Nine Heavens

Chapter 1863 Rika Kuso

Chapter 1863 Nine Zhou Lixiang

"Even if the body is reshaped, what does that have to do with the title? Why must the name be changed?"

Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zaixie was very puzzled when he heard the other party's words that seemed to hurt his heart, Wanli Yaoyin asked.

"Well, you'll know soon. Now Mu Liulixiang just wants to ask, do you still have the old princess in your heart?"

Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zaixie had already stepped on the pear blossom fragrance path, and with its automatic contraction, he reached above the pear fragrance peak.

On the Pear Fragrant Peak, as in the past, there are pear blossom trees everywhere, and the white pear blossoms are dancing all over the sky.

Flowers fluttering in the wind, words full of hope from the Passionate Palace Master.

"Of course, it's unforgettable!"

Di Zhou Di Jun Supreme Zai Xie said with certainty.

"Okay! Do you know what the purpose of this Qiaoxian mansion is?"

After the Master of the Executing Palace gave a heavy response, he asked again.

"It seems that it is used by the palace master to obtain Xianlang's husband!"

Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zaixie answered very directly.

"That's right, you came to Qiaoxian's Mansion by mistake, and you have no intention of fighting for this girl, so you can leave now!

This girl can't marry Fan Jun if she asks Xianlang, she only needs to win against this girl's Li Xiangqin. Regardless of immortality, as long as you are sincere, this girl will get married! "

In the depths of Lixiang Peak, Mu Liulixiang was silent for a while and said.

"No! Fortunately, this emperor came here by mistake, otherwise his beloved wife would be left behind. Wouldn't it be heartbreaking for this emperor, and it would also hurt his beloved wife's obsession for countless years!

Not only will this emperor not leave, but he will definitely defeat the three opponents, conquer his beloved wife Li Xiangqin, and the day he returns to the world is the time to return with his wife! "

No matter how evil the emperor of the universe tasted the other party's words, it was obvious that the infinite years could not wait for him, and he was full of sullen taste, so he said in a concentrated voice.

"Since that's the case, it's not easy for me to drive you away from the Immortal Mansion to see the grand gate of the Mortal Realm of Gaoxian. If you are sincere, please invite Lihua Hua'er to the table!"

As far as the emperor of the universe is supreme, Mu Liulixiang didn't chase him away, and said calmly.

"Hehe, thank you, Miss Mu Liulixiang!"

Emperor Di Zhou Supreme heard the rumor again, smiled slightly, and said.

No matter how evil Emperor Di Zhou was, he was full of confidence in his own strength, and he didn't have any doubts about the infatuation of Palace Master Zhiqing for him. How could he be unhappy, so he answered very frankly.

Just at this time, the pear blossom fragrance path brought Di Zhou Dijun Supreme Zaixie to the place where he drank with the master of the palace, and then the pear blossom fragrance path turned into a sky full of pear blossoms and scattered.

The two pear blossom trees are still the same, and under each of them there is a dark blue Lingyu wine table, and the white pear blossom wine and wine utensils on the table are shining like before.

Mu Liulixiang was sitting behind the rustling pear blossoms.

Hua'er was lingering and misty, and she couldn't see her face clearly at all, but the extremely familiar five essences made Emperor Zhou Supreme Zaixie very convinced that behind the curtain of Hua'er was the Palace Master of Execution.

The pear blossom tree behind her and the pear blossom tree in her own position are more prosperous and more beautiful. What made Di Zhoudijun Supreme Evil most happy was that each of the two pear blossom trees produced a passion fruit.

The passion fruit is golden, obviously ripe, and the pear fragrance is blown by the wind.

The sky is still a constant moon transformed from a divine bead, vast in the sky, and the beautiful moonlight shrouds Li Hua'er'ao.

The ground is thick and soft, full of pear blossoms, no matter how evil the emperor is, he is reluctant to step on it and walk on it.

"Please take a seat! This is a jug of Jiuzhou's aged Lihua'er Passionate Wine. No one else can enjoy it here except you, so I have to take advantage of you!"

Mu Liulixiang was behind the curtain of flowers, and she shot a beam of pure white light down to the pear tree opposite her. Immediately, a pot of pear blossom wine aged for several centuries appeared on the white jade wine table opposite her, and said.

"Hehe, thank you, Miss Lixiang!"

The emperor of Dizhou saw the Jiuzhou pear fragrance wine, which was clearly specially prepared for himself, and he was secretly happy, thanked him happily, and then floated into the table.

"Humph? Why, we came first, let him sit down first instead of showing a grin, Miss Mu Liulixiang, you can't be ungrateful, your land in Qiaoxian Mansion is specially approved by my father, the leader of the Linghua Kingdom Yes, it's not good for you to treat me slowly!"

As soon as Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie sat down, he heard a burst of shouting from outside Lihua Ao.

Di Zhoudijun Supreme looked at Xie Xunsheng again, and was amused, only to see in the dark place on the hillside where pear blossoms fluttered in the distance, three third sons who were eating and drinking were floating in the sky.

One was the one who spoke just now. He was wearing a glittering golden robe, with a square head and a big face, holding a wine table. When he was speaking, he was still holding a fairy chicken leg and was gnawing on it. !

His behavior like this is like a nouveau riche willing to eat seafood, he can't be too arrogant. No matter how clearly the emperor of the universe sees the spirit birds and five spirits devoured by him, he surrounds him and then yells at him, eating meat is immoral!

"Ha ha……"

Di Zhoudijun Supreme couldn't help laughing after seeing it evilly, and then said:

"This is the exclusive holy place for me and my wife, how can you allow you innocent people to enter casually, just eat yours happily!"

"Damn! Where did you come from? Don't think that the name of the emperor is the emperor. Now our Linghua country is a big family offering offerings to the emperor's holy temple in the overlapping universe. The ancestors were Wenda, rich and powerful, and immortal, and this young man was born with twelve cents of immortal gold!

My son, Ta Ling Xiang Xiangsheng, is not ashamed to say that Miss Mu Liulixiang is a respected wife, but you actually called her a lady first, really it is unreasonable.

Please be respectful, if it wasn't for Qiaoxian Mansion, this young master would have beaten you so hard that you couldn't find a home. Don't be afraid, Miss Mu Liulixiang, where I, Taling Xiangxiang, was born, the moon is always square! If he goes too far, let me know, and I will give him a good look immediately! "

Di Zhou Dijun's supreme and evil words aroused the unanimous dissatisfaction of the three young masters outside Lihua'ao who were each holding a gray spirit jade wine table floating on the table, especially Ta Ling Xiang Xiangsheng reprimanded Di Zhou Dijun for his supreme and evil words.

"Well! Thank you for the kindness of Ta Lingxiangxiangsheng. After all, this person who doesn't know what is good or bad is a distant visitor. I am the capital of Fangdong, a great country. know.

I don't want to waste my time talking, so I invite the four of you to drink to your heart's content. After you are satisfied, you will first fight freely on the clouds, and in the end the winner will fight with my pear-scented zither. government.

If this girl is still the same as before, unmarried for a few weeks, you can still go to the labor force in this government to serve for 30,000 years, and then come to the meeting in exchange for a red scarf! Everyone please! "

The emperor of the universe is supreme and the opposite is thousands of feet away, Mu Liulixiang heard what Taling Xiangxiang said, paused for a moment, and said lightly.

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