Nine Heavens

Chapter 1850 Divine Consciousness Reading Soul

Chapter 1850 Divine Consciousness Reading Soul

"When we met in Qingshi Villa, didn't you already start looking for and manipulating our destiny!?"

Emperor Di Zhou moved his lips in Jiutian, thinking about the sound transmission several times, calling the teacher who he wanted to see day and night, and saying master, but he knew everything this teacher did, especially when he got to know himself and Master Sirius After Cheng Yuanfang, Liu Juan, sister of Zhenjun Qixiang, and Cheng Shifeng, sister of Zhenjun Lingyao, the master, Di Zhoudijun Jiu could no longer shout out.

Instead, it is very painful to call the other party "you."

"No, my memory of the heavenly world was not awakened at that time. I used the silver mirror of Yaotian to find you as a teacher, and everything was done according to the last wish left by my teacher when he ascended to the immortal world in a blink of an eye!

It wasn't until later that my celestial memory was completely restored that I realized that I was Yun Zhou Yunjun, and only then did I start to truly manipulate you!

But speaking from the bottom of my heart, all the love and affection in finding you, the boy of four spirits, and the god of Jianzhan for my teacher before, was indeed out of the mortal body itself, and the purpose was definitely for the stability of the universe, the common people, and the immortal world of Yuntian and Eryun!

However, what I couldn't think of was that the teacher was Yun Zhou Yunjun, who had an extremely complicated past! "

Yun Zhou Yun Jun heard the Di Zhou Di Jun Jiu Tian bluntly calling himself on the shuttle with flying white hair and silver clothes. Although it was expected, he still had a slight throbbing, so he explained.

"The past is like a cloud of smoke, why should you be persistent about good and evil, can't Mr. Yun abandon those memories of the past and only have everything today?"

The words "Master and Apprentice" were all completed through sound transmission from the mind.

I don't know why, Di Zhoudijun Jiutian still has conflicts in his heart, he could take the opportunity to expose Yun Zhou Yunjun's hypocrisy in front of hundreds of millions of Yunxians, but he finally didn't do it.

"On the road he has traveled, he can let go of everything unless he is completely dead and fallen, otherwise he can only remain the same, and the good and the evil are exchanged, which is not what you think.

I am like this, and so are you. Don’t talk about Ben Yunjun, just talk about you Zhengling boy, can you abandon your Mortal Realm parents, can you abandon your wife, children and brothers, can you abandon all Lingxian disciples of Langyuanmen..."

Yun Zhou Yun Jun asked a lot of Zhou Di Jun if he could.

"Absolutely impossible!"

Di Zhou Di Jun Jiu Tian said decisively before Yun Zhou Yun Jun finished speaking.

"If you are like this, how can you let the teacher let go of everything in the past. Besides, once you enter the immortal path to fight the spirits and demons, even if you don't fall into the devil's way, how many people can have the five essences and eternal tranquility!?"

Yun Zhou Yunjun didn't know the truth of what he said, but what he said was very sad.

"Forget it, although this emperor has no right to interfere with you, why do you attack my world and want to kill all our disciples of Langyuan Sect!?"

Di Zhoudijun's nine rainbow eyes glanced coldly at the familiar and unfamiliar people in the high place, and said in pain.

"Because what Mr. Yun needs is only the Four Spirit Boys and Jianzhan Shenjun among you, and the rest must die! In my plan, they are just a foil for your growth step by step. Now that you have returned to heaven, they will naturally no longer have you." The value of existence is gone, so Mr. Ben Yun must destroy them!

Because they are immortal, they will distract you from your wisdom, which is absolutely not possible for my Yuntian God of War. I need the god of war in Yuntian II to be ruthless and unyielding, except for being vicious and killing! "

Yun Zhou Yunjun did not hide his true intentions when he questioned Di Zhou Di Jun Jiu Tian, ​​and he spoke very righteously!

"Yes, it has no value for you, but for us, it is the only thing we have. Are you so selfish, only thinking about yourself, and not thinking about us, who are your disciples!?"

Di Zhoudijun Jiutian was in infinite pain, his heart was pierced like a knife, and he asked such a question with difficulty.

"Don't be resentful, if you must hate, then hate that you and Mr. Ben Yun appeared in the same time and space!

I know how important the people of Di Zhou Lang Yuan Sect are to you, so Mr. Ben Yun thought about it for you in advance. When you were baptized by Feng Xian, he sent seven mourning birds to slaughter them!

Now that they are all dead, it's a pity that you are desperate and full of anger, and then you will be the God of War of Ben Yunjun, and kill Ben Yunjun or everything in Sanyu. It's up to you, as long as you can do it, kill whoever you want to kill! "

Yun Zhou Yunjun was silent for a moment, then said lightly.

"You underestimate the people of our Zhoulang Yuanmen, they won't die, because this emperor is still alive! Fourth brother, let's go!"

Di Zhoudi Jun heard Yun Zhou Yun Jun's words could not be more clear, if he did not go to rescue the people of Langyuanmen, he would not give up if he did not use the ultimate killer to force himself and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi, so Throwing away these words, Zhanxuanzi and the God of Jianzhan disappeared in the same place in an instant.

In the next second, they appeared in front of the boat of time where Yaya and Cheng Shifeng were sitting dejectedly on the shuttle.

"How did you know to enter this Yun-jun's Demon Wind and Cloud Dharma Gate!?"

Di Zhoudijun Jiutian and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi disappeared in an instant, and appeared in his own demonic situation in an instant, which shocked Yun Zhou Yunjun Jie Tongyun, and immediately asked Wanli Yaoyin.

"Although the local Zhou Emperor's magical skills come from you, Yun Zhou Yunjun, the local Zhou Emperor's fortune is quite deep. He has all the treasures of Nuwa Empress for creating human beings, his own countless heavenly books, and comprehended the five essences of cultivating immortals. surgery.

This includes the art of reading souls with divine consciousness. What you think and do, Mr. Yun, can be heard clearly by the local Emperor Zhou. When you sent out the mourning seven birds, my fourth brother and I wanted to rush Out of Fengxian's baptism of the cloud platform!

It's just that our strength at that time was unable to break through the envelopment of hundreds of millions of Yunxian Yunhe. However, after nearly 100,000 years, the two baptisms of conferring immortality have been completed, and our celestial power has already ranked in the realm of your Yunxian Shangxian. It is already a piece of cake to break through your baptism of conferring immortality.

To tell you the truth, we have not left Fengxian Yunhe for so long, just wanting to hear those disappointing words from you, a hypocrite!

This time the kindness is broken, goodbye is the enemy! Let me tell you clearly that if you want us Four Spirit Boys and Fourth Brother to be your tools to dominate the universe, that is simply wishful thinking! "

Di Zhoudijun Jiutian replied indifferently amidst the pitch-black demon situation.

"Yaya! Fengmei!"

Di Zhoudijun Jiutian and Jian Zhanshenjun Zhanxuanzi focused the powerful fairy power they had just obtained on their eyes, and gradually saw the situation in the demonic situation clearly.

In the Demon Storm, the hurricane roared, and the boat of time without the slightest color turned and swayed in the vortex of the hurricane. Cheng Shifeng, the real lord of the spirit demon, tightly hugged Yaya, who was as pale as himself, and let the boat of sunlight wandering.

The two of them were already pale, their hair was disheveled, and their eyes were closed! But they still frown stubbornly.

Yaya didn't have the strength to play the mitian snail, but she held the mitian snail tightly in her arms, with tears hanging from the corners of her eyes.

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