Nine Heavens

Chapter 1852 The Gate of Reverse Immortals

Chapter 1852: The Gate of Rebellion

In the sky above Yunzhou Fengxian Yunhe, hundreds of millions of Yunxian saw Jun Yun's two disciples who were being gifted suddenly go against Fengxian's baptism on the platform of Fengxian's baptism, and they were all terrified.

"Mr. Yun! This?"

Hundreds of millions of Yunxian and Wuxian years have been deceived by Yunjun. Naturally, they don't know the reason, so they can't help but start talking about it.

Seeing the voices of hundreds of millions of Yunxians discussing one after another, Yunjun Yunjun looked calm, even though the voices of these discussions continued to grow louder and louder, it was as if he was waiting for something.

Yun Zhou Yunjun's deep eyes are infinitely deep and strange, squinting his eyes slightly, silently, looking around at all the Yunxian around Fengxian Yunhe.

His eyes especially passed by the three Zhou Emperors in the east, west and north many times.

Dongtai Yaotian, with doubts shining in his crimson pupils, shouted loudly when the surrounding discussions were slightly quieter.

"Hey, the world is small and ignorant, and the madness of the spirit world is finally a demon! To tell the truth to the hundreds of millions of Yunxians present, these two apprentices of my Lord Yun had the tendency to fall into demons when they were still in the two realms of Yuntian! That's why I turned into the Demon Sword Ancestor, with the purpose of keeping them back.

For this reason, Buxi personally and his concubine Peixian divided their souls into the lower realm to save them from returning to the heavenly realm. By maintaining the peace of Yuntian Erzhou, the heavenly war clock died, exhausted their demonic nature and died, and then repurified their five essences. Let it be reborn as a human again!

However, no matter how wishful thinking I was, I couldn't keep them. Just now we paused for a moment because of the departure of the Southern Buddha Emperor Nanzhou. Disobeying the immortal seal, roaring back to the universe!

well! Their existence is probably the beginning of the misfortune of the universe! Woah! "

Lord Tongyun of the Yunzhou Realm lamented repeatedly, and the hundreds of millions of Yunxians shook their heads when they heard the words. In my heart, I planted the seeds of hatred for the Earth Waves and Yuanmen, and complained that Qi Nan Buddha Lun Tuo Nan Zhou Huang had broken good things.

"Since they have fallen into demons, they are our heaven-defying enemies in the Yuntian Realm. Instead of letting them go mad and despise the power of Yuntian, Lord Yun should make a decisive decision and order to crusade against the earth and universe, and wipe them out and their gate against the immortals.

Otherwise, our Yunzhou would be oppressed by the cosmic clock and the dead demon above, and harassed by the evil wave and the gate against the sky below, wouldn't it make Yunzhou have no day to rest! "

Dongtai Yaotian Dongzhou Emperor thought about it for a while, thinking that the power of the universe has undergone tremendous changes, and the forces of demons are becoming more and more rampant. Even Yunzhou Yunjun's disciples are going to the demon world, which is really terrifying and dangerous.

If you don't act decisively and punish the world, I am afraid that there will be no righteous spirits and gods in the world. Therefore, Dongtai Yaotian, Dongzhou Emperor, can't wait for Yunzhou Yungong Yunting to discuss matters, so he will be in this sacred Fengxian Yunhe Baptism Yuntai said generously.

"Fight against Earth!"

"Fight against Earth!"


As soon as Dongtai Yaotian Dongzhou Emperor's words of audience came out, hundreds of millions of Yunxian responded instantly, and the sound of shouting shook the universe.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Jun Yunyun was secretly happy in his heart, but his face was filled with infinite sadness and helplessness, and he shook his head again and again!

After a long, long time, I squeezed out a few tears and said in a voice of grief:

"What the immortals said, Dongtai Yaotian worries about the safety of Yuntian and Erzhou, how can I not feel deeply in my heart!

However, they are my disciples after all, even if they are completely fallen into the devil now, I can't bear to kill them! All the immortals should go back to their respective cloud palaces and cloud mansions for the time being, and let me be quiet!

