Nine Heavens

Chapter 1856 Big Ear Fat Brother

Chapter 1856 Big Ear Fat Brother

"I'm coming! I'm coming!"

While the sweet and crisp voice above Wangxian Tower was still trembling, it immediately caused a violent commotion among the thousands of people wearing bright red red scarves in front of Qiaoxian Mansion.

I saw that they took off the red scarves from their heads one after another, mobilized the power of the five spiritual essences, and put their respective red scarves on a position slightly lower than the highest floor of the nine-story Wangxian Tower, and then shouted.

There are expensive and high-quality spiritual treasures floating on the red scarves of every applicant, and at the same time, these spiritual treasures shine with the names of their respective residences.


The only son of the leader of Dongshan Shanshan National Spiritual Flower Garden Alliance, he stepped on the spirit and gave birth to Xiangxiang.

Yangliuhua, the third prince of King Xianguohou of Dongshanshan Kingdom.

Sheng Yaoshun, the son of Hezheng, the 90,000 Linghe River in the Eastern Shanshan Kingdom.


Di Zhou Dijun looked up evilly again, good guy, these sons and brothers all come from a lot of background, whether they are princes or nobles or wealthy and armored, they are all of extraordinary status.

"Hehe, brother Liu Zhitai, aren't you in a hurry, why don't you apply for the red scarf on your head?"

No matter how evil Emperor Di Zhou was, he saw that Xuan Liuzhi didn't seem to have any plans to sacrifice Fei Fei's head to apply for the red scarf, and he was even less anxious, so he couldn't help but ask with a smile.

"Hey, my applicant's red scarf is the same as yours. It's not coming from the right place. How can I play the cards in the usual way. Besides, let the three of you enter Wangxianlou. Where did we get the chance?"

Xuan Liuzhi put his waist up and looked up at the sky, and said without any worry, instead of rushing forward, he pulled the ground and ran to the intersection of Wan Yuren's retreat, giggling.

"This is us?"

Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie and Xuan Liu Zhi stood opposite each other at the intersection, which happened to be the place where the sons who lost the election must retreat. Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie didn't know Xuan Liu Zhi's intentions, so he asked.

"Of course I bought their red scarves, otherwise what will we do next time to hang around in Qiaoxian Mansion!

By the way, you still have spirit stones in your sleeves, I don't have many, I only have enough to buy one or two. "

Xuan Liuzhi watched the three applicants' red scarves drifting into the Qiaoxian Tower, and then all the remaining applicants' red scarves were called back by the people below with complaints, and then they walked in their direction dejectedly, a little anxious Said.

"How much do you need?"

Speaking of spirit stones, Emperor Di Zhou Supreme is within the Black Jade Skeleton Profound Realm on Xie's chest, you can say how many there are, and you don't care at all, so he asked.

"A red scarf for recruiting is about 10 million middle-grade spirit stones. The exact amount depends on their mood! I plan to buy three red scarves for recruiting, otherwise it will not be enough. You are new here, so you have to buy at least four, otherwise we Those who can't get into Qiaoxianwang's mansion."

Xuan Liuzhi answered calmly, opened his mouth and found more than 50 million spirit stones, which are still middle-grade, and the emperor of the universe is supreme, and he heard the rumors again, and once again shocked the wealth of the new world he created.

But when we met for the first time, no matter how evil I was, no matter how evil I was, I couldn't make you, a young man in the world, look down upon me.

So Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme laughed again and said:

"Isn't it just to buy a few red scarves for the recruitment? Do you have more spirit stones on my body? I still have a few hundred million."

When Di Zhou Di Jun Supreme Zai Xie said that, he was prepared in his heart for the other party to look at him adoringly.

But it was a surprise that Emperor Zhou was supreme and evil, and Xuan Liuzhi looked at himself with pitiful eyes instead of envious eyes when he heard Emperor Zhou's supreme and evil words:

"I heard that you are a troubled businessman, alas! Forget it, let me help you, a few hundred million spirit stones are enough for you to spend a few days in Dongshanshan Kingdom, and you will be gone after a few meals!

