Nine Heavens

Chapter 1851 Demon Storm

Chapter 1851 Demon Storm

"Yaya, Fengmei!"

Di Zhoudijun Jiutian and Jian Zhanshenjun Zhanxuan quickly controlled the boat of time, shouting distressedly.

At the same time, the two coincidentally injected powerful fairy air into their bodies.

About an hour later, the pale faces of Yaya and Cheng Shifeng finally turned rosy, and their closed eyes opened again.

But Yaya and Cheng Shifeng watched Di Zhoudijun Jiutian and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi for a long time, but they burst into tears, their faces full of sadness and shame.

"Brother Qianlang, Brother Zhen, Sister Feng are incompetent, seeing Sister Juan and Brother Yuanfang collapse and die for us, but we are powerless.

Now that we are dead too, Fengmei’s aura within the blue crescent moon won’t last long. Daddy, Daddy, Auntie, and the nine ancient spirits from New Universe also... woo woo...

Dreaming about you makes Yaya feel even more ashamed, Fengmei is sorry for the two brothers, and failed you! "

True Lord Cheng Shifeng's long blue hair regained its color, and her blue eyes and blue crescent moon on her forehead gradually became more colorful, but she thought it was a sign of death, because she missed her and dreamed of her two elder brothers.

Therefore, big drops of blue tears fell down, and when it came to the sad point, weeping loudly.

"Master, father! Yaya failed to protect Sister Lian'er and the others in the end. It's all because of Yaya's incompetence. Before she died, she was called into the blue crescent moon and drifted away with the protection of Uncle Yun." Now, I don't know how to live or die!"

Yaya, like her aunt Cheng Shifeng, also thought that she was dead, that she was suffering from five spirit powers, and that she saw two high-ranking people in phantom.

The reason why the two people think so is because the appearance of Di Zhoudijun Jiutian and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi have changed, but because they came to save people in a hurry, even they didn't notice it.

The Di Zhou Dijun Jiutian is not white-haired, but wears a dragon yuan crown on his head, and the Di Zhou Emperor Silver Crystal Emperor Battle Armor with Jiutian Immortal Fate appears on his body, and he wears cloud-turning boots.

The former Tianjin silkworm robe turned into battle armor and guarded the shield light shining on it, and the golden Tunlun cloak became a breast shield and covered his chest.

Even the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword has undergone great changes. The body of the sword has become larger and taller, buzzing and whistling, unmoving and majestic. The water in the heart of the river is rippling, magical and mysterious, and at the same time contains infinite divine power.

This is in the Earth Cloud and Hole Realm, if it is in the Mortal Realm, just this sword wave is enough to slaughter thousands of troops.

From the whole person's point of view, Di Zhoudijun's body is full of fairy spirits, and all ninety-nine and eighty-one fairy rings have been added to his body. Obviously, he is no longer a fairy in the spirit world, but the son of a mighty god of war in Yunzhou. state.

The emperor of the universe and nine heavens has changed, and the same is true for the god of swords and gods, Zhan Xuanzi. His whole body has turned into a star armor, wearing a sun and moon crown, wearing a star battle robe, and wearing star shoes. The star sword is even more starburst. , like the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword of Di Zhou Di Jun Jiu Tian, ​​it roared heavily above his head.

The blood unicorn of Zhanxuanzi, the God of Jianzhan, was also covered with Jintangguang armor.


Xue Qilin liked Yaya very much since she was very young. Seeing her suffering, he rushed to the time boat, first screaming sadly, and then gently licking Yaya's hand with his rough tongue.

"Hehe, Yaya, Fengmei! Take a closer look, we are not dead and you are not dead, you have successfully saved all of us from the Nine Kingdoms of the Universe and the disciples of the Langyuan Sect!

Look at the blue crescent moon on your forehead, I have summoned it when your father and I came here just now, and brought it back to your forehead sea!

We have explored and analyzed the immortal consciousness, parents, sisters Lian Er, those children, the spirits of the Nine Kingdoms, are all under the protection of Yuner and Xiannan, living freely without knowing it.

As for sister Juan and your brother Yuanfang, you don't have to worry about Fengmei.

Even if the five spirits are scattered, your elder brother Qianlang can still revive them. You see, these are all the spirit elements of Sister Juan and your distant brother's mortal body. We are currently offering them powerful fairy spirits to upgrade their natural powers.

One day, when Brother Qianlang finds their five spirits again, they will be resurrected in an instant! "

Di Zhou Di Jun Jiu Tian and Jian Zhan Shen Jun Zhan Xuanzi saw Yaya and Cheng Shifeng's bewildered expressions, and finally discovered the problem. It turned out that the two thought it was the fourth brother of themselves and Jian Zhan Shen Jun Zhan Xuanzi in the dream of death.

Di Zhoudijun Jiutian and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi looked at each other, and looked at the two of them again with concern. Di Zhoudi Jun Jiutian first looked at his sister Shifeng's words and said.

"Aren't you dreaming, Yaya? You are really Master and Daddy, and a big guy!?"

The truth was right in front of her eyes, Yaya was still not sure, but her eyes flashed with joy, and she asked with a tone full of joy.

"Hehe, Daddy still has fake ones, and Master Master is not fake either. Could it be that the big man's tongue is also fake?"

When Emperor Jiutian and Cheng Shifeng were talking, Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhan Xuanzi looked at the righteous daughter lovingly and said with distress.


Yaya still didn't believe that all of this would be true, she looked around at the dark world around her, and there was only a light in front of her eyes, like a dream.

But Yaya really felt that the feeling of the big Huo Qilin's rough tongue licking her fingers was indeed the same as before, warm and itchy.

In order to verify whether it was an illusion or reality, Yaya's eyes suddenly flashed the mischievousness of childhood, and she unceremoniously pulled out one of the fire unicorn's flickering appeals.

"Oh my god! Aww - it hurts me to death! Damn girl, you have grown up, why are you still pulling my beard!"

Huo Qilin was pulled out so that his whole body trembled, his mouth was crooked and his eyes were evil, and he immediately withdrew his tongue and complained with a mournful face.


Yaya heard Huo Qilin's complaining voice, it was real and natural, and finally dispelled the doubts, she ignored Huo Qilin's crooked face, but turned around and threw herself into Cheng Shifeng's arms, laughing and crying, tears streaming down:

"It's really dad and master, and it's really big. If you don't believe me, look at it, aunt."

Yaya was so excited when she said that, in the arms of her aunt Cheng Shifeng, she stretched out her arms to pull out the fire unicorn's beard.

"My God! Are you still letting me live!"

Seeing the situation, Huo Qilin had already complained and hid behind Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, which made Cheng Shifeng laugh too.

With the rapid recovery of the spiritual energy in his body with the help of his brother, the consciousness of the five essences quickly recovered, and he naturally knew that what was happening in front of him was true.

Next, after the catastrophe, the three brothers and sisters and Yaya had a lot of joy, anger and sighs, and then said a few words to each other briefly, and then disappeared into the evil storm.

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