in shock by the roar of two supreme divine swords.

a moment later.

The billions of clouds and rivers above the Fengxian baptism cloud platform turned into a giant ball of fairy light flowing from the Yunxian River, which collapsed and shattered because of the powerful movement of the two swords.


"Two apprentices, what's the matter with you, I wonder why you destroyed the Yunhe fairy light ball for Fengxian's baptism at the critical moment of Fengxian's baptism, wouldn't it be a waste of all previous efforts!

The two beloved disciples should return to their positions quickly, and while hundreds of millions of cloud immortals are still there, we have been working hard for 33,333 years! "

For the sudden disobedience of Di Zhoudijun Jiutian and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi, Yunzhou Yunjun didn't know about it, and thought that the conversation between himself and hundreds of millions of Yunxians could not be heard by the two people who were deep in the Yunhe light sphere.

Therefore, until this moment, he still used hypocritical words to appease the emperor of Zhou Tianjun Jiutian and the god of Jianzhan Zhanxuanzi.

"Huh! Let us return to your place to accept your magic injection ceremony? And then become your tool of the God of War in Yuntian II. When you have achieved all your achievements, activate the death code in our body, we will be wiped out, and you, Yunzhou Yunjun, will be promoted!" To be the king of heaven, to live forever, to dominate the sky forever, to be at ease!?"

Because the other party is the mentor of the third brother whom I respect, and also my former mentor in Yuntianzhou, it is always inconvenient for Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi to refute.

Now, after hearing the hypocritical words of his so-called mentor, he finally couldn't help tearing off the other's hypocritical mask, revealing his true face.

"Ha ha……"

"Forget it, now that you know, there is no need to hide anything as a teacher. This is very good, I, Yun Jun, is extremely intelligent, so I naturally like to talk to smart people.

You are not stupid, you should think that since Mr. Ben Yun can train you, there must be a way to destroy you!

If you are obedient and obedient, I will not only recognize your Dizhou Emperor and Jian Zhan Shenjun, but will also seal you as the three immortal swords, wind, cloud, sword gods and war gods in the second universe of Yuntian. universe.

Otherwise, you are all just the waves of the Linghe River in the heavens, a star on the river, as long as I am willing, I can turn you into nothing at any time!

Where to go, Lord Yun will give you a moment of time to think about it, I hope you can see yourself clearly, it will not be easy for the lower realms to turn against the sky and the sky again! "

Yun Zhou Yunjun heard the words of Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, his expression changed drastically, and then he laughed wildly.

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