Nine Heavens

Chapter 1860 Touring the Palace and Drinking

Chapter 1860 Tour Palace Drinking

"Hehe, you guys are talking so cheerfully, why don't you hurry up and enter the palace, everyone will have fun together!"

When the five people, old and young, laughed, the deep voice of Bing Po Daoist came out from Tai Cang Palace in the depths of Tai Cang Peak, and said with a smile.

"Let's go, the senior brother can't wait, hehe."

Fufeng Daoist flew beside Aitu, urging him with a smile on his face.

After half a stick of incense, the five of them floated into the Taicang Palace together.

"Welcome Earth Emperor Zhou to visit the lower realms!"

After entering the main hall of the Taicang Palace, Emperor Di Zhou saw that everything in the hall was as it used to be.

Immortal Bingpo sat at the head of the sect, and on the left and right, the other seven old peak masters, Immortal Huanmeng, Immortal Yuedi, Immortal Lingfei, Immortal Wuya, Empress Moqing, Master Xukong and Fairy Suifeng were also present.

The only difference is that they are all eighty-one spirit fairy rings, shining and flourishing, without exception, they are all in the realm of spirit immortals.

The gazes of the eight peak masters looking at the five people were infinitely deep and clear. Once they looked at them, they immediately felt a feeling of directness to the heart.

Seeing the five people entering the hall, Bingpo Daoist stood up first, took a deep look at Emperor Zhou, Supreme and Evil, and then said excitedly, and the other peak masters also echoed in unison.

"I have invited my mentor and the four peak masters to be seated. This junior really did not expect to descend to the realm by accident, and was so happy to learn that all of you have been revived. This junior thinks of everything in the past, and is grateful to Dade. I must pay my respects so that I can feel at ease in my heart!"

The Dizhou Emperor saw that everyone saw that the peak master stood up and saluted in response, and hurriedly returned the salute, signaling to his mentors, Master Fufeng, Master Huolong, Master Aoyu, and Master Zixiao to return to their honorable positions, and planned to pay respects.


Master Huolong understood what Di Zhoudijun meant, he hesitated and looked at everyone.

"Since the emperor is sincere, let's all help him!"

Everyone felt that something was wrong, but no matter how persistently the Di Zhou Emperor persisted, Master Fufeng finally said.

"Forget it! Let's make an exception today and accept the gift of leading the waves from the past!"

Master Bing Po still wore gray and white fairy robes, his former indifference disappeared, but his majesty became a little more majestic, his eyes showed a look of relief, and he looked deeply at the Emperor Zhou Supreme and said evilly.

"Yes! Head!"

The eleven peak masters immediately returned to their seats and sat upright, ready to accept the supreme and evil worship ceremony from the emperor of the universe.

When Emperor Di Zhou visited the Supreme Lord, he was met with kindness by all the peak masters, especially when he remembered the part where he had no choice but to kill them in the Nether Hell.

Every time I bow, I will look deeply at the twelve peak masters, and at the same time, I can't help but think about the past, and weep spontaneously. After nine bows, tears are already pouring down my chest.

"Qianlang! Although you are now promoted to the extreme of the universe, but the love in the mortal realm is not diminished, and you will suffer even more. It is really hard for you!"

Bingpo real person came down from the hall, and slowly supported Zhou Dijun, who was supreme and evil, sighed, his eyes turned wet.

This is the first time that the real Bingpo has tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Sect Leader! In Nether Hell, I..."

No matter how evil words touched the sore spots in his heart, Emperor Di Zhou couldn't help sobbing in his throat.

"That's not your fault. We were unable to solve the situation by ourselves, so we had to deliberately provoke you to do it. Otherwise, after we mutated into a golden heart demon, the consequences would be unimaginable!

We are not good enough to charge you with the crime of bullying your master and destroying your ancestors. Before we died, in order to further deepen your pain, we even specifically asked the elder Shisanyu to scold you. The purpose is to make you hate the behavior of fallen demons, and prevent you from walking on the path of demons.

Everything has passed, and you finally did not disappoint anyone. Not only did you eliminate the Nether Hell, but you also resurrected almost all the immortals in the ancient universe.

Because of this, the ancient and new superimposed universes appeared in the once-destroyed five-wheel universe, and all the righteous and spiritual lives that had been extinct were revived under the powerful superimposed spiritual power.

Our twelve old peak masters are exactly like this, resurrected in different ancient times, and then walked together.

The Longyun Mountain that Qianlang sees now is not the simple Longyun Mountain in the past, but was created by us in the overlapping wreckage of the five rounds of perishing universes, so there are other ancient universes or strange scenes of the same universe here.

Didn’t you just come from the Nianyi Pavilion in the ancient Cangshan Mountain? It was picked up not long ago when we traveled through overlapping universes. Because we know what this pavilion means to you, we transplanted it on that mountain. "

Taking advantage of the topic, Master Bing Po looked at the white-haired Emperor Di Zhou, supreme and evil, and recalled with emotion.

"So that's the case, then Xuanliu will hold them?"

Hearing Master Bing Po's explanation, Emperor Di Zhou asked, thinking of Xuan Liu Zhi, Fei Ge, and Xue Er again.

"Well, you are a mischievous disciple. I should tell you clearly. We won't say more. Qianlang, you also take a seat. Everyone is happy, how about telling the fairy fate?"

Master Bing Po retracted his sadness, his face was full of joy, and he looked around at the brothers and sisters of the peak master to propose.

"Haha... that's how it should be. If the emperor hadn't accidentally descended to the realm, that girl was so clever that she called us to the Qiaoxian mansion. How could there be such a good relationship? Today, I will ignore the emperor's prestige and only ask the ancient immortals. Love, drink him to get drunk!"

Huolong Daoist laughed loudly and said. Then, the emperor of the universe, no matter how evil he was, was no longer lingering, and he returned to his unrestrained appearance. Regardless of his age, his highness sat around him, performing fairy arts one after another, serving wine and food, having a good time drinking and talking happily, and drank the blood of the world. It took several years to have fun.


"Huh! Old fellows, you haven't had enough fun. Miss Mu Liulixiang has already sat in the sedan chair, waiting for Emperor Zhou to come to see the pear blossoms, admire the pearl moon, and taste the pear blossom wine!"

In Taicang Palace, the twelve peak masters and Di Zhoudijun Wushang were drinking happily, and suddenly there was disrespectful words from Brother Fei from outside the palace.

"Haha... I'm having fun, I'm having fun, Yunjiao girl is married, peak masters, let's go, otherwise it will delay that girl's marriage, and it will be strange if we don't demolish our Longyun Immortal Mansion!"

Hearing the shouts of the fat man outside the palace, not only were the twelve peak masters not angry, but they all looked around at each other, laughed loudly, and then shook themselves, the real Bing Po said with a smile.

"You girl, what's wrong with you, you turned out such a fat guy with big ears to yell and scream, how can you look like a daughter's house, be careful that the emperor will look down on you, haha..."

Huolong real person leaned out and looked out, just in time to see Fat Brother standing on the mountain outside the palace, he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

"Cut! You big fire dragon, how is my fat brother? I don't know how many spirit stones have been cheated by Miss Help, can you do it?"

Not long after Huolong Daoist spoke, the fat guy outside suddenly changed his male voice into a female voice, and shouted in a crisp and provocative tone.

"Haha...Look at you master and apprentice, you are not big or small, let's go, and wait for the three girls to come together!"

Master Fufeng looked at Master Huolong and laughed, and then his eyes fell on his inexplicable beloved disciple Zhou Dijun Wushang Zaixie.

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