This is the cloud platform for the baptism of the great sage, don't ask for rebellion from the lower world! "

When the hundreds of millions of immortals heard the words, most of them were silent, but they were all filled with righteous indignation, secretly blaming Lord Yun for protecting his weaknesses, but naturally few dared to say such thoughts.

"Mr. Yun! Don't hesitate any longer. Such lessons have been taught since ancient times. If Mr. Yun hadn't been lenient and loving back then, he would have spared all the souls of Zhong Death in the Tianzhan arena, especially his obsession with Thunderbolt Mysterious Demon and the Lord God. The dark primordial spirit, why did he return to Yuntianzhou later.

He divides the soul, phantom, and number of demons, crazily expands the demon palace in the heavens, instigates the first group of people created by the Nuwa Empress, fights all over the universe, and commits all kinds of evil. Drive their remnants to the Eight Realms of Heaven and Demon, and use the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Formation to seal them, and the spiritual power of the five spirits of Zhongde Zhulu also drifted to the lower realms.

However, the lingering troubles will not be eliminated, and the evil will eventually succumb. All the immortals can see clearly the current situation. The power of the shrine is growing day by day!

Except Tianzhou Yunjun Tianjun Xianwei is still there, most of the righteous spirits and gods have come here from the lower realm! The majestic Universe Zhengling Fairy Palace was besieged, and it fell to this point, all because of Jun Yun's kindness back then!

What happened today is just like back then, when you let go of the rebellious junior brother Zhong Sheng and put the universe in danger. Could it be that Jun Yun made the same mistake again today, letting go of the two disciples who were against the sky, and let Yangyang Dizhou be bullied by evil spirits again? ? "

Just when hundreds of millions of Yunxian dared to be angry and dared not speak out, the Dongtai demon Tiandong Zhouhuang, who was full of righteousness and Changhong, was surrounded by alchemy, and made another impassioned statement!

"Shut up! Dong Taixiu wants to talk again, and you will leave immediately, and it will not be too late to make a fuss about it at the time of Yunzhou Yunjun Immortal Palace Heavenly War Conference in 90,000 years' time!"

The words of Dongtai Yaotian Dongzhou Emperor were something Yun Zhou Yunjun wanted to hear in his dreams, and now he heard them, and his heart was already in full bloom.

But he tried his best to suppress his excitement, and naturally showed a look of great pain, shouted loudly, and then passed away with a painful sigh.

"Think twice, Mr. Yun!"

After Jun Yun left, hundreds of millions of immortals and gods were left behind sighing and shaking their heads.

Especially Dongtai Yaotian Dongzhou Emperor still did not give up, and shouted at the direction where Jun Yun disappeared.

As soon as Mr. Yun went away, he was sad and silent, leaving the strong ministers to discuss the court.

"Such a benevolent gentleman should only exist in the world, but Tiangong is cold and silent! Yunjun is so kind, I am afraid it is not the blessing of Yuntian Eryun!"

"Yes! Just as Dongtai Yaotian Dongzhou Emperor said, in the past, the bell was set to destroy the sky, but today he is hesitant and does not want to fight against the rebels. Isn't this the sky that has not been eradicated, and the earth and universe have ignited the fire of heavenly war again? !?"

"No, I can't wait for 90,000 years, let's go! We immediately kneel outside the gate of Yunzhou Palace. If Lord Yun doesn't agree to beg for the gate of the universe, we can't afford to kneel!"


Hundreds of millions of Yunxians talked endlessly, and the more they talked, the more indignant they became, and no one among the group of immortals yelled out the last sentence.

In an instant, hundreds of millions of cloud immortals and fairy shadows fluttered up into the sky of Yunzhou, and flew towards Yunzhou Yunjun Palace.

In the end, there are three remaining Dongtai Yaotian, Dongzhou Emperor, Beimo Shaman, Beizhou Emperor, Xihuang Emperor, Xihuang Yaoai, and the three Yunxian Immortal Emperors. Seeing the situation, they briefly said a few words, and suddenly lifted into the sky, whistling. keep up.

A few hours later, outside the Dongtai gate of the infinitely magnificent Yunzhouyun Palace, there was a sea of ​​immortal figures kneeling in unison. Looking from a distance, it was boundless and covered with mist, so shocking!

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