Nine Heavens

Chapter 1861

Chapter 1861 Goose fish is good at flying

"Take care, Emperor! We are returning to Longyun Immortal Mansion in the Overlapping Universe!"

"Emperor take care!"

Master Bing Po laughed for a while, and said while stepping on the Immortal Breath Wheel that used to be in charge of Xuanling Sect. The other peak masters also laughed like this.

After saying goodbye, Di Zhoudijun Wushang Zaixie only felt that the Taicang Palace he was in was slowly flying up, and he was missed by the Taicang Palace, while the entire Taicang Palace and the ten peak masters were still drinking freely, looking back and saying goodbye to themselves .

After a while, Emperor Di Zhou Supreme Zaixie found that he was still in the Taicang Palace, clearly sitting on a dangerous peak.

Looking at the Taicang Palace drifting away, Di Zhou Dijun is supreme and evil, and said with a smile:

"Unexpectedly, the twelve nobles created such a shrine, and they come and go as if they are at home. This junior really admires it! Sending off to all the nobles, I will definitely go to the Heavenly Emperor's Palace in the future, and let the juniors and fourth brothers enter the palace together." Fan filial piety!"

"Haha... Tell Zhen'er that I, Daoist Huanmeng, is alive and well, so don't worry. After entering the bright spirit world, he must have thought that my soul was annihilated by the righteous spirit. Actually, I didn't. My five spirits sensed it in person. The auras of the peak master brothers, go after them!"

The Taicang Palace floated away in the sky, and the Immortal Huanmeng raised his head and drank the immortal wine, laughing and spreading the word.

"It must be, such good news is the supreme celebration of the Langyuan Sect. After returning, the younger generation will definitely convey the happy news of the rebirth of the high-ranking lords, and celebrate it with great joy, and record it as a grand event of the Langyuan Xianmen!"

The Supreme Emperor of Earth Eternity got up and saluted all the ancient Eternal Immortals respectfully, with fluttering white hair, he clasped his wrists gracefully, and smiled back.

"Hehe, if the emperor is interested someday, you can come to the Longyun Immortal Mansion of the Overlapping Universe to take a tour. It's best to bring your junior children, we old guys like to educate the little ones now!

By the way, I don’t know that the Taicang Palace is the Immortal Palace, and the Longyun Mountain under your feet is also our flying mountain. We will take it away too. The place you will be in for a while is really the compound of the Immortal Mansion up.

However, that girl repeatedly begged Bei Tianyang to let her use it for the time being. I wish you all a good time. This is the flying swan fish that went to Longyun Xianfu in our overlapping universe. I will give you one. It is my flying swan fish The grandson is very naughty, feed him well, and don't let him sneak back when nothing happens.

Whoever of you is happy to come to us, just sit on it..."

Bingpo real person's voice gradually faded away, and when the mountains under the feet of Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang and Xie also slowly rose and drifted away, a small cloud like a white cotton flower ball shot to Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang On Zaixie's chest.

No matter how evil the emperor of the universe was, he was left in place by Longyun Mountain. Looking left and right, he was indeed in a huge garden with a radius of hundreds of miles, scattered high and low, and ancient buildings with flying eaves everywhere.

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and catch me. I'm spoiled. It's no good for me to fly!"

Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zaixie was looking around, only to see the white ball thrown to him by Master Bing Po and shouting softly.

The emperor of the universe caught it instinctively, and after a closer look, it was indeed a pure white flying swan fish with a golden mouth and golden claws.

But this flying golden-eyed flash of aura is a lazy image, and it is lying crookedly in the palm of the earth, almost as fat as a white ball.

Its wings are tightly closed, and the emotion is thrown by the real Bing Po, so where does it fly over!

"Hehe, what's your name, can you fly?"

Di Zhou Dijun looked at the fat flying swan fish again, and couldn't laugh or cry. He guessed that Senior Chong Po couldn't bear its laziness, so he threw it to himself, and couldn't help but ask with a smile.

"What do you mean, you are doubting my ability, my name is flying!"

Being asked such a question, Fly like a ball was very unhappy, lying on his back, tilting his head vigorously and replied.

"Looking at how rich you are, it's not because I doubt your ability, but because I'm worried that you won't be able to fly."

Di Zhou Dijun continued to look around the surroundings of the courtyard of Qiaoxian Mansion, while continuing to tease this lazy bird.

"Oh! You can talk, I like it, but I hate those old men who make me lose weight all day long. What are you talking about losing weight, which god's pet is not as fat as me now.

It's not our fault. After the directors are promoted to spirit immortals, they don't have to ride us, and they don't need us to fly swan fish to send messages. They still eat delicious food all day long.

Besides, what's wrong with being fat? Look at being rich and auspicious! "

Di Zhoudi Jun Wushang is so evil, but turn a corner and say it is fat. Unexpectedly, Shan Fei turned over by himself for the first time, squatting, looking at Di Zhou Dijun with golden eyes, thinking that he found a bosom friend, happy Said a lot.

"Hehe, this is also true. My spiritual pet Qiqi is also free to play around all day long."

No matter how evil Emperor Di Zhou is, he doesn't know if this good at flying is really good at flying, but it's very interesting. With it, he can just keep company with the head goose fish in his own body.

So it was fun for a while and included it in the body sea.

"Hey! Poor Emperor Zhou, dare you believe the words of those old urchins now, this kind of flying is called good flying, and I have never seen it fly. It must be these old men and women who are out of sight and out of mind. , give it to you!"

At this time, the fat brother on the top of a mountain far away in the courtyard flew close, and said in pain for the supreme emperor of the earth.

"Hehe, brother, what is your relationship with Xuanliuzhi or Qiaoxian Mansion, can you tell me now?"

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme Zai Xie saw Fat Brother's huge figure but light as a swallow, floating close to him, and asked with a smile.

"Heck, how smart is the emperor of the universe, destroying the underworld and creating the universe, so it is true that he has not discovered anything until now?"

Fat Brother's whole body was glowing with a faint golden color, his eyes shone with a very mysterious and deep color, and the woman who was very inappropriate for his big man said with a smile.

"Hehe, I only know that you are not a man and you have a very similar aura to Xuan Liuzhi. As for other things, I dare not speak nonsense."

At this moment, Emperor Di Zhou, Supreme Zaixie, had already guessed their identities almost, but out of caution, Emperor Di Zhou, Supreme Zaixie, did not say for sure.

"Well, Di Zhou Di Jun really held his breath. He knew that the person he had been looking forward to for a long time finally appeared, but his expression was still so calm. Li'er admires it. Come with me to the banquet. There will be a good show today." .”

Brother Fei saw that Emperor Zhou Wushang Zaixie already knew his real body, and he didn't deliberately hide it anymore, so the golden light flashed all over his body, and he turned into a slim woman in golden neon clothes.

The cloud hair is high, the eyes are bright, the teeth are bright, the autumn waves are shining, the delicate facial features, especially the tall beam...

You are really...


Without waiting for Zhou Dijun Supreme to ask a few more words, this woman has already floated far away with Pingting, looking back with a charming smile, then turned around again, and floated to lead the way forward.

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