Nine Heavens

Chapter 1859 Overlapping Universes

Chapter 1859 Overlapping Universes

"Haha... It's a dream, but it's true! The reason why we are resurrected in the overlapping universe, and now the twelve old peak masters of Longyun Mountain, the number one human in ancient times, can be reborn and gathered here. It's all thanks to you!"

The three peak masters were shrouded in colorful clouds, and they were obviously already in the high realm of spirit immortals. They all showed gratified expressions, and slightly nodded their heads to look at the supreme and evil Emperor Zhou.

Master Aoyu stroked his long golden-orange beard and said.

"Dare to ask the three venerables, this junior is so confused, how did this Qiaoxian Mansion become Longyun Mountain, and there is even a scenic spot in Cangshan Mountain? Again, how did you revive the lords? What is the relationship between brother and all the nobles?"

Di Zhoudijun was naturally very happy to see the former high-ranking person, but he was also confused by what he saw and heard, and he didn't know why, so he asked questions one after another.

"It's not urgent, let me go to Taishangqiong to meet the peak masters first, and then it will not be too late. We all know that you are now the emperor of the universe, and you don't need to hide it anymore. Just turn back. Haha..."

The three peak masters looked at each other, laughed loudly, then turned around together, and each of them flew hand in hand with their artifacts, passing through the clouds and fog, floating in the air, leading the way, heading straight to the top of Taicang Peak in Longyun Mountain.

"Haha... the three nobles walk slowly, the younger generation will come!"

The emperor of Dizhou is supreme and no longer hears the rumors, since the three nobles have seen through their identities, why bother to cover up, and immediately resumed Dizhou's usual attire, stepping on the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Spirit Sword, wearing a sky brocade silk robe, The shining golden light is covered with a halo of scenery, with white hair flying around, and Saran catches up in an instant.

"Hehe, to be a fairy in the spirit world and become the emperor of the earth, this supernatural power is amazing, but he has caught up with the overlapping time and space roads of hundreds of millions of light miles. This is really a boy born from a hero since ancient times. Brother Huolong, Zixiao Brother, we are old!"

Real Aoyu looked back, his eyes were shining with golden light, and he saw that the emperor of the universe could not be more evil than himself, and he was behind him and others, and he said with emotion with a smile.

"Hehe, the cultivation of the three elders and immortals has reached the pinnacle. The younger generation is not caused by divine power, but the glory of crossing with the help of the shuttle."

The emperor of the universe is supreme, no matter how humble he is.

"But your traversing shuttle was also created by you yourself. Haha, you don't have to be polite. It is the blessing of the universe to have a true emperor of the new universe like you appear. Now the three realms of the universe are all praised, so there is no need to be too humble."

Master Huolong looked at this disciple who was not optimistic about Xuanlingmen back then, and laughed enviously:

"Who would have thought that Junior Brother Fufeng picked you up as an apprentice back then, and now Bole, the apprentice of the degree in the world of the universe and the celestial world, and the teacher of the Shenzhou Emperor, could not be more proud.

No matter who is the head of the Ten Thousand Immortals Sect in the world, they will call out Master Zhou Immortal, but they admire me to the death and envy me, Huolong, haha..."


These Zhou Emperors have never thought about it, even the resurrection of the twelve peak masters, they have never thought about it. So he sighed and laughed along with him.

"Leading the waves—"

When several people were talking and laughing, the four of them had already flown to Tai Cang Peak.

At this moment, a person wearing a blue fairy robe threw himself out of the Cangya Cliff with a green bamboo flute in his hand, and cried out with tears in his eyes as he looked at the Emperor Di Zhou.

Emperor Di Zhou took another look, and saw that the person who came was none other than Master Fufeng, his teacher, and his eyes became hot, tears welled up, and he choked up and shouted:


Then, Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie shot himself in front of Fufeng Daoist, knelt down and stared at this refined person who he said was a master, more like a deep friend.

The two looked at each other, and the deepest memory in their hearts immediately returned to the scene of recognizing their master and apprentice. They were both frustrated back then, but now they are prosperous together.

"Emperor! Don't do this. Now you are the emperor of the earth and universe, but our superior. How can we exceed our authority and be kneeled!"

Although there was no such thing as a mentor kneeling down to an apprentice since ancient times, Master Fufeng felt deeply inappropriate for the now respected Di Zhou Emperor Wu Shang Zai Xie to kneel down to his mentor.

"Emperor is just the title of the immortal road. Qianlang will always be the younger generation of the peak masters. No matter when and where you meet the peak masters, there is only the etiquette of the fairy gate, and you don't ask His Majesty Zhou Ting!"

Di Zhou Dijun Supreme No Evil is a person who never forgets his original aspirations, and he clearly expressed his attitude in front of the four Gu Zhou seniors.

In the future, there will be twelve more immortals who will never be pardoned and come in and out at any time on the Yuntian Erzhou Tianting where the emperor of the universe is supreme and evil will continue to ascend. The reason is precisely because of this. But that's another story.

"Haha... the emperor of the universe can speak with more golden mouth and jade teeth than the emperor of the world. If our twelve peak masters go to court to play a role in the future, they will really not kneel."

Hearing the words of Emperor Di Zhou, who is supreme and evil. Huolong Daoist was very happy, and said along with the words.

"That's natural. Without the Xuanling Gate of the Ancient Era, there would be no Qianlang today. Not only do the twelve high-ranking lords not need to salute in court, but Qianlang will definitely get up and go down to the hall to greet him!"

The Supreme Emperor of the Earth Zhou then saluted the four peak masters and promised.

"You don't need to greet me in the lower palace. The emperor is the highest immortal in the universe. If you are too humble, you will lose your prestige! How can you convince the eight immortal friends from all directions!

Don't worry, Qianlang, there is nothing special, and our twelve peak masters will not go to court. Although we have achieved the merits of being immortals, we are more and more fond of life in the world of immortals. We only love the world and don't envy immortals , It’s good to be at ease in the world. "

Zhenjun Aoyu expressed his attitude, the implication is that he will never be favored and will not know how to advance or retreat, and this meeting is definitely not to seek any benefits from the supreme emperor of the universe.

"You high-ranking lords don't want to go back to the Eternal Sky Vault of God Palace with Qianlang? You high-ranking lords are already the lords of Lingxian Shangxian, and rationality ranks among the ranks of Lingxian Shangxian!"

After meeting the twelve peak masters, Emperor Di Zhou invited them back to the Celestial Palace on the Vault of Heaven to confer immortal titles on them. He didn't want to ask before he could speak, but the other party had already made it clear.

"Your Uncle Aoyu has already made it very clear. What is the difference between today's human world and the immortality we pursued in the heavens in the past! Not only that, but you can also enjoy the warmth and happiness of the mortal world, which is better than being lonely in the upper world. No one is willing to leave, especially since we have recruited a lot of immortal disciples from the mountain gate and taught them immortal techniques every day, and we never get tired of it, we are very happy!"

Daoist Huolong was filled with fiery warm messages, instead of the former fieryness, and said happily.

"Hehe...Since my benefactor and all the peak masters respect and love the harmony and beauty of this world, this junior will naturally not force you. After returning home, I will definitely discuss with the fourth brother and the others, and bestow immortal positions for the twelve high-ranking lords, stay in the world, and go to heaven and earth. How about letting the twelve nobles come and go?"

Emperor Di Zhou Supreme heard the thoughts of the four peak masters, and he was also envious, and laughed.

"That couldn't be more beautiful. You live in the world of immortals, and you can come and go freely! Haha..."

The four peak masters all sighed and laughed.

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