Nine Heavens

Chapter 1857

Chapter 1857 Immortal loves poor man

"Brother Liu Zhi, it's really you. Can these recruiting red scarves really be sold as you said?"

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme Zaixie muttered to Xuan Liuzhi's words, and asked with a smile.

Then, according to the method taught by Xuan Liu, the traces of the nine colored lights on the Yingzheng's red scarf were re-lit.

"Of course, Qiaoxian Mansion relies on this, and can make a fortune every 30,000 years! Hehe..."

Xuan Liuzhi looked at the huge pile of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, gold, silver and nine colors of enlisted red scarves shining brightly in front of him, and smiled very satisfied.

Immediately, a very high-grade Qiankun bag was formed at the waist, opened the mouth, and chanted a few words skillfully in the mouth, more than ten thousand red scarves that were recruited instantly turned into a stream of light and shot into it, and then tied it again at the waist, still satisfied I took a few shots.

"Let's go, it's time for us to enter the Wangxian Tower of Qiaoxian Mansion!"

Xuan Liuzhi looked at his Di Zhou Emperor Supreme and Evil with a confused look, and took off the red scarf on his head by the way. Zhong was taken aback again, and said.

"Okay, okay. You people from the Eastern Shanshan Kingdom are so powerful, can people from the Mortal Realm control the Qiankun Sack?"

Without the red scarf of Yingzheng, Di Zhou Dijun Supreme is no longer evil-faced and indifferent, his demeanor is unrestrained, his white hair is fluttering, and his whole body is full of immortality. He nodded and asked with a smile.

"That's not true, my kit, what's your name, it's something I was born with, and no one taught me, anyway, I know how to use it.

Sigh, it's just a small bag for stuffing things, don't make a fuss, come and see Miss Namu Liulixiang with me, hehe. Maybe either of the two of us is destined for her, and it is possible to marry her. "

The two continued talking and laughing as they walked towards the gate of the towering and towering Qiaoxian Mansion Wangxian Building while they were boasting.

"Hiss? Brother Liu Zhi, have you noticed why the applicants are all young talents with high status. Could it be that those with low status have no money to afford to participate?"

This question has been circling in the mind of Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie for a long time, and now he asked it.

"No, no, no. If you think about it this way, Brother Wuxie is completely wrong. Are you a person in the universe or not? Why are you so dumb? You don't even know the two concepts of love between young men and women in the universe!

Didn't Brother Wuxie ever hear that 'a poor man in the universe marries a fairy wife, but a poor nobleman is a difficult husband-in-law? The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl laughed in the mountains, envious of the noble and hated their life experience...' Are there similar messages in the world? "

Xuan Liuzhi listened to Di Zhoudijun's supreme and evil words, frowned and looked at Di Zhoudijun's supreme and evil, and said in disbelief.

"Well, this Wuxie is really ignorant, Wuxie has loved the immortal way since she was a child, living in the remote mountains and old forests, she rarely knows what happened in the outside world.

To be honest with brother Liu Zhi, Wu Xie has just left the mountain and returned to his hometown of Xishan Shanguo's parents not long after his apprenticeship, so he is like an ignorant baby to everything in the world. "

In order to make a lie, Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie said so.

"Hmm! That's true. Today, the three layers of time and space in the universe world, the heaven, earth, people and the ancient spirit universe are very different.

The beautiful fairies in the upper world do not love the rich and the poor, but the poor. In the ancient spirit era, the impoverished Shanye Erlang became the cowherd brother and the goat man whom the fairies in the upper world vie for.

After each boy from a poor family grows up, he marries a fairy from the upper realm who throws himself into his arms, not to mention being envious of the son of a wealthy family.

But the daughter of a wealthy family in the world is only in love with Tianxian Lang, every family builds Wangxian Tower, and the daughter of your family steps on the tower three times a day, looking at the clouds and moon, and seeing through the autumn water, just to marry Yunxian Lang.

In this way, the most miserable ones are princes and nobles, sons of rich families, who spend money like water all day long, but are not appreciated by rich girls and loved by fairies in the upper world. Chasing the fairy and turning into a fairy! This is why we saw the application for the red scarf. "

Xuan Liuzhi saw that Emperor Zhou, no matter how evil, really didn't know about this, so he explained.


Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme heard these unexpected words, felt absurd and funny, smiled, and did not speak again.


"Xue'er, why don't you come down quickly and open the door for me?

The two arrived at the gate of the magnificent building on the bottom floor of Wangxian Tower. There were no people on the left and right of the gate, but there were two rows of auspicious beasts, with auspicious expressions revealing martial arts.

Seeing these auspicious beasts, the two of them stopped, not daring to make any mistakes, and walked forward, at least three or four miles away from the gate.

Di Zhoudijun supremely looked at Xuan Liuzhi beside him in bewilderment, wanting to see how he managed to enter the closed door ahead.

According to Di Zhoudijun's supreme and evil thinking, the other party should drag his arm and run away from the door and jump over the wall, but the other party didn't, and he yelled at the people on Wangxian Tower to open the door as if he had arrived at home .


"Brother Liu Zhi is here, Brother Fat has been waiting below, you take three steps forward, one step back, six steps left and nine steps right to get started."

Upstairs in Wangxian Tower was still the girl's voice that spoke sweetly and crisply before, and she replied happily.

"Fat Brother!?"

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme heard the rumors again, looked at Xuan Liuzhi in surprise, and couldn't help sighing.

"Let's go, go inside, you will know, be careful, don't make a wrong step, there are many traps in front of Wangxian Tower, if you make a wrong step, you will die!"

Xuan Liuzhi ignored Di Zhoudijun's supreme and evil question, but jumped forward according to Xue'er's reminder from Wangxian Tower.

Zhou Dijun Supreme at the back scanned the evil immortal consciousness again, and found that what was in front of him was just a superposition of several simple immortal formations. Naturally, he couldn't help himself, and after a little stimulation of his spiritual power, his body was light and his soul was refreshed, and he followed him like a shadow Xuan Liu Zhi.


"Brother Wuxie has practiced it before, and this formation of hatred of the rich and the noble can't bother you at all, Liu Zhi admires it!"

Xuan Liuzhi turned his head and looked at the Emperor Zhou, who was floating like a cloud, following behind him, but he was very careful, and he couldn't help showing surprise in his expression, and sighed.

"Where, Wu Xie was fortunate enough to have seen the Twelve Shocking Heaven Peaks and Twelve Shocking Heaven Art of Ancient Eternal Profound Spirits, so he is more familiar with it!"

Emperor Di Zhou said modestly.

"Haha, this brother really has some knowledge. Since the rules of Wangxian Tower are clearly stated, those who can overcome the evil and the rich and the noble are the honored guests, so please come in quickly!"

At this time, there was a hearty voice from inside the door, judging from the voice, it was the fat guy's voice.

Next, Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme Zaixie followed Xuan Liuzhi, wandering left and right for a while, the gate of Wangxian Tower was not opened at all, but the two of them were already in the courtyard of Wangxian Mansion after a while.

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