Fortunately, when I came out, I still had something on my head, otherwise I would have met such a poor guy as you, and I wouldn't have been laughed to death by these dudes! "


No matter how evil the emperor of the universe heard Xuan Liuzhi's words, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and saw a few young masters approaching from a distance, so it was inconvenient to say anything else, so he could only sigh.

"Which brother sells red scarves for recruiting? I bought them at a high price! Anyway, it's out of date, and it's useless for you gentlemen to keep them. If you want to apply again, you have to go to the construction site of Qiaoxian Mansion to exchange for new ones. It's better to sell them for money. Traveling!"

Seeing the person coming, Xuan Liuzhi yelled proficiently, seeing that he had done a lot of things.

"Hey! Kid! Why is it you again? It's really weird, everyone is rushing to pay homage to the red scarves to find a chance to enter the Qiaoxian mansion.

It's good for you, buy some useless Yingzheng red scarves, why use them, watching Yingzheng red scarves dreaming of paying homage to Miss Mu Liulixiang, ah? Ha ha……"

The person who came was a tall, fat, fair-skinned young man with fat head and big ears. He knew from his face that he was from a wealthy family and had ample food and clothing since he was a child. Seeing that it was Xuan Liuzhi who was shouting again, he said with a smile.

"Hey, Xuan Liuzhi is just a mountain herb picker. How can he compare with the young masters of the Hou family in Gaofu? He never dared to enter the place where young ladies such as Qiaoxian Mansion and so on, to please them. The reason why I bought a few red scarves for recruitment, just to resell them to some friends from the same background as me.

Let them also be imbued with the aura of wealth and honor of the young masters. If they have no chance to enter a Fang family like Qiaoxian Mansion, even if they have a red scarf at home, they should be honoring their ancestors! "

I don't know whether Xuan Liuzhi's words are true or not, more and more sons and brothers are near by her words, they are actually infected by her words, just now they found a bosom friend after being frustrated in love.

The chubby young master patted Xuan Liuzhi on the shoulder and said:

"I don't think so, there are people like you in Dongshan Shanguo who have suffered more than us. Don't take it to heart when Brother Fei taunted you in the past. Brother Fei won't take any money for the red scarf. I will give it to you. I wish you good luck." ,gone!"

The princess brother shook his head and walked away with a very melancholy look on his face.

"Thank you, Brother Fat! How about letting the little brother express it, otherwise how can the brother in the back have the nerve to ask for money!?"

Xuan Liuzhi made an expression of infinite gratitude, turned his head to look at the people behind and shouted with a choked voice.

Hearing that, the fat guy didn't look back, he waved his hands back, shook his head and sighed, and walked further and further away.

"Hey! Since this brother is useful, I'll give it to you!"

The young master at the back saw that the fat brother in front had thrown the useless red scarf to Xuan Liuzhi and left. He didn't want any spirit stones, so naturally he couldn't let Xuan Liuzhi underestimate it.

I couldn't help but did the same, or left a message or remained silent, but the effort of the tea cup disappeared from sight.

There were as many red scarves as hills left behind, Xuan Liuzhi looked at these red scarves with tears in his eyes.

"Brother Liu Zhitai doesn't have to be so sentimental. There are hundreds of kinds of people, and thousands of backgrounds. Even if you and your friends are in trouble, there are still these kind people!"

Seeing Xuan Liuzhi's appearance, Emperor Di Zhou thought that Xuan Liuzhi was excited because of his life experience, so he persuaded him.

"Heck... get rich!"

"Wuxie! Hurry up and help me change the date of the soul-saving of these red scarves!"

Renxuan Liuzhi didn't hear a word of Emperor Di Zhou's supreme and evil words, and suddenly cried out with tears in his eyes.

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